"Since we can find it here, let's give him a chance. Those mastiff dogs have been acting frequently recently. It's time for these people to consume their excessive energy first."

It's true that no matter whether he has a bad name or a good one, he can survive before he is qualified to be taught by adults

At the end of the meeting, the crowd dispersed, and Ellie came out alone. After the crowd dispersed, a man came out from the shadow of the room. Lin Feng's body became solid like a wave of water.

From the moment he got here, he felt that there was a strange fluctuation of energy in Ellie, some like mental energy.

It's no accident that every guest in the hotel above the bar is not an ordinary person.

Especially the handsome white guy, it felt like a volcano was about to explode. This kind of energy reaction has reached the level of a fourth level monk.

It's the first time that Lin Feng has seen a person with such a strong energy response in this world, who is even more powerful than the electromagnetic woman, since she can make the aborigines reach this level. It's a complete world, and that Ellie seems to be able to detect the unusual of Philip.

The next day, at breakfast, someone sent a flyer. There was only a mutual aid Seminar on the leaflet, but nothing was on the desk.

Just like those who sent out leaflets, he didn't care if you were really interested. Lin Feng saw that almost all the outsiders would put this thing away after reading it.

Lin Feng also quietly handed in leaflets and stuffed them into his pocket. The seminar was carried out in a wooden house with sandalwood. The wooden house was not decorated too much, and the whole house was yellow log color.

Including Lin Feng, all the people sat in a circle, a total of 12 people.

A middle-aged white man stood up first and said, "welcome to this seminar. I'm Merson, the sponsor of the seminar."

I'm Philip The handsome white man stood up.

"Andoff." A man with a long scar on his face stood up and spat out his name.

Then to the big man with long hair, he stood up, but his eyes fell on Lin Feng. He said in a meaningful way, "my name is Locke, remember that name!"

Then to his red haired girlfriend, she stood up, voice like a Nightingale: "I'm Lucy!"

After the introduction, Helsen said again, "do you feel confused about life and think that the world should not be like this?"

"Many people have been so confused and made a lot of efforts, even doubted everything. Do we need gods?"

Fortunately, our predecessors have made some changes, even though they have been suppressed. But it's still worth moving on and seeing the world change one day. "

"But" Merson's tone changed, "change requires strength, sacrifice and blood. Only those who have a heart can come to the end. "

"You must have known before you came here what kind of choice you are making." Merson's eyes swept through the crowd.

Every one here is either unable to stay outside, or has completely despaired of the world, hoping to embark on another road. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, because no one can avoid the final review.

The power of the prophet is not something that ordinary people can guess. If it were not for their scruples about the three major institutions, they would have been able to carry out their own business ten times and a hundred times. It's a pity that too many people believe that they are bathed in God's grace and that only God is the foundation of the world.

They can't accept the days without God, because God can control everything, including birth, death and death. Those big people can't give up all this. If there is no God, even if there is no bondage of life, they are just ordinary people, even if they have a serious illness.

As an ordinary person living in the world, it's terrible just to think about it.

Therefore, many people will not be willing to regard them as the world's cancer, heresy, and kill them quickly. Even if the three organizations have formed a tacit understanding, there are far more than the three organizations in the world. There are also many believers, careerists and people who are staring at them for various interests.

Ironically, as the only true God, nimat was so afraid of a mortal. We must get rid of it, and then we can get rid of it quickly. For this reason, we have developed a great deal of God's grace, which can satisfy almost all our wishes.

For the sake of faith, for the sake of the rich interests, countless mastiff dogs have been focusing on the pursuit of the prophet and his followers for many years.

And they, too, have learned to be flexible over the years, using all available forces against hunters.

"Let me ask you another question, are you willing to join the fraternity and sacrifice your life for the cause of changing the world? If you don't want to, just walk out the door."

Merson burst out with a strong momentum, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and fell on every face with a feeling of being seen through.

But no one moved. After watching a circle, Philip stood up first: "I'm willing to join the fraternity and fight for change."

With his attitude, others follow suit. Lin Feng looks at this person in a broken wooden house, discussing the great cause of saving mankind. It's a bit funny, but as long as he shows a little disrespect, he may be chopped to death by these people. As for sacrificing one's life or something, even if I don't want to do it at this time, as long as I dare to go out of this room. He couldn't get out of the village. Lin Feng could feel that there were already a large number of people in key positions outside. Really dare to go out, I'm afraid on the spot will be beaten into a sieve, oh no. Maybe there are more ways. After all, they label themselves as good-natured and conservative. They always have to be a little scrupulous when they do things. " Good. Welcome to join the morningham brothers. Let's get familiar with it. Our enemies have already focused on this place, and the future Chenguang village needs your protection. " Merson took the lead in clapping, and everyone followed suit. At the same time, two motorcades ran into each other on the mountain road. A man with sunglasses took off his glasses and yelled at a side-by-side car with a funny voice: "Hey, You Xian, you werewolves are also here. Don't accidentally die!" You Xian's face was full of thick beard and hair. His face was fierce, but he looked strangely quiet. He glanced at the other side: "Andres! We'll never fall down until all of you sewer rats die Ha ha, we'll see. " Andres put on his sunglasses, stepped on the gas and rushed straight ahead. Werewolf and blood clan meet unexpectedly on the road for the same goal