Think of the children at home, Rilla showed a knowing smile, "Rilla, you go ahead, speed up the pace, there are traces of human."

Aojia, the leader of the team, urged the team to speed up immediately, but with their prey, they didn't walk fast after all.

Because of the severe winter, every year animals in the windy Cape area migrate to the south in the cold winter and come back when the snow melts.

In the long cold winter, it is more and more difficult to find the creatures that are still here, so the hunting team has to travel far. After walking hundreds of kilometers, I walked out of the windy Cape area and went to the sunset wasteland to look for food.

There are swarms of wolves in the wasteland. These hungry wolves dare to attack any creature. For humans and other creatures, they are far away.

These giant wolves, which are bigger than human beings, are dangerous little pets for giants. It should be noted that some mutant magic wolves may be born inside. These magic wolves are natural leaders.

When encountering powerful prey, it will make a sound to call other wolves in the wasteland. There are thousands of snow wolves in the whole wasteland. Even if it is a giant, once surrounded, it is very easy to be entangled, physical overdraft, a little bit eaten.

There are giant bears, tigers and other large creatures on the wasteland. The fur on Rilla's body comes from giant bears.

Stepping on the thick snow again, everyone has an urgent impulse to go home. The windy Cape is their home now. Although the environment here is extremely harsh, there are ice giants and neighbors like white dragon and kisra demon.

But compared with the ubiquitous human slave hunting teams, it's much safer here. The extreme environment limits them and blocks the slave hunting teams at the same time.

Sky, a line of sight with the giant's moving pace, in front of a semicircle of encirclement quietly unfolded.

The red copper dragon Gu Xi stands next to a nu Li, where there is a black island tribe's remaining evil. It is not only the gale mercenary regiment that gets the news, but also their mercenary regiments have their own information.

The kametes are also a second-class mercenary regiment, and they are an old mercenary regiment. After receiving the information from the informer, they entered this area. I'm going to intercept Hu ahead of time, but as the wind mercenary regiment, there has been no news for several days that it is qualified to participate in this operation.

But it doesn't matter. They've already sent people to watch the giant team. After a long hunt, the giants who return with their prey are already exhausted.

They have adjusted the perfect trap, waiting for these giants to be caught, and the wind mercenary regiment in front of them will let them wait slowly, ha ha!!

As the head of the kamete people, Gusi is a tall and middle-aged badminton. His muscles are completely different from the slender and graceful figure of ordinary badminton people.

The weapon used is a dragon gun, which is also named for it. This magic long gun can nail giant to the ground.

A giant exploring the way in front of him pushed aside the branch in front of him. His height was almost as high as that of this tree. When he walked, he should pay attention not to be scratched by the branch from time to time.

All of a sudden, his body was stiff, and he stopped. A companion behind him pushed him. He was about to ask, and he was in a trance.

One by one, the giants on the outer guard are put down silently, while the team with the prey moves on without any sense. Rilla's whole body is hot, and the snowmobile behind is dragging deep ditches in the snow.


A slight and familiar sound came into her ears. Rilla felt cold in her heart and almost instinctively fell down. She felt a slight pain in her shoulder. When she fell on the snow, she saw a small feather arrow on her shoulder.

She pulled out a feather arrow. Fortunately, it was blocked by several layers of fur hanging on her shoulder. The arrow didn't shoot deep.

At this time, the whole hunting team had been in a mess, and the people of the tribe roared. They left their prey and rushed out with their big wooden spears. Small figures appeared around them.

Mix rope, trap, magic, giant body with arrow feather, one by one fell on the road of charge.

OGA and a few people formed a group, defending the arrows around, rushing left and right, but there were fewer and fewer people around. The other side seems to know that he is the leader of the team, and there are constantly magicians who specially deal with him, and all the people are desperate to block him.

He roared and guided the people, but soon realized that he was completely trapped in the encirclement.

After looking at the surrounding situation, my heart sank, "go, go, retreat from the original road." Then he rushed out first with his body.

Only Yuanlu had no time to set up traps. These despicable slave captors would not fight with them close to each other without necessity. They used traps and long-distance traps to play with them every time.

Rilla threw away her fur and rushed out. The sober minded giants also turned around. A total of 40 or 50 giants rushed out after dropping their prey.

There is no pre arranged trap, and no one dares to stand in the way of these 20 meter giants charging. Even the level 6 strong players like Gucci are not willing to meet them.

The hunting team of 180 people only ran out less than 50 people. The rest of them either fell on the way of charging, or were hit by arrows or magic. They softened up and spontaneously intercepted the pursuers. In order to fight for time for the escaped companions, the behemoths stood in the middle, and some of the Yuzu people rose to the sky, but they did not chase them out. We have always been prepared to fight against these wild giants. Even if a small number of people catch up with them, they may not be able to keep them. But it's also in their calculation. As long as they go back the same way and send people to stare at them in the sky, it's not too late for these people to start calmly when they run to exhaustion. However, there are enough left in the same place. There are more than 120 adult giants. What a great fortune this is. Although some of the giants still stood up and didn't want to fall, they were actually able to stand because of their strong constitution. The combination of poison, feather arrow and magic is specially developed for giants, which can quickly affect their blood and cause dizziness and weakness. OGA leads people to run out of the original road for more than ten miles. Rilla stumbles behind her. The arrow wound on her shoulder makes her head heavy and her strength more and more weak. Five or six companions have been left behind on the road. Small figures in the sky are always hanging above them. No one dares to stop, and no one helps them. Because as long as they slow down, they may be caught together. All the people of the black island tribe were taught from an early age that they would rather die than be slaves.