The big cousin's expression is very magical. A very good competition mode for their competition this time is ban election mode. This mode is very interesting. The things here make people feel very interesting.

When choosing heroes, we can see each other's heroes. That is to say, we can make targeted choices. If you make a choice of Assassin League, then the opposite will definitely make a choice of MAGE League. If you make a choice of shooter League, then you will definitely make a choice of tank League.

This is where we can do a lot of targeted work. You can see that Li Feng chose shadow boxing. These heroes are very happy. These heroes can be said that they trained for these heroes, but what they didn't expect is that Li Feng really chose this hero, which is a brainless existence for them.

Han Xue's face showed a faint worry, said: "Captain, this time they may be a lot of bad luck, the captain is too big, shadow boxing, although akali this hero is very strong, but he is not before."

There are still a lot of people in Li Feng company. Although they have left a lot of girls, there are still a lot of girls left. These girls are all elites. They are not only beautiful in appearance. And the heads are very smart, that is to say, they are not traditional vases, but real goddesses.

"Why do you say that? The operation of the team leader can be said to be extraordinary. The operation of the team leader can be said that no one can keep up. What's more, as long as the operation of the shadow fist can keep up with that of akali, it's basically that the gods block the gods and the Buddhas, and there is no one to stop them. "

There's no mistake. Kali's hero is mainly because he grows up. He can even challenge the Dragon alone. And when he doesn't have six gods, as long as he has four gods, he can make the Dragon bigger.

But it's in the man-machine mode after all. This time, it's not in the man-machine mode, but in the real competition. Moreover, the opponent is very cunning.

"I hope nothing will happen this time. The other things are called desert foxes. That is to say, they are very clever and cunning. If they catch the hidden weakness of the team leader, I'm afraid it's really bad luck."

Everyone is very worried, but Li Feng, they are all with a confident smile. Anyway, they have absolute confidence.

The next hero is very arrogant. They choose a hero who is famous for violence, that is, the male gun. This hero can be said to be very violent. Basically, it's a set of taking one person away. It's very terrible in ABC.

Basically, all the heroes who are with him feel very helpless, because the hero's explosive ability is really amazing. It's basically a Q skill. After the past, everyone is incomplete.

But because it has been revised, his Ping a has basically been scrapped, because it has only two bullets. Since ordinary attacks have been abandoned, he can only rely on his own skills to output damage, but the skill output damage is not one. Sagittarius heroes should exist. Sagittarius heroes should rely on their ordinary attacks, but such heroes are not totally absent.

Such a Sagittarius hero is known as the most elegant Sagittarius hero, little yellow hair, izzaril. Ezerell is a hero. All roosters rely on their own Q skills. As long as the person in Q is successful, his combat effectiveness will basically explode. If q is not successful, ezerell will be a fool.

Unlike other people who are very worried about Li Feng and his big cousin, all of them are happy and don't want to.

"Boss, they are just making trouble out of nothing. Hahaha, I laughed. These people are really interesting. Are they doing something? It's so much fun. They chose such a model. Ha ha, we are sure to win. "

The big cousin didn't have such a happy expression on his face. He knew Li Feng and his teams very well and told you that this team was also very terrible.

It used to be a powerful team, but now it's possible to compete with them on the same field, which needs a lot of worry.

"I didn't expect to meet them in this competition. I thought we were going to meet them in the final, so we should be careful. They didn't play according to the routine."

These people in the big cousin's team really had a proud smile on their faces, and even jumped up and yelled at the audience.

Although they can't hear the audience's voice, they know it. Their voice can be seen by the audience. It's Zhou Xiang. The camera will project all their performance on the big screen outside.

If you don't show yourself at this time, when else can you show yourself? They are not mentally handicapped. They want to be famous. As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Aren't they not afraid“ I tell all the audience friends, I want you to have a witness, that is, this group of teams is a rubbish, you once said that he is the champion of the national Internet bar League, but those things are vulnerable in front of us, that is, a rubbish is not worthy of licking our shoes. " Another person in the big cousin's team also stood up immediately. His eyes were all scarlet. He seemed to think that he was a person who stayed up late for ten days“ No mistake. I agree with my comrades in arms very much. I think they are just a bunch of rubbish and want to get along with us. Today, I'll let you know what a real myth is. They don't deserve to lick our shoes. And so on. I'll let you remember your myths, Completely become our team's new true myth, let you know what the existence of desert fox is like What these people can say is just crying. What they say just makes people feel very desperate. This kind of thing is really incomprehensible to them. Fans in many places are very angry. How can they allow such people to force them here“ I'm pulling a calf. How terrible our team leader is. Compared with my team leader, you're making trouble out of nothing. I've already laughed. " This is Li Feng's fans.