Lin Feng was standing on a huge stone. After continuous high-intensity actions one day and one night, even the physique of a wild giant was exhausted to the extreme. He had a subconscious system and could sleep when standing, so he was still in a good condition.

Others, however, had long been full of blood in their eyes, and all of them were supported by the excitement of a cavity. After arriving, they went to sleep on the boulder in groups.

Even the severe cold wind can't prevent them from going to sleep. These people seem to be bluffing, but in fact their combat effectiveness has dropped to the freezing point.

According to speculation, after the tribe suddenly lost most of its main force, the frost giants above would not dare to take risks. Lin Feng guessed very well. He brought these people here to have a sleep. He didn't take them back until they were informed by the tribe.

It was noon on the second day when we returned to the tribal camp. It was the only time we could see a shadow of the sun.

Frozen fish can be seen everywhere in the camp, and some slaves of the gale mercenary regiment are also working. These guys rely on each other to treat each other, and more than a dozen of them just recover.

Naturally, Lin Feng would not waste labor force. He would lock these guys into a row and work collectively with the huge iron chain they brought.

Run one, kill all. At the beginning, there were a few guys who plotted to escape. After others found that they could not escape, they chose to report in fear of being implicated. So these iron heads were caught, directly broke their limbs and threw them back into the ice cellar. This move made them supervise each other. The dog bit the dog. Under the care of someone, no one ever managed to escape.

After Lin Feng came back, he took ten seriously injured ice giants and those who had plotted to escape to the altar of evil gods.

After getting the ice giants, anubak was generous and gave the mark and the bloody butcher to Lin Feng.

Originally he expected that Lin Feng would come back. When he found that magic was not so easy to learn, he would naturally give up.

And as long as he used his mark, the giant boy could not escape from his palm, which was naturally invested in his own body. It's nothing. After Lin Feng left all the prisoners, he took these two things back.

He is not prepared to use the mark. The urination of demons can be learned from the memory of human beings. Once such things are used, they will become the slaves of evil gods. Although he has certain confidence in his soul, there is no need to take this risk.

However, there are many suitable people in the clan, such as the old people in Kunli and the elder. Lin Feng thinks that the most suitable one is the witch doctor. This guy's mind is very clear. He must be able to learn how to use magic quickly.

An old man with declining physical strength has always been regarded as a waste for the wild giants. In the cruel living environment, even if they stay in the tribe, they will be quickly eliminated by nature.

After all, even children here have to go out to look for food, and there is no old-age security system for the elderly.

At the same time, Lin Feng is also constantly analyzing the mysteries of the world's power. Combined with the experience and knowledge of a group of elite mercenary group members, we try to establish a set of cultivation methods suitable for giants by the way of Knight cultivation in this world.

These include combat, breathing, body method, daily exercise and so on, which form the knight system of the world. These people are the main force in the front battlefield. After the meat break reaches a certain level, they can be combined with magic to become magic knights.

Different from pure scholars, their flesh is strong, tough and powerful. With the increase of magic power, they are extremely powerful. Also has a certain casting ability, all aspects of the ability is very comprehensive.

Lin Feng plans to sort out a set of basic skills to strengthen the giant's physique, and design some standard movements with his rattan beetles. Can effectively improve their defense and attack, trained and untrained people are completely different concepts.

A trained person will form a conditioned reflex and know under what circumstances consciousness will make the best response.

With their size, holding the huge tower shield, as long as they gently lift it in critical time, or block it with the most defensive position, they can block the human attack.

Especially for the weakness of the head, Lin Feng also made a group of three axes to defend and counterattack, all designed for small creatures. Many of them are hard pressed, they hammer a shot in the past, often can be in front of a piece to empty, both defense and attack.

To this end, Lin Feng mobilized all the slaves to melt the captured weapons and make dozens of thick Maces.

The mace is about five meters long, and the metal spines are more than two meters in diameter. With a hammer, these humans can even empty their weapons.

At the same time, the patrols followed the hunting party's original path and went to look for it. Without the pressure of ice giants, there is no imminent threat to this land except human beings.

The kislaver and the white dragon rarely come out to make trouble. If they come, a dozen or so patrolmen can't do much.

While Lin Feng is supervising the hot foundry, he is integrating all the knowledge with the help of the subconscious system to create a set of usable skills based on the giant's body.

It's not just all human beings who have been driven out to work, but also the ice giant. There are 92 ice giants. Although these guys are a little clumsy, they have a lot of strength. They often hammer down in one blow, which is comparable to that of more than ten human beings. The chain brought by gale mercenary regiment is not enough, but it doesn't matter. Use rattan instead. These wounded ice giants were tied around their necks with vines, and had little resistance in front of the heavily armed giant. Their ice axe is very useful, but it doesn't use the power of ice. It's just a piece of snow. Other people can't use it at all. Under the guidance of Lin Feng, a simple modern iron making workshop showed efficiency in the camp, combined with the ability of some people to control fire. It can bring the temperature to a very high level. In a huge igloo with an area of more than 1000 square meters, it is very hot here, in sharp contrast to the cold outside. This building is actually an ice shed. First, the pillars are built, and then the trees are put up and watered to make a cover. Not only heat insulation effect first-class, but also windproof, antifreeze. Hundreds of ice giants and human beings are busy in it. It's very difficult to fight with exquisite weapons under such simple conditions, but it's not difficult to fight with a mace.