Looking at the genuine Clarence sitting on the ground, he was no less surprised than them. It was right to see him standing obediently.

Don't think about it. Keep your mind and follow my guidance Lin Feng's voice sounded at the right time.

At this time, he was already in awe of Lin Feng's methods, and immediately followed suit.

As like as two peas in the camera, they had already left the original careless look, and unconsciously stared at the picture, staring at Clarence. It looks like he's constantly making clones. Until the fifth, Lin Feng stops.

The tentacles slowly retracted and quickly disappeared.

At a loss about what to do, Clarence stood up as like as two peas in his face. He looked at each other with five faces. He looked at each other with a smile, disdain, arrogant, expressionless, and each of them was a different expression.

He felt that his brain had become extremely sober, which had not been so relaxed for a long time, but he could not tell the difference.

I can't help looking at Lin Feng. Like him, no matter victor or or Willy, as well as the five people watching the process are waiting for his answer.

Lin Feng: "these are all your demons. Each one represents the most obvious and powerful hidden character at a certain stage. I gave them bodies to make them real people."

Clarence immediately thought that he had gone through five heart demons. He also cut off five heart demons with Huijian. He thought he was just a heart demons. Because their performance is very similar to each other, even the memory is the same, so that he thought that the devil would never die.

It turns out that this is not the case, but the latter inherits the memory of the former. No, maybe it's not inheritance. In theory, the mind devil is born from his own body and naturally has his own memory.

Nature also understands the weakness of human nature. It is by taking advantage of this characteristic that it disguises itself as a demonic that can never be killed.

Because as long as a little memory seed, these once existed demons may revive, and Mu Mu tirelessly wants to jump out to fight for the body and stir the wind and rain.

Sometimes they even do things irrationally. That's the reason.

After listening to Lin Feng's words, people at the scene reacted differently, including the five blue Clarence.

Especially Clarence, his face seven points happy, three points worry, worry is that this is a part of their own after all. Seems to be pulled away, for a time actually some worry about gain and loss.

"Although they all have bodies, they are all attached to the noumenon, so they must listen to you. Each of them has 50% to 90% of the strength of the noumenon, and your strength will be reduced by about 20% to 30%

Lin Feng's words made them feel dizzy and dizzy. Two to three percent of them exchanged for five to nine percent of their strength. The business was worth the money.

In fact, Lin Feng did it on purpose. Otherwise, he would only drop 10% if he had 89% of his strength. In that case, it may be immediately arrested by the big man for research. However, it has been quite amazing.

For the monks of the evil way, the most important obstacle is the heart devil. Without the control of the heart devil, they can spare most of their energy to improve their strength. Instead of thinking about building a spiritual dam all the time, although it is useless to go to the surface, if not, there is no sense of security at all.

How to cultivate without a sense of security? The heart devil is like the sword of daklimo hanging on his head. It will fall down at any time.

After listening to him, Clarence couldn't wait to try. He said to the five incarnations: "come back."

All of a sudden, the five people started to move. Their reactions varied from quick to slow. Some were unhappy, some were expressionless, and some hummed. However, he quickly integrated with him, and Clarence immediately felt the existence of these five incarnations.

It represents a part of my mind, but after being independent, these existence will never be dishonest. He can clearly feel that he is in a state of absolute reason, and will never face the attack of the demons at any time as before.

Come out, my avatars Clarence cried out again, following the heart.

A figure, as if lurking on him, suddenly ejected and landed in various positions in the room. There were five more Clarence in the room. Victor looked at his performance and his face was completely replaced by excitement.

He rushed to one of the sub bodies on an impulse. This sub body is the one who keeps smiling all the time. It's best to look at each other. "Do you know who I am?"

The avatar responded with an elegant smile, "Victor, my old friend, our memories are common, but there are some differences in our sexual strategies. In the past, we had only one body, so we had to try every means to fight for the right to exist for our own existence."

Speaking of this, he took a pause and looked at the other five Clarence, "but now, I feel that we have become a stronger whole, but we are independent of each other. This kind of feeling is wonderful. We can even practice at the same time, with five times the speed."

Willy couldn't help but jump out and ask, "how much strength do you have?" We have 80% of the strength of ontology, but as long as we are willing, we can attack together at any time and give play to the strength far beyond ontology. " Victor: 'do you have a name Oh, of course, you can call me dementius He said with a smile. As soon as the other avatars saw him take out his name, they immediately put in their names one by one, "my name is Krasu", "my name is kratu" and "fool, that's my name." No, it's who says it first. " Fart, I've always wanted that name. You stole my memory, you mean thief. " One Clarence growled angrily at the other. The one who claims to be krato doesn't matter. What can you do for me? " Ah ah, I killed you, you bastard The avatar who has been robbed of his name has a burst of light in his hand, which is about to be put together. This is a big play, but let people gape, the original Clarence quickly stopped, "stop!" Two ready to go avatars turn their eyes, the two avatars are still very strong, even the legitimate Clarence can not help but secretly frightened. But then they realized that they couldn't hurt themselves, so they became bold. " He stole my name and my ideas. " The sub body roared at him. Krato curled his lips: "your creativity, it's just a memory. Ask them who doesn't have it."