"What? I'm afraid that your little supervisor is so arrogant, and his subordinates are just as morally corrupt as you. I think your supervisor is in the end. "

This time, the director was completely infuriated, and immediately said: "boy, I think you are looking for death. Someone, drive this guy out of my house."

The security guard at the door came. At this moment, Li Li suddenly rushed over and said to Lin Feng, "Sir, you go quickly."

At this time, the supervisor rushed to Li Li's arm and said, "Xiao * Zi, I'll let you go today."

Just when the director is about to beat Li Li out, Lin Feng hits the director in the face. He is dizzy and falls to the ground.

Several security guards beside him were stunned, but soon launched an attack. Only in their attack, Lin Feng didn't need strength at all. He protected Li Li Li and used both hands and feet to beat several security guards down.

The supervisor was so angry that he knew he couldn't beat Lin Feng, so he yelled at Li Li, "Li Li, now you're fired, get out of here."

Li Li's face turned red with tears in her eyes. Lin Feng saw that she was sad, so he said, "I'm not afraid. I'll let her go."

At this time, there were more and more people in the hotel. Lin Feng saw that this was not a place to talk. Fang Xin obviously hid in it and couldn't come out, so he said to Li Li, "Li Li, come with me now."

Li Li knew that she had been expelled and had no way to work here, so she had to nod her head. Lin Feng took her out of the hotel, and the security guards didn't dare to stop her. They were afraid that Lin Feng would do it again. After two people came out, Lin Feng first found a restaurant to eat. Li Li was still in a low mood. Lin Feng comforted her: "don't be afraid, this kind of work, don't worry about it."

But Li Li shook her head and said, "no, my family needs money. I have to work."

"Is there any difficulty in your family? Tell me. Maybe I can help you Lin Fengdao.

Li Li took a look at Lin Feng, but shook her head and said, "you and I just met. How can you help me?"

"What's the matter? You lost your job because of me. I must help you with this matter, you say."

Maybe it's because Lin Feng has a very mysterious atmosphere. Li Li nodded and said, "my family is poor. My younger brother is studying in University. It's time to go to school, but I can't afford to pay the tuition. I thought I could get my salary this month, but I didn't expect to have any money now."

Hearing this, Lin Feng was moved. The poor man's child had been in charge of the family early. The girl was only 20 years old, but now she has such responsibility. It's really rare. Lin Feng said, "how much does your brother need to study?"

"It's about ten thousand this semester." Li Lidao.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng said, "I've solved your brother's tuition. Don't worry about it."

Li Li widened her eyes and quickly shook her head. "That's no good. I can't ask for your money. We are not related."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "aren't we friends? Besides, because I lost my job, I should help you. Well, I don't have so much money on me. You go to the bank with me and I'll withdraw money for you. "

Li Li looked at Lin Feng with hesitation in her eyes. Lin Feng said with a smile, "you don't treat me as a bad person, do you?"

Li Li shook her head and said, "no, no, I'm just thinking how can I repay you? I have nothing to repay you. "

"Then don't reciprocate. I don't want to reciprocate. Let's go."

When Lin Feng gets up, Li Li goes to the nearby bank with him. Lin Feng takes 50000 yuan and hands it to Li Li. Seeing so much money, Li Li suddenly looks silly.

"No, I don't have so much, just ten thousand." Li Li dare not take so much money.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "what are you afraid of? I don't want you to do anything for me. Take it. This money is nothing to me, but it's astronomical to you. Don't you want your brother to read?"

Hearing this, Li Li loosened and took the money. They went out of the bank and got into Lin Feng's car. Li Li blushed and said in a low voice, "Sir, why don't you take me to your house?"

Li Li's words, naturally, are very obvious. She wants to make a personal commitment. Lin Feng looks at her shy face and says with a smile: "what? Do you want to repay me with a promise? "

Li Li didn't dare to look up, but just nodded down. Lin Feng said with a smile, "then I'm taking advantage of others' danger. I don't want you to do anything for me, and I want to help you find a good job. You wait first."

Lin Feng picks up the phone and makes a call to Su Xi.

"Mr. Su, I have something to tell you." Lin Fengdao.

Su Xi is a little surprised, hurriedly way: "Lin Feng is Fang Xin there what matter?"

"No, no, I'm working on it, but now I want to find an assistant, so I'll let you know."

"Lin Feng, what kind of assistant do you need? I have a lot of good people here. They are college students, postgraduates, senior and experienced. You can choose whatever you want."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "no, I already have one here. I want her to go to work now."“ It turns out that you've been looking for a beauty for a long time. Tell me the truth, is it a beauty? " Su Xi said“ This one, right? But I didn't ask her to be an assistant just because she is a beautiful woman. Don't get me wrong. We are innocent. " Lin Feng is busy“ Who knows about you, your own assistant, you decide for yourself. " Su Xi didn't object, just laughed and scolded“ Well, I'll let her be my assistant, but you need to fix the salary for me. By the way, my assistant is not an ordinary assistant, it needs a lot of ability and a lot of hard work, at least higher than those assistants in the company. " Lin Feng said with a smile“ You have to ask me. OK, you are the hero of our Su group. Naturally, your assistant needs a high salary. In this way, let her salary be the same as mine, OK? " Hearing this, Lin Feng was naturally very satisfied. He nodded and said, "OK, that's settled. By the way, how much is your assistant's salary? I can also tell her."“ My assistant's monthly salary is 50000, plus various awards and subsidies, it's almost one million a year. " Hearing this, even Lin Feng was a little surprised. An assistant got one million yuan. But think of it as Su Xi's assistant. It takes a lot of ability to do it. One million yuan is really nothing for a multi billion big company“ I see. I'll hang up first. "