A rare peaceful night passed, as if to take care of the arrival of the mercenary regiment, even the miners in the mine were so light footed.

For a long time, the members of the slavery group had not slept so peacefully. As soon as they were about to reach their destination, many of them dreamed of catching one giant after another.

After going back, it sold at a sky high price. From then on, I'm happy and happy. I don't know how many people wake up with laughter in their dreams. The mercenary regiment has always been a grey group. They can do anything. They can become a slave team whenever they have the chance.

In the early morning, there was little sunlight in the north.

After a night's rest, the fatigue left by the mercenary regiment after the continuous March was finally slightly adjusted. This ghost place is too cold, even people who are used to exercise are huddled in the quilt.

Only a small number of people come out of bed. In fact, they naturally include a number of high-rise buildings. Extreme weather has little impact on them. If it is not for keeping the overall speed consistent, they can even fly directly from the sky to their destination.

However, it was never possible for a few people to capture slaves. Even if they had the ability to kill the giants, it was meaningless.

A dead giant is a pile of rotten meat. It can't create any wealth. It's not even as valuable as a beast. At least the beast has fur, but the giant's meat is too rough.

And no matter how the giants are, they are also an intelligent race, and no one will want to eat them.

Justin and Alice got out of their tent, probably because they were stimulated by the coming wealth, and they were very interested.

Ali Faith is still glowing, but Justin is a bit flutters. If he hadn't had the essence of Ali Faith, he might not even be able to stand.

Although the Dragon riders are perfused by the dragon's essence, the average life is really not high, and it is ten or twenty years higher than the average line. In terms of their average strength, it's hard to believe.

None of the strong men of the same level are hundreds or thousands of years old, while only a few Dragon Knights can live to this age.

There is speculation that the demand of the dragon people is too strong, and that's how the dragon's sex comes into being.

It's good to sign a contract with the Dragon Knights. At most, they can only bring out some half dragon men, while the wild dragons are in chaos.

Just look at all kinds of creatures with dragon blood all over the world. These guys are quite fraternal.

Louis, Karen, Doug and his classmates all said hello to them.

This is the privilege of the strong. The existence of alifis can't be ignored. As the world's top single strength creatures, they almost don't have to work hard to excel.

Looking at the smoke, this peaceful morning, some of their worries last night have been eliminated.

Yeligena ran to the giant bear moduosuo Ke's side again. The soft light on her body made people feel a little warm in the morning before dawn.

All of them laughed. The bear moved comfortably and raised his head slowly.

At this time, the sky a rapid fall of the figure interrupted the detailed atmosphere, this is the arrangement of alert personnel.

"Commander, the eagles are gathering. They seem to be planning some action."

"Eagle man?" Louis squinted over the cliff in the distance, and saw that the eagles were really restless.

"Don't they dare to do us any harm? Maybe they think it's the orcs who ask for help when they see us coming. Ignore them. When they come back, if the orcs can afford the price, we don't mind helping them clean up these ugly monsters."

Louis said faintly, take back your eyes and look around.

"Do you feel that there seems to be some purple over there?"

The crowd followed his fingers and saw nothing. Instead, they saw the high priest of the dead, who was praying.

"Maybe it's a strange phenomenon caused by praying to their beast God. This kind of heretic evil god has always been very strange. They don't communicate well with each other and dare to pray to the gods." Doug said with disdain.

The orc priest is also a great caster besides human beings. To see them trying to seek power from the gods is a heresy and heresy.

"Why? There's one over there, too! "

As soon as Karen pointed to the other side, people immediately looked over and saw that some purple Qi rose slowly and disappeared in the air.

As soon as her eyes were fixed, Alice fell into thinking. Suddenly, a cold light came out of her eyes: "no, it's the smell of demons!"

On the other side, yeligena finally saw the giant bear react to her influence. The huge head, bigger than a carriage, seemed to be hanging down to show her closeness.

She narrowed her eyes and suddenly turned into a bloody mouth. There came a exclamation: "Jenna!"


Just incomparably harmonious Saint teases bear picture, only left a big bear, its mouth is still moving, a stream of blood from the mouth. A purple air suddenly appeared, bringing out a transparent soul.

"No, Nana!" Almost at the same time, several people lost their voices and screamed. They were all stunned by the sudden change. However, the giant bear didn't stop at all. It grew up and rushed out with its huge legs. The whole ground was shaking with its feet. "No, it went to the position of the mage group." Doug was the first to react. The first time he rushed up, the rest of the people responded. The giant bear was like a tiger rushing into the rabbits. The mages were weaker than other professionals, and they were still in bed. All of a sudden, they heard the sound of the earthquake. Without waiting for their reaction, the giant bear came down from the sky and squashed several tents. Also not up, into a roller, rolling all the way. I don't know how many mages just ran out of the tent and found that Mount Tai was on the top of the mountain. Doug shot directly from an ice edge in the air. There are three meters of ice edge shot at the giant bear's body, to resist, the next moment to break open. At this time, the ground was shaking, and the whole mercenary regiment was shocked and rushed out with weapons. I saw the ground squirming, as if something was coming out, and then they saw huge figures sitting up from the ground. Chi Ran is a tall giant, their whole body is composed of ice and snow armor, hand huge ice axe directly toward the people around. giant!! It's giants. There are ice giants sitting up all around, and they still have the breath of death. Why? How could they hide it at the beginning? Why didn't so many high-level casters of the mercenary regiment find out?