In a flash, red's face changed, and he realized that the situation was over.

In front of the scene of the orc chaos, he felt powerless to look back, and several people looked at each other, not even to continue to find each other desperately.

Four high-level Hello, jump up, and ran in the same direction.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!" Lin Feng's voice came out of the battlefield, only a few people were scared.

Body shape did not move, a white light in the air out of the torrent, whine whistling in suddenly no sound.

The twilight chief snorted. It was like he was hit on the back by a hammer. Although he was protected by the body protection aura, he was still thrown away.

A big hand of air caught him, "no!" He cried in horror, without the courage and resourcefulness of the great chief.

In mid air, the black purple mace made a volley collision, and suddenly there was another person hanging on it.

Lin Feng's lightning flashed from the ground, and both orcs and other animals turned into flesh and blood at his feet.

The man didn't respond at all. He was already broken open by the high-speed iron pillar. His two legs wrapped with plate armor are the most terrible iron pillars in the world for these things.

Until then, they vaguely remembered the legend of the giant in the legend. They only regretted that their intestines were blue. They had nothing to do but run to find the trouble of the evil star. Isn't that to seek death?

The white torrent broke through the sound barrier, so that Reid and the high priest did not hear, but they saw the tragedy of the twilight chief.

The grand seven level chief couldn't even struggle in his opponent's hands. What's wrong with the world?

They were in a dream, unwilling to believe it was true, but they ran faster than anyone else on their legs.

Unfortunately, the white torrent thumped and caught up with the high priest. His body trembled violently, and his Earth Shield disappeared three layers in an instant.

"Help me A golden light appeared on him in an instant. It was the sixth level magic "beast spirit guard!" The high priest's face was just beginning to glow.

A dark shadow bigger than his body swept over and exploded in an instant. Red looked back in a hurry. The beast spirit Guardian couldn't defend the giant's brute force!

It's a level 6 magic spell. It's much better than the same level of magic protection effect. It's a high-level magic spell that the clergy dream of.

Just at the moment when the high priest was knocked out, a roar came from the sky, "evil animal, dare you!"

The sound is just like being created out of thin air. With the effect of some kind of true words and decrees, it makes everyone's body stagnate. Even Lin Feng feels that his body obviously has strange power, and seems to want to hold him.

A sound of power, there is such a power, "is this the beast God?"

"If you don't kill a priest, some god will come out." Lin Feng looked up at the sky, clouds rolling, there is a huge face, some like an orc, but also like a human.

The orcs, who had fallen into despair and fear, could not help but look up at the sky and recovered a trace of clarity.

"Don't blow your mouth, come down and fight!" Lin Fengdi choked back to the sky.

With that, he bowed slightly and bent his knees. The next moment, his body suddenly appeared, as if in a blink, and instantly crossed the space behind Reid.

It was so fast that he didn't catch up with the ice arrow. Red's hair stood up all over his body. From the moment he was locked by his eyes, he was alert and knew that he could not be spared. Anyway, they are also heroes. They die with their backs to the enemy like others.

He turned around, the double hammer lightning burst out a dazzling light, with the body as the center to form a fan-shaped fork shaped lightning, facing the stick shadow.

The face above the sky is also at the same time, roaring, spitting out a lightning strike.

The three sides almost met at the same time. Red watched the huge metal thorn tear open his body, and the giant flashed. His last thought flashed in his heart. The other side should not be spared from such a degree of attack. After all, there are animal gods.

Lin Feng rushes out of the thunder area, and the chaotic field seems to have become a piece of lightning. The electric spark is still beating on it, and the mace in his hand only has a handle.

The next moment, the steel handle was also inch by inch broken and fell from his hands. The big mace, more than two meters in diameter and five meters long, broke. Lin Feng threw away the broken handle.

Looking at the last head of the orc, this guy's body was full of seven levels of breath. He didn't even pay attention to the distorted Juda face in the sky. His feet exploded again.

The chief rushed out of the crowd and saw the enemies coming from all directions. His heart was cold to the bottom of the valley, and then there was a chill on his back.

In front of his eyes, the ground suddenly darkened. A thick triangle ice arrow protruded from his chest and brought out a cloud of blood. He rushed forward for seven or eight meters and fell to the ground.

Then he was trampled by the big feet of countless orcs behind him, and the big feet of a kodo beast fell down, which was his last consciousness.

"No, giant, I will put your soul in the astral world and suffer forever!" The face composed of clouds roars like thunder. " Come on, anubak! Eat, eat, this is your feast With his voice, you can see a purple rising from the ground. It is the devil who has been secretly hunting for the soul. The reason why the beast God was so angry was that his powerful believer died, and no soul could reach the kingdom of God. The high quality of the souls of these believers, especially the four chief and high priest, is enough to serve as the servants of God. As a new God, he is just in the time of accumulating strength, where a mortal can eat in his mouth. The soldiers of the wasteland alliance surrounded the orc camp, and thousands of air forces crossed the camp and intercepted the rear. When the 30000 orcs were surrounded, they stood within the forbidden range of the atmosphere and did not attack. All the orcs who dared to rush out were killed for the first time. The lucky ones who rushed out first didn't continue their luck until the flustered crowd and the herd rushed out, and the two sides had their first collision. It's a pity that these orcs who can't breathe oxygen all have thick necks and will fall down at any time. They just run to the present with the will to survive, and none of them have weapons in their hands. And the first line of contact is only that person, those in the back, seeing that hope is around the corner, seeing that someone is blocking in front, they just raise their weapons and wave them, or jump from the back regardless.