Ling Xue couldn't help feeling that she didn't wait for me and missed the opportunity. She knew very well that throughout history, it was the general trend that made people. Above the wind, a pig could fly.

Their family seems to be in all aspects now, but no one can say for sure that they may be eliminated if they can't keep up in this round, and the changes that are taking place now are unprecedented in thousands of years.

It can be predicted that in the future, those who are more successful, stronger, stronger, smarter and long-lived will rise up and become the mainstream, holding the right to speak.

Ling's family has just found a place of heaven and fortune, and things are still going well. It's not that if they find a good place, they will be able to make a strong man.

At present, we still need to remove the danger and protect the environment. Too fierce means can't be used. The environment of aura land is delicate. No one knows whether too fierce means will destroy the aura cycle. If something really happens, it is to cry without tears.

Lin Feng put the three little foxes on the blanket and let them roll and fight there. The three fluffy balls showed their ability to absorb sunshine.

But those who pass by will be attracted to their eyes, and they will come to have a look in half. One is to have a rest, and the other is to have a fresh look.

"What a lovely dog, mom. Why is it different from Pipi in our family?"

A seven or eight year old little Lori raised her head and asked her mother that her mother was a beautiful woman in her thirties. At this time, she was puzzled when she looked at the dog. The breed of the dog was strange. If it was the offspring of the rhubarb dog next to her, it didn't look like it at all.

"This is a fox, not a dog." Lin Feng explained at the right time.

"Wow! Fox Little Lori's eyes widened. She read a lot in the comic book, but it was the first time that she saw such a small fox at such a close distance.

Seeing her daughter like this, the middle-aged beauty said, "boss, can you take a picture for us?"

"Of course

"Click! Click

Lin Fenglian pressed the shutter a few times, doing business in this place all the year round. Even the old farmer can use these things. His skill is not bad. Little Lori holds a fox in both hands, and the other one is in her mother's hands. They both smile brightly.

The beautiful woman was very satisfied, so she bought two sachets and hung them on her body. Smelling the fragrance, she continued to go up the mountain.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the female fox appeared on time. Lin Feng was expecting that she would bring berries again, but she only brought some ordinary fruits.

First, he waved his paw at Lin Feng, then walked towards the three children on the blanket. Rhubarb turned around and looked back. He was not surprised.

The three little foxes smelled their mother's smell, and they all rubbed around and frolicked. When the mother fox was not there, they occasionally ran far away, and rhubarb would run to fetch it back.

Now he is also standing by, as if he were his own child. Lin Feng takes out a handful of peanuts and signals the fox to eat them.

It is not polite, Kaka began to shell, not only eat, but also feed the children.

However, the female fox still has no plan to take back her child. It seems that she is quite satisfied and gives it to Lin Feng. Seeing that the family is happy, Lin Feng takes out her mobile phone and takes a few photos.

In front of the scene is really warm, rhubarb's head also stretched over, obviously want to rub lens.


Rhubarb was puzzled and looked at the female fox, which was only one third of her own size. The other side stretched out a claw and handed over a black fruit.

Lin Feng's eyes must know that after he had the aura, he could feel the existence of the aura. At this time, he could see that the fruit was extraordinary. Like the red berries he ate before, they were all treasures containing the aura.

Although the intelligence quotient of rhubarb is not as good as that of fox, he still knows the action of delivering things. After hesitating for a moment, he takes it and takes a look at Lin Feng, then he nods.

As soon as he rolled his big tongue, he went into his stomach and ate the black fruit. Rhubarb quickly stood up, obviously a little excited. After walking a few circles, he came back to Lin Feng and lay down.

Lin Feng felt his nose, breath and heart beat normally. However, there was an air mass forming in his body. This is a self-protection mechanism of his body. When he is asleep, his body grows fastest.

This sleep, sleep for two hours, when it stretched limbs to stand up again, Lin Feng was acutely aware that it has some differences, congenital aura is only a trace, obviously animal instinct will be used to strengthen their own body.

He has some speechless. If he is a practitioner, it is absolutely impossible to use his innate aura in this way. If he consumes it all at once, he is blind. As long as he makes good use of it, he can change his aptitude and set foot on the road.

Well, after all, it's just an animal, and Lin Feng doesn't demand much. This is also rhubarb's chance. After all, it can't practice like human beings. If you tell it about those things, it will only play the piano to the cow.

Rhubarb shakes his body. He feels that his body has some strange changes. It seems that he has lightened a lot. He has a long lost impulse. His predecessor squats down and his hind legs fall down.

In an instant, Lin Feng only felt a gust of wind fluttering, and the Yellow shadow disappeared in the forest, where the excited cry of rhubarb sounded, and the big tongue gasped clearly. Listening to the movement inside, Lin Feng smiles a little more. He finally comes out of the haze of losing his master. Looking at the female fox, there is a little surprise in his eyes. He thinks that only when the big dog becomes more powerful can he protect his children better. The fox will not make a loss. When he leaves, he hopes to catch a handful of peanuts and take them away. Down the mountain, Lin Feng was blocked in the hillside, the front is full of people, noisy, and crying What's going on? " Ma Tiancheng holds a village man who has just come back from the front and asks There are more than one tourists bitten by poisonous snakes. Before the rescuers arrive, there will be no one Uncle's face is not good. " "Bitten by a snake?" What kind of snake did you see? " It's said that it's black. People in the back look at it from a distance. They are so scared that their feet are soft. Now they can't stand up. " When they looked at each other, they could not help thinking of the black mountain man. The existence of this poison is a threat to the people on the mountain. I didn't expect that I wasn't attacked, but some tourists were bitten first, and their faces were all heavy. They depend on tourists for their meals. If things get out, the business of the scenic spot will be affected, which means that their income will be reduced. Seeing that the students are about to take the exam, and then coming to the peak season of summer vacation, it will cast a shadow on everyone's heart. It was not until the staff of the scenic spot arrived and carried the people away with cloth covers that the road down the mountain became smooth again. When they got to the square, there were more people than usual, and they could see the flashing lights of the police cars. " What an eventful time