"I don't like people questioning my decision, so only half of you can survive. Now start fighting!" Lin Feng glanced, as if to invite them to drink water

All the people present thought that they had heard wrong, including 19 giants. It turned out that Lin Feng had become the owner of the family, and he had to help everyone to get a slave contract. Does that mean that they had a chance to go home to the legendary giant city in the wilderness!

The giants held back their excitement, but when they heard the words of fighting from him, they still thought they had heard the wrong thing. It was too abrupt and cruel, and none of them could survive before the master died

The middle-aged man looked surprised and thought he was angry and stupid. "Even if you are the owner of the family, you can't treat us like this. We are not your slaves..."

"E..." he let out a whimper in his mouth and looked down. There was a big hole in his stomach. You can see the things behind.

"Rescind the contract!" Lin Feng raises a hand, he subconsciously looks at that hand, that hand seems to be constantly changing, his consciousness sinks in

He contracted a total of three slaves, including Torre. When the slave contract was lifted, Torre and the other three giants were shocked, as if they had been untied an invisible chain, and felt relaxed from the inside to the outside.

The other seven people were shocked to see this scene. How could my master be so cruel?

Lin Feng put down his hand and glanced at them, "terminate the contract and start fighting, or none of them will live."

A young man yelled: "you... Don't go too far. It's a big deal that we will die with these slaves." He is the Viscount's nephew, an absolute core member

"Die together, you can try?" There was a trace of mockery in the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

This core member is young and handsome, with white hair and elegant hair. He is also a young man with high self-esteem. Most importantly, he has a very good relationship with Kratos.

It can be predicted that after Kratos was in the upper position, he would go to a higher level with his identity and relationship, which is absolutely certain.

However, in a short time, Kratos died, and even the Viscount died. His support, the Viscount, lost the most powerful competition.

It was the only daughter, Xianruo Xingdu, who completely fell to the weakest elder brother. Originally, he thought it was the strategy of the viscount and her cousin to retreat and support the weakest superior in order to control.

At this moment, he felt offended, but he kept shaking. He suddenly realized that it was not a fake that Hornes forced everyone to accept last night, not the result of his aunt's support.

Otherwise, how dare this guy, how dare he be so presumptuous.

When he realized this problem, he felt that every cell in his body was trembling in front of this guy.

He released the two slave contracts with the fastest speed. He looked at his companions with fierce eyes, and the others were not slow to respond. As soon as he saw his reaction, he immediately understood that the general situation was irresistible.

It's a dead end when this guy does it himself. Seeing the example just now, they can't even summon up the last bit of confidence

The next moment, all the giants feel that their shackles have been removed. A long lost sense of lightness comes from their hearts. For this feeling, they swear from the bottom of their hearts that they would rather die than be put on the shackles again.

I don't know who moved the hand first, but the remaining seven broke out a scuffle. As a result, four of them fell down accidentally, and the three red eyed guys stopped.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, a group of guards came to take all these people away. When they turned around again, they had a gentle smile on their face. "Aledo, how are you doing these days?"

"I'm very well, my Lord!" He returned with some excitement

"Just call me Lin Feng. Now you have a task, that is to rescue your compatriots and build a country that belongs to you." Lin Feng's words made the 19 giants' blood boil.

They can't imagine such a dream at all, and they can only imagine it in a dream, but now, with the shackles removed and the power of magic touched, a wave of ambition surged out.

"Go ahead, from today on, Gladiator training ground will become your exclusive territory!" Lin Feng announced the news that shocked them.

All of them were excited and rushed out. Lin Feng was watching. He was looking forward to how powerful these giants who had been trained as gladiators would be when they practiced Titan Kung Fu.

Although the world generally believes that magic is the king's way, that is, even the biological overlord like the dragon has to yield to magic, Lin Feng thinks that it is because of the inherent bad nature of the dragon.

They didn't form a whole force at all, because they were born with great advantages, and every kind of dragon people were used to it, because as long as they found a place at random, they could be the king and the king, and who would like to be ruled and ordered by others.

From the beginning to the end, no dragon Kingdom has ever been born. Even now, even if they understand it, it's too late. The white dragon is willing to become a dragon Kingdom, but there is no place for them in the world. If they dare to gather together, they will be exterminated. If the five color dragon and the metal dragon are united, it is possible. But the metal dragon is known as the dragon of justice, and has natural advantages. It has already opened up its own country in other aspects, and what remains in this world is only a base area, so it will not pay attention to it at all. The black dragon, the red dragon and the blue dragon, among the five colored dragons, also have a high self-esteem and completely despise other similar ones, especially the white dragon and the green dragon. In their view, these are the bottom. The discrimination of the existence of the human world is the same in any society. Every individual will subconsciously think that he is unique and never look for superiority as his own bottom. Among the Dragon groups with huge power gap, it is more obvious that all the black dragons are ruthless, that is, human beings are not willing to provoke. The red dragon and the blue dragon will choose the most powerful human forces to form an alliance and use their influence to maintain their own existence, but they have a good life. Only the white dragon and green dragon in the back are forced to crouch in the mountains and forests, and hide in such a place as the ends of the earth where birds don't shit, for fear that they will be found and attract the eyes of dragon hunters. However, the giant society is similar to human beings. It has been used to group life since childhood and has a strong desire to build a country.