Lin Feng glanced at him, "that's because I can see it, and you, not only waste, but also refuse to admit that you waste. The typical example is that you can't afford to lose. Do you still have to go to your mother to nurse after school?"

This is very calm, without a trace of anger. The young boy's face is distorted. His nostrils are constantly expanding and shrinking, and his chest is fluctuating violently. This waste words are stabbing at his fragile self-esteem.

He was despised by the most useless fat man in the class, and he was so useless that he dared to satirize himself.

The eyes of the people around us came to see that ten people had come out at this time. Undoubtedly, the people who came out first didn't look good. After all, the people who came out first were failures.

Look at the quarreling two people, the picture is very disobedient, obviously is the most waste dead fat man, but calm, also eloquent, even dare to reply.

However, the sarcastic classmate was so angry that his handsome face was askew. This reaction was obviously that he was stabbed to the pain and could not afford to lose. He could not afford to find a more useless step. It's not natural.

Why don't you care? At this moment, there was a strong discomfort in their hearts. Everyone transferred their anger to the fat man.

"Rogers, what do you have to say to this kind of rubbish? Just fight with him, and those who lose will get out of school, so as not to disgrace our class!"

Phoenix yelled with a gloomy face. He was conceited of his strength, but he was so flustered by these snakes that he was driven out. He was angry when he saw that the dead fat man was so light. If you are an expert like Carlos, it's OK to say that, but it's a waste. You have to pretend and look at him.

"Yes, fight to get the fat man out of our class without looking sick." Kailijin was stirring up a fire. She was not so bad at all, but she just got angry with the fat man and put on three sleepiness techniques, which had already consumed a lot of money.

At this time, I left early and stood with a group of losers. I felt that it was because of the fat man.

"Fight! Fight

Surrounded by a roar of support, Rogers was greatly encouraged. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and defiantly and said, "waste, dare you fight with me?"

"No Lin Feng answered immediately.

Rogers choked for a moment, and his face, which had just calmed down, would smoke again. There was such a coward and shameless person in the world.

The people around him were choked by his short answer, and they were speechless. In the campus, there was a special place to solve the fight, aristocratic duel.

But it must be agreed by both sides, agreed on a good date, with the student union and school representatives present, just to start on stage.

It's forbidden by the school to do things without permission, and it's easy to cause conflicts of interests behind. There are not so many things on the duel stage.

In any case, before the date and time are agreed, both sides have already played the game. If they really want to take the stage, that is to finish it on stage.

"You scum, coward, scum, you, you ~" Rogers had never met such a shameless villain before. He could only scold the words he thought of.

At the same time, the students around also scolded one by one. Such a good opportunity to drive away a waste laggard, of course, we can't just let it go.

"Ah..." suddenly, a scream came from one of the platforms. People turned their heads and forgot to go. They saw that the female monitor Yala was flying in a hurry. She was full of panic. Her magic shield was smashed by a serpent and was hanging on it. The serpent was dancing its tail wildly.

It was obvious that he was trying to enlarge the wound and get in. Suddenly, the people outside screamed, "Yala!"“ Monitor“ Professor... "

There were all kinds of names. Suddenly, another phantom hit her body. When yaraton, who was already on the verge of collapse, fell back again, causing a burst of voices.

Lev rushed over and hugged her, but at the same time, two visions shot at them. Just for a moment, Yala's body had four snakes, the magic shield flashed, directly collapsed.

As she was brought out, just after landing, everyone felt numb. Even Lev felt something was wrong and let her go.

Yala staggered and took two steps, "the ring of resistance!" Her mouth a Jiao chide, a magic light will be four snake to block.

But no matter who can see that she is at the end of the storm and will be attacked by four snakes at any time. At this time, if someone reaches over to pull off the snake, it will hurt her at most, but no one dares to go up.

"Quick, quick, save Yarra!" Dasey watched as her best friend was hung on by a few snakes, her tail dancing wildly, and she screamed desperately.

"With magic, kill it directly!"

"No, it will hurt Yala. In case her last self-defense skill is broken, it will be troublesome."

"Sleepiness, I'm not afraid to hurt her."

"Right, right, put it on..."

A group of students shouting, dasey first shot, with the fastest speed of life put a sleepiness.

The magic light flashed on Yala. She was dizzy and almost fell down, but the four snakes were still alive and unaffected. When Dasey saw this situation, she was immediately dumbfounded, and finick yelled: "no, there's one chance at most. Yala can't hold on. If she falls asleep first, she can't keep the ring of resistance, These snakes will get into her“ So, what about that? " All eyes turned to him“ Professor, where's the professor? " Finick looked around and didn't find the professor until now“ The professor seems to have just received a message and went out One of the early students said in dismay, "go and find it!" Roared finick. All of a sudden, the student ran around Yala in a hurry. In fact, everyone was far away from Yala, for fear that the snake would turn its head and take itself as the target. Lev trembled, he is also in the upper level of strength in the class, but the thought of just save Yarra moment, is also a lingering fear, if the target of the two snakes is him, this will wait for the rescue will not be himself, looking at the tense even speak too much Yarra, "no, she can't wait so long." Yes, at that time, Yale was already crumbling and could not wait any longer. Those spears could break her last defense at any time. As soon as they went in, the beautiful little girl could get perfume and jade immediately. These are four serpents. She is such a little beauty. How many internal organs and flesh are enough for four serpents with thick arms to eat.