Li Xiaobo simply couldn't make complaints about it. "Brother, if you don't know anything else, you can have the feeling." after all, the industry has a special purpose. You are an E-sport person, and you don't know about other industries, but you don't know about Lin Lang's studio.

People around are quite agree with Li Xiaobo's words. It seems that they are looking at Li Feng like aliens. They are quite different. What are the team leaders doing? They are trying to do something. They are not cheating!

Quiet is to know Li Feng's past, he really does not know, so that is to stand up and begin to explain.

"You don't have to look at your captain like this. He really doesn't know anything. He used to be a fan of E-sports. He didn't know these games before. It was very late when he knew these games!"

"Linlang studio is the strongest game production team of penguin company. It has designed a lot of things. Now there is a mobile game designed by us. Now we want to play with them in mobile games."

Li Feng probably knows why. The backstage of Lin Lang studio is too hard. That is Penguin company. What is Penguin company? Fist company is Penguin company, that is to say, the hero League game is Penguin company!

What's good for you? They've had enough of their lives. They want to get along with others!

So the first time, a lot of people are starting to publish their own micro blog, what know, do not know are ready to apologize!

"Ah, brothers, the world's team is our strongest team. The whole world celebrates together. They are the most suitable team. They are the real team. It's really worthy to get this thing! Ha ha ha

"Yes, yes, they are powerful. I'm really drunk. Ha ha ha!"

The two persons in charge of the demon capital team have directly started to publish their microblog, which is different from the previous microblog. This microblog is all about apology, blunt apology! What is saliva dry! This is it!

The onlookers are all drunk. What did you just say? Let the brothers get out of the world. How can they change so fast now!

Being a man needs a bottom line. Now, what is the feeling of Yaodu E-sports team? That is, there is no bottom line, just like a garbage!

However, this group of people do not have this kind of consciousness at all. If they say they have played, they do not have the same kind of consciousness!

Li Feng and others also came to Lin Lang studio to shoot some advertisements. This is a good thing for us, so we won't refuse like a fool! This thing is very good!

Now after seeing this, we all know what's the matter. All the people in Lin Lang studio came out to welcome Li Feng, eh!

This is what shocked people. Li Feng felt flattered, and the person in charge was a handsome young man!

"Ha ha, Captain, you can do it. We are all your fans. We think that if you can be responsible for the endorsement of our current game, it's too cold!"

Li Feng felt some differences and said: "if your company wants to find a spokesperson, anyone can be found, even some stars can be found! But why are you looking for us

Lin Lang said: "ha ha, of course, we can all find it, but who is more suitable than you? Your team can be called a legendary team. In this case, can I find someone else? I'm brain damaged, aren't I? "

Lin Lang studio they are very concerned about this matter, they all know, this one is very qualified, like them, more in line with their characteristics, that is, the spirit of struggle!

Li Feng, after they explained some things, they started shooting advertisements and propaganda films, which are very time-consuming!

But now they are very happy, they want to do this thing as soon as possible! They are very good at this thing, that is, they can cooperate with others!

Just when Li Feng was busy, a lot of things happened to other teams. The teams who were close to Li Feng were happy. They were happy, but for many teams, they were very upset!

Demon team this is quite angry, for this thing is quite disturbing! They don't know why this team is not well-known, even they are banned! But how come it's like this now!

Why are you!

"I don't understand. How can they find this towering tree? They are really drunk!"

Park Renyong of the demon city team is also frowning. As the main player of the demon city team, he is under great pressure now. Well, the last game made them have a little bit of face. Now he just wants to cry!

The person in charge of Yaodu E-sports said: "don't worry about so many things. Now the most important thing for us is to prepare for this competition. This competition is too serious. You know, this is a world-class competition!"“ The throne of electronic competition! You know, the throne of E-sports The person in charge has been very excited. No one in their country has ever won the throne of E-sports. If their team can stand in this place, it will be quite happy, but now it seems that it is not easy! The person in charge said: "this time's E-sports championship is held in our country, that is to say, many super masters will appear. Well, it's said that those who have dominated the S2 and 3 seasons, the hidden God is also going to take action!" Hearing this news, all the people in Yaodu's E-sports are super ugly. They all know that these ancient gods may not participate in the competition now, but they will not miss the competition of E-sports throne!