Lin Feng said to the sea emperor: "I only believe in her, you can not believe it, but the big deal is that I will take her back to the wasteland and become the queen of the Crystal Kingdom."

The sea emperor was silent for a long time. Without saying a word, he took off the crown from his head One of the ministers couldn't help speaking.

"Needless to say, aijie'er was my daughter and had the right of inheritance. Now it's a critical moment for the survival of the Empire. If we can't pass this, all of us here can't be spared. It was a mistake."

The sea emperor looked at her with complicated eyes and flew over with the crown in his hand. "We should have had a strong ally, but nurvis destroyed all this. Now it's time to correct our mistakes."

AI jie'er stood in the middle of the dragon's claw, looking at the flying father and the shining crown. She never dreamed of such a day.

I really want to be a queen. All this was only done in my dream before. Although women in the kislamo Empire also have the right to inherit, there has only been a queen since ancient times. Her greatest hope in her life is to close the door in her own fiefdom and have been a queen.

A unique coronation ceremony was held simply and directly. Standing on the dragon's claw, ajael was personally crowned by the previous emperor veraman. The moment the crown was on her head, she felt that she was in charge of the Empire.

The crown was originally a semi artifact, which could command all the organized legions.

As long as you wear this crown, it is the symbol of the sea emperor.

"I've seen her crown!"

Veraman first saluted and worshiped, and the others immediately followed suit, shouting, "I've seen your majesty!" A new queen was born in the sound of the voice of the queen.

AI jie'er looked at Lin Feng behind her and saw the encouragement in each other's eyes. When she turned her head, all the confusion had disappeared. She took a deep breath: "now, tell me the specific situation!"

"Sire, those mermaids have occupied two-thirds of the endless sea. They have four demigods attacking at the same time, and new strong ones will join them at any time." The intelligence minister said immediately, "and the sirens are attacking our pearl producing area, Bingge islands."

"Once they take the Bingge islands, we will lose our most important source of resources. We are in a critical situation. Your majesty, please hold the pressure!"

AI jie'er measured the strength of both sides, and the final key was the one behind her. She turned to look at the ferocious beast.

Lin Feng gave her a smile that could frighten and cry children. With a big grin, he turned his head to the back and said, "ximun, get up and work!"

Everyone was in an uproar and subconsciously looked inside. Isn't that guy dead?

"Not dead?"

"Where is the body?"

They saw with their own eyes that the two heads of the goods had been blown up, so there was no fake.

Sure enough, there was no movement inside. It was still boiling and steaming. Simone's body was still in the water. It didn't move. It looked as if it had been cooked. There was no life left.

Some people don't understand, others are thoughtful, but without exception, they all focus on Lin Feng.

AI jie'er: "remove the seal!"

With her command, the seal immediately came a silent shock, the entire seal of the transparent shield quietly disintegrated, ablation.

Lin Feng strode past, and the dragon claw grabbed the huge snake body. Suddenly, the snake body, which seemed to drift with the current in the water, jumped out, and changed from extremely quiet to extremely fast.

It is fast, but the dragon's claw is faster than it. The dragon's claw is too long. When it is inserted in the water, the huge snake will scream“ Stop it, I will submit to you! "

Sure enough, it was ximun's voice, but it was different. People looked at it and saw that the snake's head, which had been torn in two, had grown out again. It was only a small size, which didn't match the body.

As expected, the goods did not die. Then people remembered that they wanted to kill the two heads together. It was not counted that they were killed separately. As expected, they deserved to be a disaster beast, so they would not die.

Lin Feng picked up the small head and dragged it back. The huge snake didn't dare to move, so it pulled out the dust all over the sea.

That small head is like a child being bullied. It's forced on Ajie, "Ajie, it's yours."

AI Jie Er looked at the big snake with bigger eyes than herself and blinked, "but I can't do it yet!"

As soon as this remark came out, the numerous subjects of the kislamo Empire gathered around the audience covered their faces. This may be the weakest sea emperor in history, but no one dares to laugh. Once she signs up for this ancient disaster giant, she will become the strongest sea emperor immediately. Who dares to laugh at her.

They were shocked to see that snake's head was like an angry daughter-in-law. It was so fierce. At this time, they were so honest with a child that they didn't even dare to vomit. Facing AI jie'er, they showed a flattering smile“ It doesn't matter. I'll prepare for the slave contract! "

There is a halo on ximun's head, which is its original strength. In contrast, when signing a contract with the weak queen, it can at least hold the airs of super experts, and everyone should be polite to it. If you don't take the initiative to be good and be signed by the monster who is more ferocious than yourself, your life will be over. Simmons has survived from ancient times to today, and his mind is still very good. It's just because of this that he can still live well today when all the same species are extinct“ Good AI jie'er showed a smile and nodded. Although she was weak, she still had some knowledge. Knowing that this was the source of the other party's strength, she cleared her throat and said, "I... I will make you a national protection beast. I will accept your loyalty on behalf of the slamo empire!" After all, she put her hand in the aura and branded her soul on the original force. This is the highest form of the slave contract, and only this level of existence can be used. Looking at the flash of light, veraman and all the subjects of kislamo Empire were relieved, and the Legion soldiers could not help shouting her name. The Empire's high-end power is back to the normal level, even higher than the original. Because now, there are two monsters here. Endless sea, front line of war. This is the core hinterland of the kislamo empire. There are a large number of people in the upper, middle and lower layers of the waters. Here are also a few places where heavy troops have accumulated. In order to facilitate mutual support, there are also transmission arrays, so that the demigods can quickly support these places“ What? There's internal strife in the royal family. That's great! " The mermaid side, after receiving this news, immediately launched the strongest offensive ever.