In the waiting time, he is hesitating whether to throw away their mobile phones, which he learned from spy movies.


Lin Feng's voice came from the phone. With a bang, the front of the taxi swung violently and was hit by the car coming from the side

Wushan college!

Lin Feng takes the mobile phone to feed twice, but finds that it has been broken. He dials back and finds that the line is busy. After looking at the number, it's a new number. It's probably the wrong number.

On the main road outside the airport, the door of the taxi which was smashed into pieces was opened. Five big men in black with guns came out of the taxi and pointed the guns directly at the two people on the bus.

The taxi driver's face was covered with blood. Seeing this scene, he simply fainted.

Wei Fei looks at the broken mobile phone with a gloomy face. He used to be an ordinary man. In his life, they were pushed on the black Hummer together. Four guns on the car are aimed at Wei Fei, and only one is at Zhang Qingqing. This shows that these people know who is the main threat.

The car quickly left the scene, someone took out two hoods and put them on their heads

Wei Fei can barely distinguish the surrounding situation by his perception. The car didn't drive long before it got off the main road and went around the path. It took him more than an hour to stop.

A robber's mobile phone in front of him rings. He takes it up and says a few words. After hanging up, he quietly extends the muzzle of the gun to Wei Fei's thigh.

Hand to press on the board machine, just about to buckle down, Wei Fei suddenly a show, hands and feet out.

Two robbers on his left and right slammed into the car window, while the man who was about to shoot him in the thigh was pushed out with the seat

With a puff, a small hole appeared in the roof of the car as the gun went through the muffler.

Pointing at Zhang Qingqing, the man's face changed, and the muzzle of the gun shot without hesitation.


Wei Fei's body slightly shakes, but his fist is still firmly smashed. Before the guy has time to open it, she screams and goes up to check. However, Wei Fei pulls away his clothes and pulls a bullet from his right shoulder, followed by his back.

This time, she finally saw clearly that the bullets seemed to be inlaid in the skin, and she could see the tail, which could be pulled down with one button.

It's just, are these bullets so weak?

Suddenly, Zhang Qingqing thinks of the tough man in front of him. In the gym, he can blow a thousand pounds of sandbags with one punch.

For some time, she saw with her own eyes a group of people hammering with blunt instruments like iron pipes and hammers all over her body, just like hammering with iron. A group of people were very soft.

At that time, I looked at her dumbfounded, but at the same time, I didn't know what to do. So, don't you practice how to play magic every day? Why is this guy like those barbarians who practice martial arts on TV.

Until now, Zhang Qingqing suddenly realized that if he played magic, he would finish it with one shot.

There are so many magicians in the group. She doesn't understand. In fact, her body is better than ordinary people. Only after using magic can she become unlike human beings.

But at ordinary times, it's no different from human beings. Not to mention being shot, a well-trained elder had a car accident the other day and was lying in the hospital until now.

Wei Fei checked the injury, and then he had time to look at the surrounding environment. He found that it was on the half slope of a barren mountain with a tin house on the side.

There is only one muddy road, surrounded by trees or all kinds of garbage. It looks like a landfill.

He took a look at the car. Although it was seriously damaged, the front and rear mirrors were broken, and there were eight strong bodies in it, but it should still be able to drive.

"Go, you can't stay here much longer!"

After throwing the body out of the car, Wei Fei asks Zhang Qingqing to get on the car, while he sits in the driver's seat.

Find the driver's mobile phone, the car just turned a corner, and then turned back, a grasp of the driver's hand on top, successfully unlock.

In his heart, he was about to make a phone call when his face suddenly changed. Looking back, he saw a car rushing up on the dirt road.

Several tens of meters apart, his eyes penetrated through the glass, and he saw that the people sitting on the car were the practitioners he had seen at the airport, all of whom were about three steps.

If there were only one or two, Wei Fei would not be afraid of each other, even if these guys had guns. However, if there were only four, he had no heart to think about anything else.

The other party blocked the only way up. At this time, he called Lin Shiyuan, but the water couldn't save the near fire, so he had to pull Zhang Qingqing out of the car.

Hold it in your chest and rush to the woods. Under your feet, it's as fast as a galloping horse.

In less than three seconds, there was a loud bang of gunfire behind him, and the bullets passed by with a numbing roar!

"What, they're missing!"

Lin Feng is stunned to listen to the report on the phone.