Now, Lin Feng knows that he is being watched by the heroes of Annan. Based on what Zheng Fei saw and heard, and Zhang Qing's cognition of the world, these people are unscrupulous and have official support behind them.

They are able to act as law enforcers. This layer of skin represents justice, and they may have become the object of justice. The UAV has just been discovered. It's only a long time ago. It's obvious that the other side can use more resources than they think.

Lin Feng and his wife get into a taxi and go back to Zhang Qing's house. Every member of the guardian alliance is like a star in Annam. It can only be recognized at a glance that the relationship between this kind of organization and the government must be very deep.

No matter where you go, you can't avoid the other party's surveillance. In this case, Lin Feng doesn't hide at all. Directly home, Zhao Shan Shui looks like a grandmother entering the Grand View Garden, looking at Zhang Qing's villa and manor.

At home, we have accumulated a lot of food, all of which are sent by people from the wholesale market. It is said that because of the dark sky incident, there has been a lot of speculation in the market.

Many people come to the market to buy grain, especially the rich, who pull it home by tons like Zhang Qing. Food prices have more than doubled. Although the official media on TV are comforting, everyone is not stupid.

So far, there is no reliable explanation, and it is said that the expansion of the marginal world has stopped, as part of the miracle. All of them are live broadcast on TV. Countless people are cheering for their own world expansion. The more happy people are, the more TV stations and all kinds of talents are sparing no efforts to let people participate in this grand banquet.

More land means more resources. In a limited population, the increase of resources means that they share more equally. Even if we can't share the common people, we will have a better life at least.

Xingtiao country, with the smallest population, has a better life than other two countries because it is the most devout. Singing and dancing every month, the whole country is full of joy, which is the envy of the other two billion people.

Lin Feng once again arranged a Dharma array at home. This dharma array is semi fixed, not temporary. For some time to come, it will be a place of conflict.

Ruyi plate first came over, and then one by one of the materials, he used his mobile phone to inform the outside that everything was ready. Restart the array, and all energy is supplied from outside.

Hidden array, gathering spirit array, protection array, guard array, Lin Feng arranged four combined array around the villa. Connect it as a whole. From the outside, everything here is calm and unchanged.

But don't know, under the arrangement of the forest breeze, here already connected into a whole. The four magic crystals are placed in four directions, and the big formation forms an automatic defense body. Only strangers who are not admitted by him will be attacked and blocked outside.

In the fight with Han Qing, these people have a huge amount of energy, but the way they use it is very rough. I feel that the system is not completely formed. Think about the source of power in this world. It is all based on God's grace.

It can be understood that these gifted abilities are not obtained by personal cultivation at all. People may not be able to cultivate these abilities by themselves, and even if they can really cultivate them, they can only do so with direct gifts from gods. And there will be people who can calm down and work out a bottom-up system.

In a word, their energy is huge and powerful, but in the eyes of martial arts masters. This kind of energy is like a tool for children to control adults. In the eyes of a martial arts master like him, the whole body is full of flaws.

But he is such a master, but he is forced to retreat by three children with weapons. Lin Feng has a sense of shame of being bullied by dogs.

The time of physical cultivation is still short. Compared with the indigenous strength of the world, it is still in the catching up stage. However, I think that I can reach the level of others in less than one day. There is nothing to say. The most outstanding elites selected from the hundreds of millions of people in the whole country have been surpassed by themselves in just one day.

But the UAV in the sky should pay attention to it. He has a premonition since he raised his eyebrows last time. I'm afraid that if you fall into this body, you will become a certain cause and effect. If you complete your own cause and effect, you will get a certain understanding, and the soul will be sublimated as if it had been rounded.

Apart from feelings, just from the perspective of interests, Zheng Fei's relatives and friends can't die. Once he died, the loss would be great. His experiment has not yet been successful.

When the formation is completed, the whole villa is closed, forming an independent space.

Can try, Lin Feng will look surprised Zhao Shan water in front of him, directly turned a day's life in the past to him.

Zhao Shan Shan's face was very excited, but at this time, it seemed a little hypocritical to talk about these. He stared at the electronic numbers displayed on the keepsake. Originally, there were only seven hours left. When the number was refreshed, the alarm disappeared and became seven hours a day.

Listening to the sound of urging people to die, Zhao Shan's heart fell down and sat on the ground. It is conceivable that in the past ten or so hours, watching one's life span decrease one second by one, leaving less than one day to live, how much pressure there is in one's heart.

However, Lin Feng looked at his keepsake to reduce life, but he nodded, obviously. He blocked the space with a large array. Although the basic rules here exist, the life system still works. But it's not taxed. This one alone can save half its life. If it's published, I don't know how many people will rush to ask for transactions and save half of the tax. However, such a big cake is passive, and it will surely lead to the intervention of the interests of the participants. Think about the gap with Burundi. The time is not right, there is no strength to keep all this before, will only be the wall of his guilt. And his purpose is to end this divine system and free all people from the enslavement of this life. The spirit gathering array has gathered spiritual power suitable for cultivation. Lin Feng sits in the array and begins to add spiritual power. Before, on the top of the building, his spiritual power had been replenished to 2778. Fortunately, it was timely replenishment that saved Zhao Shanshui from the electromagnetic woman's hands. These tools are good. Maybe we can start from these people. They have the strongest power and are the best in the world. The vision, insight and mind are outstanding. I don't want to be bothered by this life span. As for his life expectancy, it is never within the scope of concern, although we do not know how people will die at the end of the countdown. However, as a person who has practiced the Dharma of shifting souls, he can be confident that nothing can threaten his soul.