It took a few breaths before the shock subsided. Rogers was panting and sweating. Although his magic power was several times more than usual, he tried his best to follow others. Especially when each spell was invalid, the pressure in his heart was magnified invisibly.

When he saw that the person below was still safe, his heart broke down. His mental energy was too expended, and he was unable to cast the spell again for a while. At the same time, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

"Young man, come down and fight again!" Lin Feng's voice came from his helmet.

Class 43 is dead and silent. The people who were originally celebrating the victory and clamoring for Rogers to break the ice sculpture are all as ugly as their families. This change makes them fall into the abyss from victory.

Except for Yala and Dasey, everyone had to think of a problem. If they lost, they would drop out of akaram college and become the laughing stock of the whole school and even the family.

They have never thought about this problem. How can I lose? It's just a dead fat man. It's as easy to crush him as it is to crush an ant.

Blame Rogers for being such a waste? What's the use? Rogers's performance is excellent in the class, but that guy is wearing forbidden magic armor. Most of the low-level mages are immune.

Even if anyone in the class goes up, no one is confident that he can defeat such a monster. A set of forbidden magic armor will restrain these low-level mages to death.

Kelly king looked at Rogers in the sky and opened her mouth to say something encouraging, but the words stopped again. Rogers was in a cold sweat, angry and afraid in the sky, and his wings fluttered feebly.

He had to add some auxiliary magic for himself, such as floatation, lightness, and brute force.

However, all these spells need mana to maintain. Although he was dressed in divine costume, he threw down a few big magic weapons. At this time, his magic power was at the bottom, and he stopped in the air, unwilling but powerless.

Peter and Lester both looked at each other and saw a surprise in their eyes. "This fat man has hidden such a hand. He almost scared me to death. Shit, I must kill him once in the future!"

Blue Crystal: "Oh, my money, this guy won. I didn't lose all."

Peter sneered: "you only pressed ten gold coins, but I didn't call a hundred gold coins. As long as the fat man can win, I will be ascetic in the second half of the year."

Blue Crystal wailed: "but I added more than 500 gold coins. That's the money I asked someone to borrow!"

Lester looked at him in surprise. "Are you crazy? Five for one, you've bought so much. If you win, you'll lose 100. If you lose 500, you'd better fight against the fat man. "

Blue Crystal full face remorse: "but the person opened a dish mouth additionally, that odds is 1 compensate 2, press 500, won compensate 200 hardware!"

"Is that the new opening of Xinfeng mercenary regiment?" Lester and Peter asked at the same time.

"Yes, they have the guarantee of the mercenary Union, and the odds are twice as high. It's just money. I see many people are scrambling to bet, and I have borrowed money to put down the whole wealth."


Why don't you tell us

Blue Crystal faltered: "I'm afraid you say I'm not loyal enough. Besides, you don't know about this dish. Now you're setting up a spot outside."

Lester looked around, and many of the students looked as ugly as their dead father. At first sight, they didn't know that they almost lost the bet.

It suddenly occurred to him that the odds of crushing the fat man to win were only one to five, ten times less than the exaggerated one to fifty opened by the school, so that no one would beat the fat man to win at all.

Everyone thought that it was money. I'm really sorry if I didn't take it. But who could have thought that the super useless repeater in our school, a fat man who couldn't even fly, would force a fully armed elite mage to the ground by relying on a set of forbidden magic armor.

It is stipulated in the duel field that if one side escapes to the sky and the other side is on the ground, it can not escape for more than five minutes in the sky, otherwise it will be considered as a loss.

That is to say, he has five minutes of breathing time at most. Although he can go up again after he goes down, it seems that it has no meaning at all.

If you don't want to die, you have to admit defeat.

"Come down and fight again!"

This is like a stick hit Rogers in the face, but also hit more than ten people in class 43 on the head, so that they are confused.

Rogers suddenly turned pale. In the short fight, the opponent's invincible axe easily tore up all his defenses. The layers of various protective spells that seemed to be full of security were just like paper paste under the axe.

If, if his ice sealing skill is a little slower, he must die by himself. He can't go down to die. He doesn't want to go down to die. He's just going to drop out of school.

Think through this section, his eyes can not help looking at the stage of justice, if you want to admit defeat, just shout, let the above magic teacher hear it.

But his change of expression and behavior fell into the eyes of class 43, and also in the eyes of more than 1000 teachers and students, which immediately aroused a thousand waves. " No, Rogers is going to give up. No! I don't want to drop out. I will graduate in less than a month. Now I can't go back if I drop out! " Before that, he vowed that he would work hard and guarantee himself that he would borrow a weaver's suit for Rogers. As the winner, he has the right to decide everything about the loser, including life and death, property. If Rogers loses, he will not only drop out of school, it can be predicted that the Weaver's suit will also be lost, but also his heavy investment on the plate will be lost. His words caused a panic in class 43. There were 14 people whose names were in the bets. Once Rogers gave up, they would be dropped out of school a month before graduation. The consequences are too serious. Students who have been dropped out of school will inevitably leave a serious stain in their life. No matter what the reason is, being dropped out is dropping out. No one outside has the time to listen to your explanation. Kailijin's face has changed greatly here. She has a perfect plan for her life. Graduation from this college is a new start. Once there is a stain, she will become a third rate socialite and can no longer enter the ideal circle. " What shall we do? " Lev, who has always been calm, is also in a panic. He looks at the black armor man, full of complex emotions, mixed with regret, anger and shame. Why don't you die well and have to do so many things to pit me. He yelled, "Rogers, you can't give up. We can't be dropped out of school." His voice is like a dull thunder, which interrupts Rogers who is about to admit defeat. He turns his head and looks at the students who praised him before. At this time, one by one looks complicated, and the eyes are full of unwilling, encouraging and threatening.