This guy plays an important role in the development of Zhiyin Dharma Association in the later stage. Lin Feng doesn't care about each other's historical bad deeds. No one is born evil. As long as he is guided by interests, what a person does often follows the general trend.

Using the intelligence network of Toulon City, he soon found out the name. Unexpectedly, the other side has become the contact between the sword and the Vanguard Alliance, and is also a rising star.

After only half a month in Fudi, he has shown amazing talent, is favored by many people, and is regarded as the future boss who is likely to break through the yuan mood.

For a gifted and charismatic genius, there is no lack of resources at all. In order to show his good opinion, the leader of the Wanfa alliance personally gave him the skill to get out of the world.

So far, this guy is still studying in Songshan Fukuda, the nearest place. Although it's not impossible to dig such a person, it's too difficult to control because of the other party's arrogance. Lin Feng thinks it over and gives up.

However, it also reminds him that with his own resources, he can develop his own spokesperson in the power of folk practitioners. The original Zhiyin Dharma Association developed in this way, attracting a large number of folk groups and becoming a great power of practitioners across the world. Even the country had to treat them differently.

If you cut off your own beard and twist this huge force into your own hands, you can not only disrupt each other's plans, but also form a united front to deal with alien races, and even destroy and stop the dark temple's plans to continue to lead other suns.

But at present, the power of the folk practitioners is still too weak. Most of the limited land is in the hands of the government, and even the cultivation of Swords is reluctant. And the folk, needless to say, like the Ling family, are already good. Some of them secretly find the land in the deep mountains and forests and practice by themselves.

Once discovered by others, there will inevitably be competition, which is often a fight between life and death. If discovered by the government, it will be nationalized, and those who are knowledgeable will be recruited. Those who are unwilling can only come out to find their own way, hoping to find a good place.

However, it's not so easy to find a blessed land. As people aware of the news and Lianbang Zhengfu continue to increase their search, almost all the places that can produce a blessed land in the country are about to be trampled. It's not surprising that those who have lost their blessed land come here to look for opportunities. Even if they take risks, there is at least a glimmer of hope for progress.

If the record is correct, the dark temple will start the second solar traction after it finds that the strength of the virtual spirit world is far beyond this world. At that time, the white sun will come, and the planet will hang upside down in the sky, with wild beasts, powerful and barbaric primitive people and totem gods they worship.

Under the strong aura, all kinds of powerful creatures become demons by themselves, and there are countless demigods. Suddenly, the worlds of the two entities are close to each other. By using the plateau and mountains, we can easily cross the two worlds, and the war will break out.

Because of the different world rules and magnetic fields, when human beings merge with the virtual spirit world, the electric civilization, which has been greatly affected, has been greatly impacted. In the war of the wild world, mushrooms can not be thrown out, they can only be thrown on their own territory.

Fortunately, the integration of the two worlds has also brought a lot of aura, which has made the concentration of aura in the whole world rise rapidly. It is no longer necessary to find a specific place for practice, just like fitness. As a result, it has entered the era of national practice. The government has set up practice schools, training classes and printed a large number of books on practice, The purpose is to train more soldiers to fight against the invasion of the wild world.

The savage primitive people were tall, thick skinned, and more than ten times stronger than human beings. They also highly advocated force. There was a great gap between their individual qualities, and the power of human guns was greatly reduced in front of them.

Ordinary small caliber guns have lost the threat completely, and human soldiers who have not practiced have difficulty in aiming at primitive people. Only by comprehensively promoting practice and improving individual quality can they have the power of resistance.

At that time, the non-governmental practice organizations will emerge like a tide. As long as they seize that wave and grab people in front of the Zhiyin Dharma Association, they will have a foothold in the future. With the guidance of Lin Feng, he is confident that he will not be afraid to fight with anyone, even those demigods and gods in the later period.

In the magic world, it's not that he has never killed a real God. Lin Feng wants to see the difference between the gods in the two worlds. However, the most powerful man-made gods in the dark temple won't let them play any more.

Jincheng, a small plateau city, has changed since the underground spire appeared with the green sun a few months ago.

Because of its location on the plateau, it was sparsely populated. After the accident, the support came late. When we arrived here, we found that it had become another world.

The fog and fog on the plateau turned the city into a fog city. There was no sun all day, and the visibility was less than 20 meters. It was full of strange dangers. After losing several groups of explorers, the people sent by Lianbang Zhengfu had to set up camp outside the fog.

In charge here are the two senior directors of yuanxinqi, he Yuchong and Gao Yong. Even with their strength, they can't rush in to solve the problem.

At this time, a continuous tent was set up in the surrounding camp, where not only the army was stationed, but also a scientific research team of hundreds of people was studying everything in the misty world day and night. Test equipment, environment, weapons and so on. It's a remote place with two powerful guards. It's an ideal place, and the three cloud bombs in the core of the camp are the biggest source of confidence for all. As long as one is thrown in, the whole Jincheng will become a sea of fire, even the fog will be evaporated by the high temperature, and experiments have proved that both the spirit and the fog will disappear under the high temperature. The storage place of the cloud bomb is the most important. There are 50 sword special forces and a company's soldiers guarding it. In front of the dense flamethrower equipment, no virtual spirit can be fierce here“ Attention, the storm is coming“ Attention, the storm is coming The warning sound of the trumpet came back in the camp. All the people were busy and hid in the shelter in a hurry. The torrent on the plateau would cause storms from time to time. Even the tent was specially made, but even so, it had to be reinforced and repaired in three days. In the camp, listening to the roaring wind, the trembling canvas seemed to be torn at any time. Deng Xing just scanned his eyes, and then his eyes returned to the monitor. The picture trembled slightly. Although the solid launcher and cloud bomb are not afraid of any storm, the equipment is not included. All of a sudden, one of the pictures became dark, as if it was blocked by fog. Was it the sand? He had such an idea in his mind