This is the game of the rich. Ludwig got AIDS when he was less than 30 years old, and then the doctor checked it out immediately after the wave. Then we started the life extending game, but even with such expensive and luxurious liquid, under the increasing dosage, the toxin still accumulated to a lethal level.

Today, he is 66 years old and has lived for nearly 40 years. This is the power of money. Ludwig even married and had a normal family. Because he was terminally ill, he attached great importance to family affection.

Katyusha's salvation made him choose to believe in a strange young man from the East and risk his life to the other side.

Lin Feng figured out the structure, and then the matter was simple. Using the ability of catalyzing vitality, he directly made the original bacteria of the original drug liquid grow and mutate rapidly in his environment full of HIV original bacteria.

Under the limit growth rate, the evolution speed has been accelerated countless times. Soon, the microorganisms that can quickly devour the original bacteria of AIDS appeared, and Lin Feng separated some of them and continued to catalyze.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng finally got the most satisfactory version. Once this version encounters AIDS bacteria, it will be engulfed for a long time, and self split replication. When it is engulfed, it will quickly enter death.

This is not in line with the biological law of the drug, it is entirely his use of life spawned. It was impossible for others to copy it. After making enough in the medium, Lin Feng put it into a syringe.

So I took off my lab clothes and came out of the biology lab.

I said hello to the staff outside and arranged to start the operation immediately. After hearing the news, more than ten old men and women came to see the effect.

Seeing the box in Lin Feng's hand, jinx's eyes flashed a trace of excitement. Entering the operating room, there were two rows of nurses and four doctors standing at the door, apparently listening to his orders.

But where does Lin Feng need them? He waves them out directly. After the door closed, he opened the second door, and the whole operating room was sterile.

There were four doors in a row, and inside it was a pure white space, on which Ludwig was already lying. Obviously already ready, Lin Feng walked over and motioned to him to start, then he had an anesthetic injection.

Ludwig's consciousness was immediately confused and soon lost consciousness. Lin Feng opened the box and took out the original liquid. This is a variant and upgraded version of targeted drug, but its efficacy is more than 100 times stronger.

The drug into the body, Lin Feng's spirit into his body to observe the situation, the drug is worthy of being born in his blood. Almost as soon as they entered, they rushed to the blood of the original bacteria of AIDS, phagocytizing, growing, splitting, phagocytizing - growing - splitting

Over and over again, the color of the drug quickly expanded in his body. Known as the most stubborn, dedicated to the destruction of the immune system of AIDS, in this unprecedented predator in front of no resistance.

It's a natural enemy's nemesis. The effect of the medicine is so fast and effective that Lin Feng expected it to be even better. After all, there's too much blood here. There's more food to live on.

Lin Feng is not idle. He is taking away the toxin in his opponent's body with his essence. He is under the invisible force. The whole body is infiltrated, and the toxins are carried to the stomach, digested with gastric acid, and discharged directly into the large intestine.

After finishing these, the mutation targeted drugs are also turning from prosperity to decline, after eating the original bacteria of AIDS. No longer able to maintain their own existence, began to collapse, rapid death, the last traces left will be normal red blood cells to phagocytosis.

This effect is not bad. Lin Feng is happy to find a new application of his ability. It seems that the development of new drugs will be implemented in the future.

The prospect of the pharmaceutical industry is very broad. Compared with drugs, which are famous for their huge profits, the two are nothing at all. Even if the profit of the pharmaceutical industry is the sum of all the drugs in the world every year and multiplied by 1000, it can be imagined that the profit contained in this drug.

I only need to develop a few common terminal disease targeted drugs, then there will be countless financial resources rolling in. The financial problems that have been bothering him will also be solved, and the rich days will not be too good.

When Lin Feng came out of the operating room, there were more than 30 people outside. There are friends who came after hearing the news, and there are also personnel from the medical department of the sanatorium.

A very young Oriental claimed that he could cure AIDS, a incurable disease, and he did it directly. It's like a scam in any way, but is it necessary to crack such a scam.

Is it a hoax, or is there really an amazing art industry that can cure this incurable disease that has plagued people for centuries. This amazing news spread in a small range, related to Ludwig such a big man, he does not look like a fool.

Moreover, at his age, he is young in the sanatorium. Most of them are old men over 70. They are not willing to retire early when they are in power and wealth on earth.

Only when the body really reached the critical point, they would put down their glory and wealth and come to this high mountain. Ludwig's situation was naturally known to them.

There are only more than 50 recuperators in the sanatorium, and the rest are all service personnel. After years of getting along, this circle is very small. Ludwig's illness is not a secret, on the contrary, in this circle, medical resources are generally shared. Anyone who knows a doctor with good and powerful skills will recommend each other. They are not poor in money. When they get old, the health that money can buy almost never falls behind. Kinks was the first to come up. "Lin, how's the operation going?" Lin Feng saw Alva at the back, and looked at all the people who were looking at him. They were curious, worried and mocked. They were waiting for the deception to come out. "The operation is a complete success. Now we can let the doctor do the examination," he said calmly As soon as the words came out, the whole audience began to discuss them. Someone immediately pulled the doctor out, and several doctors present today were also eager to try. As soon as Lin Feng nodded, several people immediately rushed to the operating room. The door was closed again and the crowd was kept out. At this time, all of them were scratching their ears and gills in a hurry, where there was a trace of the usual big man appearance, while Alva came and whispered, "Lord Willie's goods arrived first." Lin Fengyan's heart is also a joy, this is the big head, this time is mainly to build the main material of the void Tianyan array. This is an advanced version of the spirit gathering array. With the help of the large array, the energy between heaven and earth can be directly mobilized. This kind of array is generally a fixed large array that can only be found in the sect. Generally, it is used to protect the territory of the clan. By using the benefit of the Dharma array instead of the limited physical body, it can mobilize ten times and a hundred times of its own energy. The power changes with the quality of the array, but if a friar of the first level sits in such a big array, ten friars of the same level can't win. The Tianyan array is often a measure of a clan's inside information. Large advanced arrays will also be equipped with energy pools, energy storage towers and other facilities. With this stored energy, the array can still work even if it is not hosted. The burst of array power will also be enhanced, and with more powerful attacks, it can obtain greater protection toughness. Before, even if I knew that the void Lord had magic crystal in his hand, without other array materials, it was difficult for a skillful woman to make bricks without rice. I did not expect to add a wave of heads to Burundi, which is a good enemy, a good opponent. There is a full set of laboratory equipment in the operating room. Four doctors work together to draw blood for examination. As time went by, there was no HIV pathogen in the blood. Some of them couldn't believe their eyes. They were afraid of making mistakes. They ran to take Ludwig's blood for a second time. The results of re examination, or not, is completely normal blood My God, he's really here! " A doctor can't help making a noise. Other people are also scared. Originally, they were too eager to watch a good play. These elites who have received the best medical training are helpless. You're an oriental boy who doesn't know where to come from. You dare to say that you can cure them. It's a very professional problem. You can't just use your mouth to deceive them. However, the result of this moment shows that it is hard for their eyes and reason to accept. There is no pathogen in the blood. How long has he been here? It's only an hour and a half. The original HIV bacteria that could be found in any corner of Ludwig's body disappeared, as if they had never existed. This is totally beyond the common sense of their cognition. Several people are shocked and have a mysterious color for the new boss just announced. When he came out, several doctors pushed Ludwig out of the door, and people around him gathered around to ask for the results. Four people are subconsciously looked around, did not see Lin Feng's figure, this just relaxed. One of them said, "Mr. Ludwig's condition is indeed reported. We don't know how Mr. Lin did it, but it is true."