Although the chaotic crystal wall of Burundi has turned into a thin thin black mist, there is only one chance for the cannon to be fired. It is difficult to rebuild a dimensional gun of this scale in a short time, but the remaining opportunity must be reserved until the end.

In line with Lin Feng's plan, if he hastily threw off this shot, even if the ten Lin Feng worked in the wind, it would not be possible to play with Burundi.

External forces are indispensable to this plan.

Zheng an looks at the evacuees with an indecisive look on his face. Unlike others, he is a native of the world. After arriving at the fortress, he came into contact with unprecedented secrets, and gained the power that was unimaginable for an ordinary person before.

Originally, I thought that I would not have any contact with ordinary people in this world. Even if I found my mother again and mistakenly thought that I saved my sister yesterday, those were actually brought by Lin Feng.

He is very clear, if not all these things happen, if he is just that ordinary youth. Even this mother can't be so polite to herself as she is now. Neither the Jin and Hu families can really accept him.

Fortunately, Zheng an got the magic power, he had the power that ordinary people can't imagine, and came into contact with the truth of the world.

So since I came here, I have cut off contact with the outside world except for contacting my grandfather occasionally. No one would notice that a person like him had disappeared, and it is true.

But now the world is going to be destroyed, his hometown, relatives, and all his acquaintances. All this will collapse and decompose after Gatson reclaims the core of the void.

People and everything inside will disappear and become the most basic particles in the universe.

Zheng an was very flustered, very sad, even so many powerful characters and void lords could not confront the powerful enemy. He has no way to solve the problem, and even relies on others to help himself.

Although he has relatively strong power for ordinary people, he is also a human. Lin Qing and many other members of the Dragon shadow show are all above him. In other words, his strength is not worth mentioning among them, and naturally, it is not worth mentioning.

This, Zheng an has self-knowledge, but even if people are modest. Do you see the destruction of the world and all your familiar relatives and friends die like this?

Seeing that most of the team had been evacuated and Gatson was still standing in the same place, Zheng an's heart immediately flashed a glimmer of hope. He rushed to the other side and knelt down in front of the tall man.

"Lord Gatson, you are our Creator, please save your people..." Zheng an looked excited and sincere.

In front of the light man slowly lowered his head, seems to have noticed this tiny human, before, such a human is not worth mentioning. It's just a cell cultivated by him, but now he has a connection with Lin Feng, and seems to have become a part of the sky.

That can't be ignored. He sounded with a slightly hollow mechanical voice: "I've tried my best. You can see that my world is about to be destroyed. Even I have to escape here."

"No, there must be another chance, as long as Lord Gatson is willing to help, as long as... As long as..." but Zheng an can't go on, and he can't think of a way to save everyone.

There are not many people in the sky, not to mention all of them, even all of their relatives and friends.

Lin Qing stands beside the transmission array and turns to see it. He can understand the pain, but he can't help it. Now that Burundi is coming at any time, the world has no strength to resist.

Staying here is like standing naked in a battlefield full of artillery, without any insurance. He will not leave anyone here to take risks.

Zheng an clenched his teeth and rushed to Lin Qing, "Uncle Lin... i... I want to save my family."

Looking at his expectant eyes, Lin Qing calmly said: "you should know that staying here at any time may die, people may not be saved, you will be buried with them."

Zheng an looked firm: "I'm not afraid, I just ask Uncle Lin to help me maintain the teleportation array, and ask Lord Gatson not to destroy the world until the last moment."

Lin Qing looked at him and said, "courage is commendable. Although it's understandable, I won't leave anyone to help you. It's all up to you."

Hearing his words, Zheng an was overjoyed. "Thank you, uncle Lin. as long as there are these two points, I will be very grateful."

"Go ahead and drive that helicopter directly. It will only become rubbish here." Lin nodded.

Zheng andon was overjoyed and rushed to the apron. Just after a few steps, he suddenly stopped and bowed to Gatson. Then he raised his head and rushed back to the helicopter, which rocked up

After arriving at the fortress, he studied with the crew in his spare time. But time is still short, this is the first time there is no coach beside, heart jump a little flustered, but firmly fly away.

All the way across the mountains and rivers, green vegetation constantly across in front of us, and gradually gray cities appeared in the distance. Zheng an directly out of the fastest speed, in less than 10 minutes arrived in Keelung City, took out a mobile phone to call his grandfather“ Grandpa, are you at home? Wait for me at home. I'll come back to pick you up... There's no time to explain. Anyway, don't go anywhere. I'll be there in 15 minutes at most. " Hang up the phone, hesitated for a while, Zheng an or dial first to give uncle. Uncle is also surprised inexplicably asked, Zheng an can only emphasize that something big happened, he will fly a helicopter to pick them up, let them wait at home. As soon as he heard that the plane was coming to pick him up, Hu Jianlin suddenly felt a sense of awe in his heart, knowing that it must be a big deal. At the moment, I didn't care. I called my family and drove home by myself. At the same time, Zheng an also called Jin's home, and Jin Qiaolin answered the phone. Listening to his heavy talk, he knew that he had some wonderful friends and the world he came into contact with was different. Immediately called to the mother, Hu Xinyi heard inexplicable, for this son she is more grateful than family. At this time, listening to this, I immediately felt suspicious. After I hung up the phone, I went to ask my husband's advice. Jin Hai Rui didn't change his face. He just pondered for a while and then said, "I'm afraid it's not a big disaster. Don't act rashly before things don't show up, so as not to be involved inexplicably."