"Ha ha, what do you think?" Lin Feng threw the problem back.

AI jie'er looked at his arrogant and rampant appearance, and her chest went up and down with anger. She really wanted to be a general on this guy immediately, and then let him be obedient to himself and fight wherever he pointed out.

It's a pity that this guy is not fooled. Otherwise, if there is such a general, he will have more face in front of his brothers and sisters.

Although there are many sea giants who are more terrifying than him, none of them is as interesting as this guy. Although he has good strength, the reflection arc is too long, which gives people a sense of clumsiness.

It's not like this guy. He's more slippery than the best fish. He has a lot of new things in his head.

Mel came down from the air and said excitedly, "my Lord, the orcs are starting to build fortifications. They are afraid!"

Oh, these guys come up and do it, but they are very emotional. I'm just confused by his head-on blow. Now I'm good at it.

"Where are the other orcs?"

"The orc speaker, gujarsh, with 50000 troops, has started from the Azura basin, and some scattered small tribes continue to catch up and join. It is expected that they will arrive here in three to five days."

Mel immediately replied that his intelligence work was in place. After Lin Feng's guidance, the entire network division of labor was clear, and the movement of the wasteland was almost under his monitoring.

Especially on the main roads that orcs must pass, they are equipped with arrays all the way, which can clearly locate, detect the number and so on.

Even if the orc's bipedal flying dragon and the strong attack frequently, it can't prevent them from obtaining intelligence.

"In addition, we saw a vision in the animal temple. It may be that the chief priest was blessed by God." Mel continued to report.


There was a shadow in Lin Feng's heart. The spirit was powerful. If the demigod was equivalent to the holy land, the spirit was undoubtedly above the holy land, and had become another higher existence.

This world is different from its own world. Their gods are very active. These powerful beings are fighting for believers by primitive means.

Unlike in modern times, belief has to be subordinated to life. Gods have little influence on people's life in the real world.

What causes this phenomenon? If they don't need faith, why is the Vatican behind the cloister still the greatest power.

Lin Feng was puzzled by the different performance of the two world gods. But perhaps here, he could make a god Dangdang. In this world, faith is a special energy that can be quantified.

It is equivalent to a magic energy element, some of which are similar to the thinking energy in this world, but only the emptiness creature can transform and utilize the thinking energy. Faith is the patent of gods, which is a more pure energy. He once doubted whether the Holy Lord behind the Holy See was a powerful void creature.

One book can no longer satisfy them, so they need more pure and less impurity.

But in any case, if it's related to the gods, it will rise to this level.

Even if a god envoy comes over, they may have the strength of level 89. They are much more difficult to deal with than the strong ones of the same level.

Because they can use some magic, they will be watched by the gods when they die, and those who kill the gods will be chased by the gods.

Any incarnation of a deity is demigod level, which leads to almost no one dares to provoke a patron of a deity, "I'm in trouble..."

"If it's just an ordinary blessing, it won't make so much noise, then the most likely thing is that a divine envoy has come."

If there is a divine emissary, then the card of the sea clan is not easy to use. No matter how strong the sea clan is, it is also a mortal force. The gods don't care. Anyway, the sea people can't believe in an orc God. They won't be soft when they kill.

There is also a sea god in the ocean, but the sea god is an ancient god of nature. This ancient god completely suppressed the birth of a new God, leading to the emergence of the God of storm and tide over the years.

There are two new gods and one ancient god forming a marine God system. The natural ancient gods do not need to believe. They are connected with the origin of the world and are born strong.

In fact, the God of storm is not a pure God of the sea, because its origin is actually the belief initiated by fishermen and navigation related people. According to legend, the God of storm is only the son of a gifted navigation family.

He was very interested in sailing since childhood. After becoming a mage, he resolutely chose wind and water. He has developed a lot of magic that can help ships navigate, and designed navigation equipment that can avoid storms. These studies spread, and fishermen and navigation related personnel have bought the products he designed.

His reputation is becoming more and more famous. Even those who can't afford to go to sea will recite the name of a gifted mage. People believe that his name can overcome the storm and get safety in the sea. This phenomenon is noticed by the God of the sea.

The moody Lord of the sea thinks that the storm is a part of the sea, which belongs to his field, so he runs to find each other's trouble.

As a result, the talented mage, who was fearless in the face of danger, fought with him for wisdom and courage, and finally made a bet. He successfully challenged the eye of storm set by Poseidon on the ocean and retreated. Once the story spread, the name of this gifted mage spread completely. By virtue of his fortune in the eyes of the storm, the gifted mage ignited his magic fire. With his reputation, countless fishermen and mariners followed him and became believers of the God of the storm, hoping that he would not encounter a storm on the sea. The God of storm is actually the God of land, but its foundation is in the sea. The sea people also have his followers. He grew up in the pursuit and suppression of the sea god and became a great clergyman who destroyed the sea and the mainland, but he did not belong to any group. Although there are storm believers among the kislamos, it's impossible for them to get the same favor as the orcs. Even if they do find the favor, they can't get into the war with another God for the sake of the kislamos. The God of the tides is actually a powerful sea demon. Although the number of sea demons is less than that of the kislamos and mermaids, they are naturally a powerful race. Its strength is almost equal to that of Hailong, but its fertility and growth cycle are much stronger than Hailong. They dominate the majority with a minority, and their rein is wider than that of the kislamos. As competitors of the sea, the kislamos can not count on this God. The sirens have the largest number of demigods by virtue of their powerful strength and population base. Once their current tide God dies in battle, they can let another one rekindle the fire and ascend the throne again at any time.