The crowd ran in with sucking strength. The giant Angel opened his eyes again, and the golden light flooded everything.

When Lin Qing and his wife came out of the camp, they saw Teri crying that her close comrade in arms, Harry, had disappeared.

In addition, there is another missing person. Someone watched him run away with bad luck and bump into another group of demons. He was cut in half on the spot.

"Harry sprained to his feet. I ran with him. As a result, he sprained to his feet and fell behind. He called my name, but I dare not go back to help him. I can't help him

Terri loses control of herself and suddenly hides her face and cries. She and Harry are buddies from childhood to adulthood. They used to be buddies from childhood, lovers from childhood, and friends from childhood to adulthood, because the same hobbies and interests have never been separated.

Now life and death separate them.

The collapse of Tali makes the survivors realize that leaving the ruins of the underground ancient city does not mean safety.

Danger will appear in their sleep at any time, and then no one dares to go to sleep again and rush back to the city all the way.

They were interrogated by the police and asked to return to the underground ruins. At first, no one wanted to return. But they were forced back by the police. However, on the way back, three of the seven policemen who went with them died the first night.

The remaining four policemen, shouting demons, never dare to move forward.

Ten survivors, including Lin Qing and his wife, fled back to the human town in confusion. In the city of that country, the 13 adventurers waiting in the police station were also involved in the dream.

Along with them into the dream, there are six or seven police officers on duty, all with guns.

At that time, facing the monster, they immediately fired their guns.

But these monsters are not injured and difficult to move like human beings after being shot. They just shake and continue to rush like nothing happened.

That night, five of the 13 members who thought they would be safe with the police died.

The police officers on duty were almost wiped out. After the two surviving policemen handed in the report that night, the superior checked the monitoring and immediately drove everyone out of the police station.

This made the survivors feel helpless. Some suggested asking the embassy for help, and some suggested asking the army for help.

Five more people packed their bags and ran home. The 13 surviving adventurers set up a mutual aid group and took action immediately. Determined to find out the truth together and work together to fight against the devil, the embassy and the army directly refused their help.

A soft hearted staff member told them that the local government had provided their information to the embassy and other official organizations. They can't help such mysterious events.

13 people finally realized that they had to rely on themselves.

Therefore, they began to work together to find a way.

Use mutual supervision to sleep in turn, wake up every 10 minutes, and keep in shallow sleep with drugs.

This effect really effectively reduces their chances of entering into nightmares. At the same time, they buy equipment, work hard to keep fit, practice shooting and martial arts, and carry guns and armor at any time.

Under this series of measures, the effect is obvious, and their casualty rate is greatly reduced.

At the same time, some demons will quickly find them in densely populated areas.

And as long as it is in a place where people rarely visit, nightmares often do not appear for several days.

But as long as more than a week, the devil will be on schedule.

They were overjoyed by the discovery, and they also kept in touch with several players who came home.

Only before they found out the rate, three of them had died, and the remaining two were tortured and came back to warm themselves.

At the same time, they have another amazing discovery: the famous person in the industry who originally called them is still alive, and once again invited explorers from all over the world to organize a group to explore a relic.

This man named master was the first convenor who disappeared. Everyone thought he had died the first time. Now see his appearance, all feel a strong taste of conspiracy.

Thirteen angry survivors contacted the invitees and came to the assembly site to crouch.

Sure enough, they found master. When he was pointed at by more than a dozen angry guns, master's face changed.

Then he said a sentence: "everyone, it's useless for you to point your gun at me. Even if you kill me, the curse will still haunt you and kill you. I'm just a victim of fraud."

With a bitter look, master began to tell his story.

When he was a little famous, he was invited to participate in a desert adventure by an old man in the industry. Then one night after they went deep into the desert, all of them had the same nightmare, 10 people were missing that night, and the wounded.

The missing person included his elder. After several tribulations, they finally found the elder when there were less than 20 people left in a team of more than 100 people.

The elder was killed directly by the angry survivors, but he said something he knew before he died. It is said that this is a curse, which has been circulating in the exploration world for quite a long time. The cursed can only be freed unless they die, but there are still ways to reduce the risk of the chased. That's because that dream can only appear no more than 100 people at the same time. As long as the number of cursed people increases, the chance of being attacked will be less. Even if they are caught, the danger of one hundred people facing the monsters in the demon city will be divided equally. If only one or several people face the monsters in the city, they will have to die, The number of people not only means the probability of being caught, but also the risk is completely different. As long as this one is dead, or someone triggers the angel Colossus of the Central Church, this one will end, and Alcatraz will restart for the next one. Even if the devil is lucky enough to chase others, he can even easily get to the angel church. In view of these characteristics of Alcatraz, the world survivors Mutual Aid Association has also formulated corresponding reward and punishment rules. For example, if mutual framing is prohibited, the discoverer will be expelled. And every member who lasts more than three hours will be treated as a hero. If there is a special recorder to record, there will be corresponding incentive measures. And there are also propagandists, who are specially touting people. Although they are not good in character, touting people can really get points quickly. The association has set up a special fund. These heroes will accumulate points continuously, and the fund will take care of their family members. The survival rate can be greatly improved by distributing money, arranging future affairs, solving worries, and having corresponding equipment exchange, which is specially developed for dream monsters.