Fifty dragon shadow players were dazzled when they saw a group of old colleagues. This kind of breath, their martial arts trained facial features are much sharper than ordinary people. Naturally, they can feel how strong they are.

And now I will become one of such strong people. It's exciting to think about it. They all stare at Lin Feng and Li Zhong, who are in conversation. This is the result of their loyalty. Sure enough, there is no wrong choice to follow these two leaders.

Shengting high school, Longshan city.

In spring, the campus is full of flowers, and today's campus is full of a strong atmosphere of joy.

"Welcome Shengting band back to my alma mater" is written in big characters at the school gate. These big characters float above the school gate with giant balloons and flutter in the wind.

On the ground, there are huge posters, in which several boys and girls have different temperaments, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they are beautiful.

These are the most famous school band, Shengting band, which will be on the stage in the noble evening party today. In the past six months, it can be said that Shengting band has made great achievements. All of the new songs released are high-quality Golden Songs, which are put into the two albums in a crazy way.

The songs in the two albums of the band are very popular. They spread directly in the eastern countries and quickly became famous. For a while, it became the most popular group in the sky, but after all, it couldn't stop people from getting red.

Since it became famous, its members have been stripped out one by one. I don't know how many envious people are eyeing me, let alone those who have released the album in the same period.

Since the Emperor Entertainment Group issued a ban order, with its huge media capacity behind. At the beginning of the wave of smearing, even Ling ningshuang's father, the vice mayor, was used to clean up. Under the guidance of countless water forces, keymen beat him as an inexorable corrupt official.

Canxing entertainment, which has just been established for a short time, has no ability to fight back at all. Except for a few people shouting in their respective blogs, the several counterattacks organized by the navy have been easily defeated.

Those big V who dare to take orders are directly blocked, resulting in almost no one dare to take orders. Canxing's capital is far less than that of the other party. In this turbulent tide, he can only choose to stay out of the limelight. Anyway, the entertainment industry is forgetful.

As long as there are good works, they can make a comeback at any time. Several people in the band have fought more than ten lawsuits in succession. All are aimed at the song copyright in their hands, although the results did not come out for a while, but with the lawsuit after lawsuit.

A lot of negative news has written them as plagiarists, which is the power of media groups. It only needs a picture and a word with sand and shadow. A roll call in the article can guide the public and arouse their indignation. Under the successive bombing, they will naturally leave a negative impression on such a band.

If it's not that their songs are really good enough and highly sung, people who have heard them will not be willing to delete them. Otherwise, it will be cold long ago, and only those iron powders will not be affected. However, since they have only risen for half a year, how many iron powders can there be.

Do not look at other stars, go out with hundreds of thousands of fans squatting airport gatekeeper. It's all pre arranged. It's basically a group show. There are very few real fans. Of course, it's not ruled out. It's all elastic and safe.

But the real will run to the airport to meet idol, a thousand fans have so a high probability. And how many fans can there be in a city? It's true that fans don't have to eat.

Shengting band had to make a statement and return to school for a while to continue to practice and strengthen its connotation. In fact, it's a last resort to retreat. All the songs in the dispute have been taken off the shelves by regular channels.

Emperor Entertainment is fierce, but it has to hibernate first, and Lin Feng, the soul creator of the band, is invisible all day. They are also in a state of panic. It is also a fact that those people say that they are at their wits' end and can't produce new works.

If there is a new song at this time, it is better than any propaganda. But something happened in the Zhenwu sect of Lin Feng. They also heard about it. It's a matter of how many people's lives are involved. Compared with this, they are nothing.

I didn't dare to bother Lin Feng all the time, and things came to this point step by step.

In the past half a month since returning to Longshan, Shengting has been promoting the concert, and Canxing's own live broadcast platform was launched today.

So that these days, the whole campus is a little fanatical. Shengting band is the pride of their school and even Longshan city. It's just students. Who don't know.

But being beaten and slandered like this, are you angry. My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't.

However, although Shengting is second to none in Longshan, it is insignificant in the whole country and even in the whole oriental countries. The influence can be ignored, and no one will pay attention to the voice. Moreover, under the emperor's direction, these voices will lead to massive water army submergence.

Every student in Shengting is holding his anger and wants to do something for the band and prove something. This evening, the band will officially return to the campus for the second time. Since its first amazing performance, it has left a deep impression on all teachers, students and even visitors.

Every time I see them singing outside, I can still feel the shock of the song through the screen. Chen Zixuan, who looks very handsome in his campus suit, is walking along the road with several classmates, but there is no doubt that all of them are centered on him. Along the roadside, there are posters. All the trees along the way are decorated with colored lights. Stepping on a long red carpet with no end, this is the big hand of the school and Canxing“ It's said that Su Hui and all of them have arrived. Zixuan, will you go to the rehearsal room today. Take one of mine with you A sweet looking girl took Chen Zixuan's arm and begged pathetically. She is a flower girl in class two, and her family is also officialdom. Her background is even better than that of the Chen family. Before, Chen Zixuan was not able to get into her circle, because he was the eldest man's own daughter, and his father's level was far away. However, since Shengting became famous on campus, the days of Chen Zixuan's brothers and sisters have ushered in earth shaking changes. All this is naturally because of Lin Feng's kinship. Because of this relationship, several members of Shengting band naturally have to give him some face. There are even some contact information of Su Hui and others. You can get autographed photos, platinum records and so on. After several members of Shengting band returned to Longshan, Chen Zixuan and his sister often went to see their rehearsals.