Jeff was filled with regret. He hated the order, the hermit, and even more Judith. It was he who led Bai Li's enemies to him. Originally, it was just the contradiction between Judith's family and the other party, but he lost his color in the end.

"Oh, my God, I saw something." Above the fighter plane, the pilot who had finished the mission and was ready to return looked at the man below and cried out.

Under the automatic multiple telescope, he could see clearly that the target flew out of the fire and cut the sports car into two parts with one sword.

Suddenly, he thought of some secret legends of the world. Is that the one below the legendary strong man of cultivation? I'm surprised and glad to think of it.

Surprisingly, this is a legendary existence after all, but he is the most cutting-edge weapon controlling modern science and technology. His pride makes him have a kind of impulse to have a try. Take this opportunity to kill a powerful figure in the legend?

As soon as the idea came out, it spread uncontrollably. He immediately communicated with the comrades of the other two fighters.

Then pull down the fighter plane and dive, just before there is no new order from the headquarters, kill the legendary strongman with the original weapon.

Suddenly, suddenly!

The dense array of machine guns under the engine room burst into flames, the position of the target was splashed with mud, and a stream of smoke covered the whole ground.

The dive fighter flew over the target. Even if it was a dive attack, it was at least 800 meters above the ground.

For ordinary people, this is absolutely out of reach. No matter how powerful it is, the sword can still go over 800 meters and catch up with a fighter with a speed of over 1000 per hour.

Sure enough, the smoke was gone, and the Oriental was still in place. But the sword is standing in front, "the target is still there, No. 2 is ready to attack."

Meanwhile, the second fighter began to dive. The little figure on the ground began to flee on the ground, but how could his speed compare with that of the fighter.

The three fighters are almost playfully chasing the target, occasionally using machine guns to chase it, or firing missiles.

It seems that the headquarters has lost their attack. The three people have a good time. The man is unexpectedly tough.

Although the speed was not as fast as the fighter, their flexible body made it difficult for them to lock in. All attacks were basically defeated. Occasionally, they hit the target once. When they watched the man roll out, they all burst into cheers.

Two minutes later, several dots appeared on the fighter's early warning radar screen.

What is this Looking at the flashing alarm, a fighter pilot thought it was wrong.

"I have it here, too. It seems that something is coming."

"Oh, damn it. It's a rocket. Come on."

Several white lights roared on the fighter, roaring!

The three fighters turned into flames and a metal rain fell in the sky.

Lin Feng watched the fireball fall on the ground, and then breathed a breath. He had to say that even if he had spiritual power. If you want to fight against the highest level of modern industry alone, you still can't do anything. The speed is too fast and too high.

Even with the fire dragon whip, the distance is not enough. After all, it's just a low-level magic weapon. This westerner calls it a secret weapon, which means the same thing.

It's a pity that it's not high-level. According to memory, high-level secret treasure has its own mark of true spirit.

That is to say, the whole body of the secret treasure can draw spiritual power from the spiritual net and store it. When it is used, it can burst out great power. At the same time, it can save users' consumption. Lin Feng shakes his head and turns his eyes to the horizon.

There a row of cars are coming quickly, it is the Dragon shadow team he called, the car also put launched automatic rockets.

Welcome back, boss A team leader named Qin Yong said happily.

"Ha ha, you've done a good job. Now it's time to go to deremka. All who are against us will die. " Lin Feng got on the bus and ordered.

The Dragon shadow came to Europe on a large scale, but it was fooled by others. The anger was not general. Just take Titan and Ursula to practice. They are old super mercenaries.

Let them be the symbol of the rise of dragon shadow, "please wait."

At this time, Eric and the Rocha girl finally dare to appear. They have witnessed Lin Feng's fierce fighting power all the way.

So if the characters disturb their own side, how much help will they give. At the moment, he just jumped out to stop the car.

"Mr. Lin Feng, where are you going. I've been in Bucharest for a while, and I'm a little bit powerful, so I'm ready to speak if I need to. " Eric quickly recommended himself.

Lin Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "Titan and Asura are fighting with your men. They are on the wrong side, so are you interested in joining hands with me to send them to hell?"

It's a pleasure Eric was overjoyed. He was worried about it and didn't want to give up flattering Lin Feng.

As a result, the other party directly put forward this joint proposal, which was just to his liking. Luo Cha female is to smile to open flower more, directly gather up to want to ride with Lin Feng together a car.

Such a beautiful and coquettish woman, Lin Feng certainly won't refuse, and he still has a lot of things to be understood by such an expert. Along the way, as Eric kept making phone calls. There are more and more vehicles on the road. Later, they quietly follow behind, and soon form a continuous team to go straight to the daimrika airport. In fact, this is the end of the game. Titan's appearance has severely damaged philoka and the night devils. The rest is to eliminate them one by one. As long as all the remaining elite are killed, the two top ten mercenary regiments will be removed here directly. However, the situation had an unexpected reversal. In another battlefield, Falcon was killed by an oriental. Then the monks who rely on Jeffery also die and run away, which puts them in an embarrassing situation. Even the backers are down, there is no need to cut their own dissidents. If we retreat, we will be in trouble tonight. In the end, the two sides discussed and did their own work. At the same time, they sent people to prepare for defense. As a super mercenary corps, they have their own pride. It is impossible for them to be afraid of one person and give up such a big opportunity. Only the head iron will hit a head to break blood, describes is this kind of waist plate straight neck hard. Each of them is an elite student who has studied the secret skills. They are good at it and have received special training. With amazing fighting intuition, with the help of Eric, he quickly replenished the armed forces. Attack immediately from a favorable position near the airport, often one person can suppress several people of the other side, and even some experts can fight ten with one.