The staff in uniform can be seen everywhere in sanatorium. They are all handsome and beautiful. It seems that the standard of selecting people here is quite high. Even service providers must have a standard face value.

Lin Feng walks on the marble Road, all the way through the cafeteria, hot spring area. Along Qingshi Road, walk out of the sanatorium complex and speed up the pace.

Soon there was a stone building in front of us, which looked like a small church built in the mountains, but a few big men in black standing at the intersection were enough to scare off many people.

Before approaching, Lin Feng felt that his gaze was more obvious, almost as if he was actually scanning around his body.

A big white man in black saw his approach and said in a loud voice, "stop, this is private territory!"

Lin Feng raises the chaos ring in his hand, but his steps don't stop at all. "You'd better ask your boss“

When they saw his bracelet, they were all moved and hesitant, but they let out their anger. Dare not stop, Lin Feng in the middle of the past, all the way from the bluestone path to the stone building.

Inside the building is not a church, but there are four statues sitting on a stone table, surrounded by some inscriptions that do not understand the meaning.

It really looks like a religious place. This humble stone house is actually the contact point of mosaicism here.

Inside, there happened to be a man in a white suit with a gloomy face, a head of yellow blonde hair, selling quite well.

Seeing Lin Feng coming in, his face flashed with a trace of fear. He couldn't help blurting out: "what do you want to do?"

"Of course, I'm here to collect the booty, but some people dare to take my booty, so I'm here to talk with you." Lin Feng sat down in a familiar position, which was Aldrich's position.

"Presumptuous, that's not what you can sit on." White suit man subconsciously angry way.

Lin Feng was indifferent and glanced at him casually, "but at least he is more qualified than the dead ghost of Aldrich."

As soon as his voice fell, his momentum suddenly opened in the stone room, and the whole surrounding air field produced a force of resistance centered on Lin Feng.

White suit man bear the brunt, a blank mind, body involuntarily shake. When he recovered again, his eyes were full of horror.

The palm of Lin Feng's hand is sealed in the void, one palm is pressed on the center of the stone table, and the whole stone table becomes the center of the mysterious array. The colorful runes activate along the stone house, and the whole house enters into a state of spatial isolation.

One of the statues suddenly opened his eyes and saw the situation in the room. His eyes ignored the man in white suit and fell directly on Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng? You should know that this is mosaicism The words of this statue imply a threat.

White suit man immediately exclaimed: "Lord Willie, he killed Lord Aldrich and wanted to come here to take our things."

After hearing this, the statue had no response. The man in white suit had a look of annoyance and complained to his parents. Seeing this, he could only shut up.

Lin Feng said in a voice: "I know the existence of you, but Aldrich offended me, so I'm here to get the compensation."

"Joke, you killed our companions and wanted to take what Moses taught. Are you looking for death? " The statue also gave birth to a momentum out of thin air. The whole black statue was faintly shining.

"Willie mensant, you must know that the reason why I didn't do it directly was because of the face of my lord Clarence and victor of the sorcerer order. If you want to go to war, I'll be with you at any time."

Lin Feng coldly returned a sentence, the light of the statue suddenly big explosion, obviously is not small.

At this time, another statue suddenly heard a voice: "Willie! Take it easy. "

Only at this time did the other two statues show their light, which also means that the remaining three giants of the Moslem society have arrived.

The atmosphere hardly eased down. Willie restrained his anger and obviously wanted to see the opinions of the two people who came later.

With the shining light of the statue, the expression of the original rigid statue appeared, which looked like a real person.

Lin Feng stood up and arched his hand to Clarence and victor. "Hello, two adults. I'm Lin Feng“

Clarence nodded, and Victor didn't respond. You can see their attitude from this.

”Lin Feng, we know something about the conflict between you and Aldrich. Although he took the initiative to fight, he is one of us after all. You should be clear that we have the obligation to revenge for him. You'd better not challenge our bottom line before we make a decision“

Clarence walked slowly down the tunnel.

Lin Feng shook his head“ First, he is dead. The dead have no chance to complain. Second, although I may not beat you, but I want to go, no one can stay

Glancing at the four people present, he revealed a strong self-confidence in his words, and the people also saw the ring of chaos in his hands.

This thing is a very famous magic weapon in the whole magic way. With the help of the myth of the same level of Aldrich, you can open a magic channel from the void. It is constantly supplemented by magic. Of course, as a dark holy instrument, its function is far more than this one. One of them is teleportation. Aldrich once escaped from the encirclement of level five masters of the spirit net alliance many times, relying on the teleportation function of a dark holy weapon. In this magic forbidden world, no one knows how he did it or where he sent it. Anyway, he will reappear soon, and unexpectedly, he will be sent to the rear of the pursuer to kill. In the end, no one dared to hunt him down again. A large part of the fame of mosaicism was also due to the existence of this dark holy instrument. Now this thing actually fell into the hands of Lin Feng. In that war, they had known about it in various ways. Aldrich died of arrogance. If he can put aside his face, as before, the situation is not right, he will immediately choose to use the dark holy weapon to escape. That won't be the result of being killed by Lin Feng. In the final analysis, it's that in the face of an opponent who is not as good as himself, he can't put down his mentality all of a sudden. After all, this time he took the initiative to attack. He knew something about Lin Feng's strength and thought he would win. After all, this is the real world. Lin Feng's strength in the cultivation world is not in the class at all. He is a marginal figure in both the orthodox spiritual network system and the demon cultivation society. However, the result was quite unexpected. The soldiers used to deal with him and fired into the dark sky.