At the same time, I am also full of doubts. What's the matter? This thing is really to do good, how can not think, in the face of Liu Guangming and other people full of questions.

"I've already talked to the night watchman about this. They won't harass us again, and we can go back to work tomorrow," he said

The people in Xiaoluo village are most concerned about the Revenge of the night watchman. When they hear the news, they immediately celebrate each other, and they are too excited to fight for themselves.

Just a moment ago, they were worried about the departure of Lin Feng and the possible avenger of the night watchman. Only by practicing dawning boxing can they feel at ease.

Lin Feng comforted the crowd, and then they dispersed one by one, and went back to sleep.

He used the tools at hand to make a hand-held separator. The campfire gradually went out. With the help of the system, he didn't even need a ruler, which was very efficient.

Soon it was made. When the jar was opened, the amoeba inside was catapulted out like a poisonous snake.

Lin Feng pinches it, cuts it into several sections and throws it into the separator.

Then he began to grasp the handle and shake it up. The separator turned like a windmill. He took a horse step, and his hand became faster and faster, and soon became a fuzzy shadow.

Like countless hands shaking in general, in this terrible centrifugal force, gradually shed a drop of liquid.

Luo lie and Luo Qingqing were with him, watching him busy and waiting for orders at any time.

Finally, Lin Feng as like as two peas in a small bowl containing a small bowl of transparent liquid, like the egg white, is exactly the same as the essence of the world.

Lin Feng weighed it with his hand and tried it on his tongue. The system immediately analyzed the ingredients.

Taste the same, effect: harmless.

As soon as I look up, I pour half a bowl into my mouth, Gulu!

Luo Qingqing and Luo Qingqing watched him put the amoeba in from the beginning to the end. When they saw that he actually drank it, they both had a cold war and almost vomited it out.

Master dares to eat such a terrible thing. Although he can't see it, they look at Lin Feng as if he were a freak when they think that such a bowl of transparent things came out of it.

"Master, what's the use of drinking this?" Luo lie can't help but ask.

This is the essence of demon worm, which can improve the efficiency of training, and don't let go of it later. Lin Feng didn't hide himself, so he told them directly.

The devil bug seems to be quite common in this world. Those night watchmen all know how to use it. The key is that Su Changlin's tone tells us that there is a big secret about the Heihe town incident, but the other party refuses to disclose it.

Lin Feng can guess that some people will covet such great interests. It seems that in such a closed environment, the news can't be transmitted at all, and people outside will never know what happened here.

If it had not been for their presence this time, the people of Xiaoluo village would have only been the victims. Who would remember and cry for them.

Two people's eyes once stare big, as long as help to cultivate, even if it is excrement, they can eat down, looking at the empty bowl in Lin Feng's hand, eyes are about to light up.

"Master, can we... We also catch devil worms?" Asked Lori, swallowing.

Lin Feng took a look at him, compared with the strength of the parasite, and then shook his head: "you can't do it now. It's possible if you are two, but it's still far away for you. Peace of mind, you have just started, and the road behind is still far away."

"Master, we know!" Luo Qingqing and Luo Qingqing nodded, but they just looked at him, still didn't mean to leave.

Lin Feng looked at the remaining flame of the campfire, nodded to them: "OK, go back to rest."

"Master, you go back first, and we'll put the fire carbon in." Said Laurie.

Nodded his head and said no more. The essence of the drink just now was rapidly absorbed by the body, and some strange changes were taking place in the body.

When he returned to the house, Liu Guangming and Feng Mingyue had already gone to sleep. They had been worried for days. Now when they saw him coming back, they relaxed and immediately fell asleep.

Lin Feng took out all the things in the package one by one, a tube of fire oil, a short sword, a piece of bamboo, and a stack of Rune paper, all of which were given by Su Changlin. They were the welfare of the reserve members.

Eyes suddenly a coagulation, pupil contraction, package at the bottom, I do not know when more than a red ribbon, his memory will never be wrong, this is not their own things, then why will appear here inexplicably?

Somehow, he thought of a dancing figure, the big red robe, the dancing thread, cold in the heart, emitting fluorescence in his hands, gently holding the silk cloth in his hands.

It's cold and greasy. It feels very good. It's made of silk. All the people he sees in the world are wearing coarse linen clothes.

This kind of material must be used by people with high status, and it is absolutely impossible to throw it away, let alone his family.

But under the effect of his soul power, this thing is still the same as ordinary cloth, without any reaction. No matter whose it is, it will not be a simple thing if it can appear on itself quietly. Lin Feng thought about it and took it out with a strong chill. He just saw Luo lie and Luo lie shoveling the carbon fire and the blazing high temperature“ Master“ "Master," he waved casually, took the red silk cloth and threw it into the carbon fire. The red silk cloth turned into a wisp of smoke, as if it had burned out of thin air. When they came out, they saw him in a daze. "Master, what else can I do for you?"“ It's all right Shaking his head, Lin Feng turned back to the room, but when his eyes fell on the bed, he was suddenly stunned. There was a red silk cloth lying there, without any wrinkles. Lin Feng walks over and picks it up. He rolls it up casually and goes out again, deliberately avoiding the sight of Luo lie and Luo Qingqing, so as to avoid being noticed by them. He can't even make it clear. If they know that there is such a thing, it will certainly cause unnecessary psychological burden. Without the soul lamp, he went into the dark and soon found a stump. He tied the red silk cloth to the tree and tied a knot. After watching it for a full minute, it still didn't respond. He retreated step by step. When he turned back, his perception was still staring at the thing. Until he came out of the perception range, the red silk cloth was still flying slightly in the cold wind. When he returned to the room, he looked at the bed for the first time. There was no red there. He was relieved, but also slightly confused about the previous doubts.