Set up a spirit domain, use powerful magic to transform nature, transform themselves. From spiritual life to flesh and blood life, which is more convenient to enjoy.

More and more elves choose this kind of transformation. As more and more elves are transformed into flesh and blood life, more and more resources will be occupied.

They began their first expansion and inevitably clashed with the giants, who lived in temperate forests. It's not too cold, it's not too hot, it's the most densely populated area for the giants.

The giants once again rush into the forest with the iron Legion that they can crush everything. However, the magic of the elves shows great power. The giant Legion that can sweep everything all the time is reduced to ashes in the forest.

Kilo with the elves, with the magic of destroying heaven and earth, exterminated the giant city. The first spirit city was built nearby, and a magic tree was born by magic. This giant tree that goes directly to the sky can help the elves better absorb energy elements.

This spirit city has attracted all races. This is the first time that someone has defeated the giant and demonstrated the great power beyond the giant's reach.

These races include dwarf, feathered, lizard and orc. These races have been suffering from giants for a long time, so they decided to form a coalition to fight against giants.

More respect for the spirit as the king of the hundred families, keelo became the first spirit emperor.

Among them, the Yuren, who have white wings and are naturally more in line with the aesthetic standards of the elves, are given the opportunity to learn magic from the elves. This magical magic is called magic by them.

The elves grow slowly, they don't have so many people to rule the world, so the feather people are the best agents.

Through the teaching of magic, a large number of magicians have sprung up in the large population of the Yuren, and the magicians form an organic mage group.

The giant who was more than ten times their size was defeated. One giant city after another fell. The great spirit Emperor himself killed the strongest mountain giant king.

Whether it's the frost giant, or the barbarian giant, or the mausoleum giant, or the sea giant. All of them were defeated by the coalition forces of all ethnic groups, withdrew from their original territory, and went to the remote areas to make a living.

The ice giants originally lived in the north. They moved to the north, mountains, polar regions and other places where people rarely visit.

The mausoleum giant retreated to the plateau, deep in the mountains, and it was hard to see.

The sea giant went into the sea and went abroad to find some desert islands to live on.

However, the most adaptable and dominant giant is at a loss. They have been used to farming, but farming must require a stable environment, suitable climate and region.

They fought to the death for the land under their feet. As a result, most of the casualties of the Allied forces were caused by them. Both sides kill red eye, but under the magic, manpower is limited after all.

The giant was killed out of ten, and the rest of them looked for places to hide. Unfortunately, all the remote places had their owners.

Plateau, snow, sea, the first place has their original owner. Those giants naturally don't like people to come to their own territory and take a hostile attitude towards the coming brute giants.

But the barbarian giants can only seek more remote and uninhabited places to survive, and they withdraw from the stage of history. Only in the most desolate and uninhabited place can we see its figure, which is called the wild giant.

Ten thousand years later, the traces left by the glorious age of giants can only be seen in some inaccessible wilderness.

The Yuren, who have the best relationship with the elves, have developed rapidly and occupied the mainland in just a thousand years. Various city states have been established, and the huge population has also produced a prosperous magic civilization, which can even compete with the elves.

The power of the Yuren will inevitably erode the interests of all ethnic groups, but with the prosperous magic civilization, all ethnic groups are subdued. Even if the elves had to give up their position as the leader, they would sing in harmony with the feather people.

The hundred nationality alliance, which once took part in the siege of the giant, was exterminated one by one, or fled to a remote place to join the giant.

Dwarves run to the hills to build underground cities, orcs go to the desert to live a nomadic life, and lizards play with mud all day long in various swamps.

With the development of the badminton society, their demand for slaves is also growing. There are special slave hunting teams to capture all ethnic groups as slaves.

Because the arrogant Yuren do not admit that they are human beings, they will not violate the law. Among them, the wild giants with strong adaptability and great strength become the best labor force.

A slave worker who can support dozens of other races, the barbaric giants were arrested, and the slave team chased all over the world, and the population further decreased.

The black island tribe originally fled to this promontory on a small island called black island. When they got here, they had a few fierce fights with the ice giant. Only then did the two sides understand that they chose a truce for fear of casualties.

But the ice giant is much stronger than the wild giant in the ice and snow. The black island tribe who fled here can't engage in planting at all, so they can only hunt like the ice giant. Take out pine nuts, dig roots, but there can eat enough.

The population will inevitably decrease. Up to now, there are only 300 people left in the whole tribe, and all the adult giants must join the hunting team. Go hunting together in a far place where it is not so cold, once for more than ten days, or even dozens of days.

Lin Feng re opened his eyes, the system has been scanned, a total of five body injuries, life-threatening. Twelve moderate injuries will worsen; Twenty minor injuries, if there is enough nutrition, can be self-healing. The situation is very severe, Lin Feng sighed helplessly. Now he must learn how to control the body. Only three Mao children could be relied on. The tribe was too poor to count on. We can only find a way to help ourselves. What's the way... For a moment, Lin Fengqiang combined his body's cognition of the world, "eh! Ah Jia, you wake up... Great... "A voice came from the side, but it was his second brother, ah Tai. With this cry, the elder brother, ah long, and the younger sister, ah se, also got up“ Great, aga. I thought you would never wake up again. " A se's thin and weak body came up to him with a happy face. In Lin Feng's opinion, these children are obviously malnourished. What's more, they are giants... Ho... Ho... Lin Feng, who wants to talk, opens his mouth and throat and can only send out a little gas. Seeing him like this, the light in their eyes suddenly darkens“ Ah Jia... "Ah se couldn't help crying. In addition, ah long and ah Tai also have a sad face. "Let's go find something to eat." Ah long pulled ah Se and motioned her to stand up, "ah Jia, hold on. When we find something to eat, you will be saved." In her view, as long as there is food, everything can be better. However, in the absence of her mother, Rilla, it is extremely difficult to find food alone. Especially recently, the ice giants are forcing them to make trouble while the hunting team is out. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go out. AGA has become like this. Ah long three come out of the cave, but he hesitates and stops.