In the basement of the island, a tray of candles is lit to make it look like day. On the other side of the basement, there is a wall made of glass. From here, we can see the sea moss outside and all kinds of colorful fish swimming around.

Occasionally, there are one or two large dolphins. Curious, they swim around the island with their tails. They blink and look inside, but they dare not get close to them.

This place is really beautiful. It's like being in the ocean. You can fully appreciate the rough sea and listen to their beauty.

"When do bloodthirsty people like to enjoy the beautiful scenery Lin Feng stood beside the glass wall, looking at the ocean world outside, his heart was suddenly enlightened, he seemed to feel a healing effect.

"From here to the outside, you can see that you have a pure heart and few desires, as if you are integrated with nature. This is very suitable for cultivation." Tianji is sitting on the side, constantly breathing.

There are only two of them in this room. Huang Lin and Jinsha are outside to deal with things, so they didn't come in. Oh, besides, there is the ghost next to them.

Ghost shadow her hair down to sit beside, hand also has a similar handcuffs the same thing to bind him, this is a magic weapon brought by heaven, also not afraid of him to escape.

"Your conditions are not enough. Do you have any more powerful intelligence? You know, if I let you go, I can't catch you next time." Lin Feng stretched out his hand to the bowl in front of him, took a blood red bead and chewed it in his mouth.

This big bowl is similar to the bowl used by monks. The mouth of the bowl is very small. It's not easy to spill out the contents, but it's full of blood essence.

You know, it's very precious. The disciples of bloodthirsty sect usually use one pill seven or eight days in their practice. But now Lin Feng is eating it like sugar beans. If those people see it, they will be jealous to death.

"If you think about it, after you go back, you must have told your organization my information. In this way, I will have endless troubles. If you give me such information, you'd better kill you." Lin Feng saw that the other side didn't speak, and reminded him again.

However, what he said was useless for a long time. They destroyed the stronghold by themselves. At that time, they found that they did it by themselves, and they didn't believe they would come to trouble themselves.

For bloodthirsty religion, he is the number one enemy! And the other side did not find a way to beat themselves, it is estimated that it will not be easy to find their own trouble.

Ghost also secretly sighed, originally he wanted to tell each other the secret of the island, in exchange for a way of life, but each other's appetite is too big.

At the same time, he also realized that he must have guessed wrong. In each other's eyes, it was not just the island, but the comprehensive bloodthirsty education.

"In that case, let me tell you one thing. In bloodthirsty sect, there is a very mysterious fighting force, which is called the top ten guards." After thinking about it for a while, the ghost told Lin Feng about a mysterious but useless news.

"There are ten in the Tenth World War. They will not go out to look for anything or do any task. They will only defend against foreign enemies when their bloodthirsty teachers are in danger. They are only hands and can't attack."

"These ten people can be said to be the strongest fighting force of bloodthirsty sect. Many times in history, bloodthirsty sect was almost attacked. They helped each other."

"The ten members of bloodthirsty sect only have codes and no names. Some talented disciples of bloodthirsty sect will be called by them for training and will become guardians of the next generation of bloodthirsty sect."

Ghost he said very detailed, Lin Feng in the side after listening to think about it, oneself, before really did not hear of these.

If bloodthirsty religion, whose duty is to hunt other practitioners, has not been wiped out for so many years, it should have a magic weapon of its own. Is it these ten people?

Have to say, this is really a very useful news, even the next day, also slightly opened his eyes, he looked back at Lin Feng, in each other's eyes also see not to be.

"Do you know where the ten are?" Later, Lin Feng asked again.

"It should be living in the general stronghold of bloodthirsty sect. Only when the general stronghold is in crisis will ten of them be sent out, but sometimes if other strongholds are more important, they will go to the rescue." Ghost did not even want to continue to say, it is obvious that he has guessed that the other party will ask themselves such a question.

"Well, I've said all I have to say. Can you let me go?" Taking a deep breath, the ghost asked again.

"No problem, I can let you go, you go, no one will stop you." Lin Feng waved his hand casually and motioned him to leave.

"Really? You won't go back? " Ghost still doesn't believe it. He thinks Lin Feng is lying.

To tell the truth, if Lin Feng falls into the hands of ghost, then his idea must be a good torture, to let go, it is impossible.

"I always mean what I say. Let's go. Don't disturb my interest in the fish. " Lin Feng said again and looked at the fish outside. Tianji also got up, came to the ghost, and then opened the shackle on his hand, and found himself. In this process, the ghost does not dare to move. Although the person in front of him is not very talkative, his long experience tells him that the person in front of him will be more terrible. There was no thing to bind him. Tianji immediately used his body method, and in a twinkling of an eye, he came to the outside of the basement. He had already stood on the island. At the same time, I also saw the situation on the island. All the disciples had been imprisoned there, but they were divided into two groups. The ghost didn't know why, but he ran away quickly“ It seems that I saw the ghost just now. It disappeared in a flash. " Jinsha came to Huang Lin and asked him“ The boss said he would let him go. It seems that the interrogation is over. " Huang Lin nodded, and he obviously saw it“ Hey, hey. " Finally, they looked at each other with a smile and continued to distinguish these bloodthirsty disciples. The process was very complicated.