I saw that his lightning flashed like a ghost, not like an entity at all. It was unpredictable. He looked like a flower with a smile like a star. At the same time, he felt deeply disrespectful for his fate. He was also a descendant of the mein family. Why was this guy so advantaged.

And they have never heard of such magic and secret skills. The blood refining skill of cultivation is a useless waste ability. It's better to devote so much energy to studying magic skills.

I didn't realize until now that it was all designed. It wasn't the waste of blood refining, but I didn't want to let them learn anything useful.

Once again, the light flashed across the air at the limit of the naked eye. "I've got you!"

Lin Feng's voice suddenly came out clearly. They all fixed their eyes and saw a group of electric light crackling on his arm. A group of lightning was held in their hands. One moment it turned into human shape, another into lightning, trying to escape.

However, his hand is like a magnet, no matter how it changes, it can't be separated.

Xianruoxing's face slowly changed from calm to rigid, then to shock and anger, "let him go!"

When she raised her hand, it was a shield that fell on top of the lightning. At the same time, the black armor guards of the mein family responded to it, and all kinds of attacks were like tides to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just stepped forward, the whole ground suddenly exploded, the figure disappeared in the same place, and his figure swept past the group of black armor guards.

The chain fell behind with his figure. Behind him were countless broken heads and limbs flying in the air. The blood splashed all over the room. Poof, poof!!

There was a dense sound of falling to the ground. The chains on his body were broken. Almost the first section was covered with blood. There were more than 30 family heavy armor guards on the ground, and none of them was complete.

He held up Kratos, who had regained his human form, with one hand. The other side had forgotten to struggle and looked at the slaughterhouse like scene behind him with unbelievable eyes.

Everyone was stunned. Everything happened so quickly and suddenly that even now our thinking is still in a dull state. What kind of power can create such a scene in a flash?

There was only such a question left in her heart. The anger on Xianruo Xing's face turned into fear in the blink of an eye. She suddenly found that she was really wrong.


Lin Feng pinched his brother with one hand and said, "now, accept the trial!"

Kratos didn't think this was funny any more. His face was full of fear. He yelled: "no, I'm the orthodox successor of the family. I'm genius. I'm Kratos. I'm the hope of the family. You can't kill me."

"The family?" Lin Feng laughed, "such a family, there is no need to exist."

What are you doing, asshole A moderate, dignified voice came from the entrance. It was Viscount Gibbs with a serious face.

His body was twined with lightning, obviously also with the power of blood, and his figure appeared in the room in a flash.

His eyes fell on Lin Feng's face, and he said in a very cold voice: "horn, no matter what complaints you have, I will do justice for you. Now let him down first."

Fiorina and Kratos recovered a little hope from despair and fear, and they instinctively believed in their father.

Only EVA and xifaleira face complex, they already know the truth, from the birth, is for Kratos, only for the future one day become their strength of the sacrifice.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "good."

Kratos's full of joy, click! His body was cut off from the air, but the smile on his face was frozen, and an unspeakable fear was transmitted to his brain. He desperately wanted to look down to see what happened.

However, the brain's command did not respond, as if the body no longer existed. Then he heard his father's thunder like roar, "son of a bitch, what have you done!"

Xian ruoxing once covered his mouth and looked at the headless body falling from the air. After the body fell to the ground, he even stopped subconsciously. Then he went out shaking for two steps to maintain his balance.

In Lin Feng's hand, a stunned head was still thinking about what had happened. Gibbs had become a dazzling lightning like a tiger.

The blue electric fox was more than twice as big as what Kratos had just changed. In a flash, it was like a real thunder and lightning burst through Lin Feng's fat body.

Lin Feng's other hand was also pinching the huge electric light. It seemed that the electric light was not reconciled, and the terrible high temperature electric arc was constantly burst out. The people around him were scared away. Those who walked slower were immediately convulsed and fell to the ground.

Xianruoxing stares at the thunder and lightning, her face is pale. Just now, she just watched her brother, who is closest to her, be pinched and broken his neck.

Now, it's her turn to be regarded as the father of heaven. Before she recovered from the previous blow, she saw a more desperate scene. Her father, who is as powerful as Thor, is still like her brother. Thunder and lightning can't have any influence on this big fat man. He looked cold and said in a tone of judgment, "it's time to end. This dirty family will be crushed by the wheel of history!" No, the mayns can't be destroyed. We are the great thunder destroyers. You can't do that. " Lightning makes a sound full of metal texture, which sounds like a villain. The gray light in Lin Feng's hand suddenly appeared, and the electric light was immediately compressed and offset. Then came the scream, even the scream was so beautiful. A blur of flesh and blood fell to the ground, while in the other hand, Kratos, who had only one head left, looked at everything in front of him, with a look of astonishment on his face. He tried to turn his eyes and look at his sister. He knew that his sister had accumulated divine skills and could cure herself with holy healing skills at the cost of half of her life. Because of his special blood, his body had become energetic to a great extent, and even such injuries would not die for a while. It's a pity that Xian Ruo Xing has already realized that she can't protect herself at this time. She is completely confused by successive blows. For a moment, the most important man in the family is killed in the hands of a big brother who was completely ignored. Although she is always gentle, modest and caring for everyone in her family, she has been taught not to have feelings for these people since she was a child. The only emotion is that of domesticated livestock. Although killing and eating will be a little sad, when you grow up, you will not hesitate to kill and eat meat. However, I never thought that I would be killed by a pig. What is this.