They brought 300 bipedal flying dragons. These flying beasts occupied the sky, and no creature dared to approach.

Looking at the tall snow-white wall, red wanted to let the two legged flying dragon make an air raid directly from the air, and then unite the city in one go to let them see the power of the orcs.

However, it is said that there is a princess of the sea people here. I don't know if she is a princess, but there is a sea people's army in it.

As the actual rulers of the wasteland, even the Hai people could not give up their dominant position.

However, with Haizu, you can't treat it as a wandering soldier. At least you should raise it to an opponent of the same level.

Fortunately, there are not many sea tribes. It's very troublesome for them to go to land. The orcs have logistics pressure. These sea tribes will only be bigger than them.

All of these have been discussed and reasoned over and over again. Taking advantage of these weaknesses of the Hai people, they are confident of winning this battle.

And human beings, in the end, have not any national power to say anything about it. Everything is just the slogan of these guys.

In fact, orcs don't have much experience in siege. There are no cities in the wilderness for them to attack. Even if there are, they are just some simple villages.

But it doesn't matter, they have powerful shaman priests, no matter how high the wall, as long as a fixed-point earthquake, will collapse.

Drums thundered among the orcs, and groups of orcs in priestly robes opened their mouths to sing a passionate battle song, and the sound swept through the crowd.

Both Orc warriors and wolves are excited in an instant, just like fighting chicken blood. They are full of endless strength.

This is the power of war songs. It is the highest presentation of orcs' use of magic to cast a large range of spells through songs.

Is that the song of courage Standing on the top of the city, Lin Feng didn't feel much when he listened to some primitive and wild songs.

This song sounds like a meaningless background music compared with the years of countless music bombardments in previous lives, but it's really like that when you look at the bloodshot eyes of the orcs.

However, no matter how to fight chicken blood, if we can break through the long-range blockade and jump on the ten meter wall, we will teach them how to be human.

Orcs have no intention to camp and rest at all. Their style is always to do whatever they don't want. As the overlord of the wasteland, they don't need to be so cautious in the past wars.

Now it's the same. There's no need for rest. One war song is not enough. Two more.

First of all, the bipedal flying dragon launched the air raid interference, and the wolf cavalry covered it to let the war beast pass with the element shaman, and blasted the gap in the city wall with seismology.

The rest is to flatten them, seize the princess laoshizi, and let the sea people cast a rat's fear on them.

A bipedal flying dragon leaps into the air from the ground. The rider on his back holds a crossbow and controls to rush over the snow city.

The other side is feathered and hawk. The two legged Flying Dragon Knights have rich experience in fighting with them. In front of the powerful two legged flying dragon, they basically don't need to intervene themselves as riders.

The bipedal flying dragon will be like an eagle catching a bird, and they will solve all the enemies by themselves, and all they can do is to use the crossbow to mend the knife.

On the ground, countless snow wolves are like runaway wild horses, and four wolf hooves with thick fur, like woolen boots, run easily through the snow.

The wolf cavalry uttered an unknown greeting, which resounded over the battlefield. Even the thick snow could not hide the power of the charge.

But as they ran closer, the ice and snow in front of them became more and more tall. In contrast, they also looked very small on the snow wolf.

Snow wolf can jump three or four meters high, but the front wall is ten meters, and there are all kinds of prominent battlements.

Fortunately, they don't need to attack the city. The main characters are the priests on the war beast. More than ten meters high war beast is like a super mammoth, but they have fangs and sharp teeth, and their limbs are like pillars stepping on the snow.

The snow could not hinder their action at all. More than a dozen war beasts charged together, just like the collapse of a mountain. Shamans hide in some depressions of their bodies, using the same defensive power of the giant beast as the city wall to protect themselves, while they prepare for Seismology inside.

At the same time, the magic of the orc warlocks came first, and flew over the top of the wolf cavalry like a barrage. These warlocks also rode on the war beast. Warlocks rely on their blood to gain energy. Unlike ordinary mages, they can cast spells while they are on the move, instead of standing up and holding a spell.

Although it's some low-level spells, more than a hundred warlocks and shamans still work together like arrows in the sky.

Almost in an instant, with the orc's fierce attack, the distance of 2000 meters is almost instantaneous.

Near, near, the bipedal flying dragon has rushed to the root. No one in the snow city flies to fight. The knight on the bipedal flying dragon laughs. These guys must be scared by the collective charge of the flying dragon.

Hundreds of bipedal flying dragons almost covered the sky, like a black cloud whistling with a strong wind. It's a rare sight for orcs to see such a big scene, not to mention these despicable two legged sheep. I'm afraid they've been scared to the knees. Magic hit the city walls, battlements, some over the past, those people hide in the battlements and blockhouses. The bipedal flying dragon had already come to the sky. With the leader pointing down, these flying beasts immediately began to question. A flying dragon knight saw that the man below was aiming a strange metal frame at the sky. He couldn't help but wonder, is this some kind of crossbow machine? Before they had time to think about it, Fei Long's throat began to swell, which was the prelude to their attack. Hiss! Hiss!!! The strange metal shelf below started to ring first. Almost instantly, I don't know how many such metal shelves started at the same time. The hissing sound became one. Even such a noisy battlefield can't cover up these sounds. The silver shadows came face to face like arrows, and the two legged flying dragon's body trembled violently. How many times was it hit in one breath? This two legged flying dragon directly lost control and crashed into it. With a bang, a battlement was smashed by this big guy. The orc knight on its back is the best of the elite. Those who can be elected as the two legged flying dragon knight are all carefully selected, and they are all superior through competition. He had the best treatment and high status. Before the collision, he had already used the flying dragon as a stepping stone, jumped up first, rolled on the wall and stood up. Roar... As the most elite warrior of the orcs, the war song is also extremely terrifying to his increasing effect. He shakes that muscle and spurts out a wave of air in his mouth. It's totally to block the domineering spirit of those who sacrifice themselves!