Looking at her transparent and illusory body, Lin Feng pointed, and salaya noticed her strange "ah".

Her whole body pours a sound, whole disappear, Lin Feng heart a flustered, can't what matter. This is in the outside world, not in one's own dreams.

Lin Feng immediately put away his dream world and woke up from reality.

In fact, in the blink of an eye, his consciousness experienced a short transition, and then he opened his eyes. Then I saw Saraya on one side of the chair, a real sleeping beauty.

Only in the next second, Saraya's eyelashes moved like a wiper. First, she blinked her beautiful eyes vaguely. Then she saw Lin Feng, and she reacted.

Surprise tunnel: "Mr. long Ying, are we successful?"

Seeing that she didn't seem to have something to do, Lin Feng was relieved and replied, "I just brought you to my dream. You can see that as long as you leave my world, you can't maintain your existence in my dream."

"So it is." Saraya nodded thoughtfully.

"But thank you, LAYA. She hasn't really slept for a long time. Since the nightmare, I have been afraid to fall asleep. As soon as I fall asleep, my servant will wake me up in half an hour, so that I can't get into deep sleep and reduce the chance of dreaming. "

Saraya is involuntarily pour the bitter water, listen to her say very pitiful, Lin Feng listen to also not from the heart of pity.

Listen, a beautiful woman can make you feel proud., Lin Feng is not a fool. The princess is not a fool, but a smart one.

As soon as I heard it was my dream, I immediately raised my vigilance. She read this book just now, but it was very clear that she could do whatever she wanted in her dream. If she had any evil intention, she would send sheep into tiger's mouth.

They discussed the book together, and then someone contacted Lin Feng and asked him to take the goods.

Lin Feng's heart is a joy, the true spirit mark arrived. He immediately left salaya and strode down the spiral.

Looking at Lin Feng's disappearing figure, Saraya's eyes were fixed, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

The real spirit mark is a piece of jade ornament with a spiritual power circuit on it. The process is not complicated, but it is the core technology of a system such as Lingwang authentication that is the key.

As soon as Lin Feng started, he began to study it carefully. The quality of the five real spirit marks he had obtained before was all on this one. After all, it was the equipment of the elite of the secret society.

The one he bought is actually the lowest grade ordinary product, and the quality determines the upper limit. Although it can also absorb 100 units of psychic power per day, the upper limit of speed and durability are not the same.

It's a pity that before he had time to take a close look, he was destroyed by the hermit directly and remotely. Now this one is not in the owner's uncertified state. Lin Feng holds the imprint in his hand and uses the system to scan and analyze it carefully.

A hidden consciousness immediately feels the existence of his consciousness, indicating whether to carry out soul binding authentication. Lin Feng vetoed it directly. As long as he doesn't start the certification process, he won't be found.

After the unified analysis of the whole structure and operation mode, Lin Feng fell into deep thinking, and there was no way to crack it without a complete certification procedure for reference.

In the original fishing operation arranged by the hermit society, the bait was just a secret treasure with the mark of true spirit. It took such a big battle.

It's enough to see the value of the secret treasure. The bait was carried by the little friar Jim. As a result, he was killed when he broke in, and the thing was missing.

Lin Feng takes out the fire dragon whip he got from Luoxian. This secret treasure has no real spirit mark. Depending on the energy provided by the holder, the value should be a lower level.

He was thinking about whether to sell it in exchange for scarce resources to refine his own cultivation tools.

Just then, Eric calls to invite Lin Feng to an auction. It is said that there will be some things he is interested in. It is an internal auction, which is not open to the public at all.

Lin Feng asked and readily agreed that Eric's driver would pick him up in the evening.

The auction was held in a side hall in the palace. Lin Feng wore a mask and saw that there were almost 200 people.

Almost all the members of the nearby area came, because there were some good things that people couldn't let go of at the auction.

A golden masked man is on the stage with a small hammer, which is exactly the same as the layout in an ordinary auction house.

But it's not nonsense, just two simple sentences to say the beginning, directly into the subject.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's see our first item on sale tonight【 It's a special product of subspace. It's the only substance left behind after the death of the void creature. It has high affinity for magic and the characteristics of storing demons. This colorful diamond has a three-level rating. You must know the price you need to exchange it from subspace. OK, please bid. "

Looking at the detailed introduction on the screen, Lin Feng was immediately attracted. The spiritual power stored in this multicolored diamond reached the standard of a third level monk. As long as it is made into a magic weapon, the spiritual power can be doubled out of thin air. That pair of strength can be greatly improved. This kind of colorful diamond is the spoils of fighting against dream creatures. Only very powerful dream creatures will leave this kind of crystal nucleus after death, and then those who have won the war will transmit it from subspace through a series of complex procedures. It's several times more difficult to get such a real object than to get it, because they can't do it by themselves. They must serve by the powerful dream store big, with their own strong force to break through the space wall, will be transmitted to the real world. It's impossible to rely on one person's fighting achievements alone. We must gather the strength of all the people, gather together the fighting achievements, and then ask the void power to do it. This kind of thing will be interfered by magic net, often detected by the people of the three leagues, and directly forcibly intercepted and robbed. Needless to say, if you add it to the battle secret. Then it becomes a powerful secret treasure, which is not limited by the instantaneous output of the holder. If the power of one shot is one, then with such a thing, you can make two or three shots. With such a thing, leapfrog challenge is not a problem. This is also the reason why Luoxian was so confident at the beginning. Lin Feng thought that if he integrated it into Yanlong whip. That power is really amazing. As long as you move your mind, you will attack automatically immediately. You don't need to recover and replenish energy at all.