The giants of the black island tribe have noticed that this seemingly majestic giant regiment has a strong breath and a sense of oppression.

It's like the reappearance of the giant army in ancient times. Although the number is less than 100, its momentum is stronger than that of hundreds or thousands of them before.

This is the change brought about by the unified standard equipment. Of course, according to the rating, these ice giants were originally Level 3 creatures, but now after they become undead, their strength has risen instead of falling.

They have become truly level 4 creatures, all of which are advanced necromancers who can cast the magic of death and withering.

Death and withering: Level 4 spell, use cold evil energy to erode an area, and all creatures will wither.

These ice giants have magic cores. They are more powerful than the traditional Black Knights transformed by human beings. The death and withering match their natural magic very well.

The newly formed legion of necromancers has injected a shot in the arm into the black island tribe. The elder's original plan to promote the migration is no longer mentioned. Lin Feng asks the people guarding the way out of the ice giants to withdraw.

Now they don't have to be afraid of these people. They dare to play Yin again. The strength of both sides has been reversed. In a twinkling, three days have passed.

The ice giants on the cliff are short of food. They have to send people down to look for food. Then they see a team of ice giants in sight.

Those with sharp eyes immediately found that they were their companions. Although they were covered by Ice Armor one by one, the characteristics of ice giant were so obvious.

In the windy Cape area, apart from them, where other ice giants might appear.

But in the crowd, there are two more savage giants. They have been deadly enemies ever since they met. Now they come together, but it seems very strange.

Several people looking for food looked at each other, and then one of them bravely went up and asked, "you've finally come back. What's the matter?"

One of the leading ice giants stepped forward and said, "I'm Raleigh. These two are here to talk about the alliance with us."


This was one of the brave captains of their tribe before. They didn't dare to ask more questions and ran back.

The ice giant Legion followed in silence, speechless, even those original people, can also feel the power of this silence.

However, for their own people, they are still at ease. Although they feel that it is not the same, it is normal for them to change after so many days outside.

Fortunately, the frost giants live with their whole body armor every day. The more powerful they are, the thicker their armor becomes, so that they don't even show their faces.

As long as they want, the ice helmet can be changed by heart at any time, and no one noticed the abnormal face of the people below.

If there is no helmet, these guys with stiff expression and shining eyes will have problems.

However, the situation of the ice giant, who is enclosed here, is not much better. His knowledge has long lagged behind, and he has never heard of the dead.

What's more, this group of people lead the way in the front, followed by the giant legion, there are Lin Feng and elder two people. So straight into, easy to enter the ice giant's nest.

Steep cliff, all the way curved up, from time to time there is a platform for people to stand. This kind of mountain road with a 90 degree angle can basically be regarded as one man in charge of the pass, and ten thousand men are not allowed to break through.

In the past, the barbaric giants had no hope to fight here, so they could only choose confrontation.

All the way up, the ice giants all stare at Lin Feng and the elder with a kind of hatred, but they dare not be presumptuous in front of so many companions returning.

After climbing the cliff, you can see a huge cave full of frost. Giants are waiting by the side of the road. Apparently, they have received the news to see their relatives come back.

See familiar people, one by one showed the color of joy, some still think they are the two captives of Lin Feng back.

Fortunately, the previous one explained the situation clearly, and Lin Feng looked at the cave like the assembly hall. The situation above was undoubtedly much better than that of the black island tribe.

The stalagmites are connected up and down in the open cave, just like man-made ones. But looking at the natural scene, Lin Feng and the elder are both eye opening.

It seems that the first arrival really occupied a good place. There are hundreds of meters of narrow roads from the edge of the mountain wall, and there are some traces of manual excavation. Through this road, it suddenly opened up and entered the huge cave.

The clan leader of the frost giant, REM, has turned into a giant with snow-white hair.

Although he looks old and white, Lin Feng can feel the magic in his body, which is the strongest among the people here.

It's a pity that these ice giants rely entirely on their talents and haven't developed their own magic system for so many years.

It seems that the beginning is really very important. At that time, hundreds of families, as one of the giants, learned from the elves, and opened the beginning of the magic age. Later, even goblins and goutouren had their own magic system.

REM glanced at them and then looked at Raleigh in front of him. "Raleigh, what's going on?" Leili calmly said: "patriarch, the black island tribe has developed magic. This time we are defeated by magic." REM and the old giant who could barely hold hands in several tribes were surprised. They all immediately looked at him with wide eyes. After confirming that they had heard him correctly, they looked at Lin Feng and Lin Feng. Magic?? The reason why the giant empire will withdraw from the stage of history is not because of magic. They are like an insulator. They are defeated in the face of this new power. Unfortunately, magic is created by the elves, without their help, the giants can not enter its door. When the giants were at their peak, they did not develop magic. Now they have degenerated to such a degree that it is even more impossible. But now a man of his own ran up to him and said, "he was defeated by the giant's magic. How can it be?" This is the elder of the black island tribe. He has the power of magic. " Leili introduced the elder and Lin Feng. There was a trace of excitement in rem's eyes, magic, who didn't want it. Since even the savage giants called magic insulator can use magic, the natural magic blood of Frost Giant is not to mention. As long as they can learn magic and gain the power of magic, they will not return to the mainland stage, at least not like the present situation. Let others bully and hide in such a remote corner.