Finish reading the book at hand.

Lin Feng sipped his hot tea and squinted at the wall clock, which showed that it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xi hasn't come back yet. Looking at her appearance, there are so many things outside that she can't pull away for the time being.

After taking notes, Lin Feng closed his eyes and recalled the books he had read. Then he picked up his mobile phone.

He wants to call Manniu to ask him about the situation of Longxi song and dance hall. It's easy for the monster to talk about it, but it's all Manniu's responsibility to fight. He has the most comprehensive information.

At this point, the bull should wake up.

The mobile phone vibrated severely. When Manau opened the mobile phone, he heard Lin Feng's voice on the phone.

"Manniu, I heard from master monster in your song and dance hall that there are foreign forces plotting against you?"

The bull was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "I also said that I could handle this matter privately. Unexpectedly, it has been reported by the monster master."

With that, man Niu said to Lin Feng: "yes, elder brother Lin, recently there are always some people with cross tattooed on the back of their hands. People of unknown origin often play in our song and dance hall. However, they don't pull people or make trouble. In addition, they also spend a lot of money, so I didn't let the doorman stop them."

Lin Feng nodded and opened the door. Since they were consuming, there was no reason not to let them in.

"What happened."

"Later, they went to the waiter and asked us if Longxi song and dance hall was the property of our Su family. When they were answered yes, they immediately turned their face. They even started in the song and dance hall, but they were stopped by the monster master."

Lin Feng rubs his head. If it's an ordinary school, family, or Su family, he will be dismissed. But it's a little tricky for the crazy believers.

In the mountains, there are no people who believe in the cross, most of them are Sanqing and Buddha. But outside the mountains, especially in the cities, there are more people who believe in the cross.

Moreover, there are more and more people who have become crazy believers, but the most important thing is that they can't distinguish them accurately.

"Did they make trouble after that?"

Man Niu sighed and said with a wry smile to the phone: "where can we not make trouble? These people are like the God of plague. No, Master Zhang Lianghu just drove away a group of people. These people are endless harassment and make a big head."

"Besides, is there anyone else who's bothering you?"

"No "It's strange that none of the Beicheng family, represented by Wang batian, has sent anyone to make trouble except these people with cross tattooed on the back of their hands

It seems that there must be something wrong with this maniac.

"Well, the cabaret will trouble you a lot." With that, Lin Feng hangs up with a smile.

Looking at the mobile phone, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and dialed another number: "Hello, Qiang Zi, I have something to do. I need you to help me arrange some people to do."

"What's the matter?"

"Watch, there's no danger in this."

A sigh came from the phone: "yes."

"Find some people, go to Longxi song and dance hall, help me keep an eye on the people with tattooed cross on the back of my hand, find the place where they meet, I have something to talk to their boss."

"That's it, elder brother Lin. you're killing chickens with a dragon knife. I'm a strong son. I'm not a genius when I do this kind of thing." The strong son on the other end of the phone was also quite aggrieved: "I've had a long rest. If I have any big tasks, I'm also active."

"You go or not."

"I'll send someone right now..."

When the phone hung up, Lin Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. Since he successfully shot the video of letianmen last time, Qiangzi always wanted to make some big news.

But this kind of thing, how can it be satisfactory.

At present, the most convenient thing is to find the person in charge behind this group of crazy believers and have a good talk with him. If they can't, they have to use extraordinary means to make them yield. At present, the Wang family and the long family don't do anything. I'm afraid they are just waiting for this group of people to become the first birds so that they can pick up ready-made ones.

At present, the thorn rose has not appeared, it seems that there is no intention of watching the fire from other side.

However, since it is related to Han Zaixin, the rose thorn and the Su family will never die. They will not let go of any condition that can strike the Su family.

When he went downstairs, Lin Fengjing went straight to the military protection department of Su's group. Besides reading medical books, he had to accept uncle Biao's advice. Recently, he had mastered a little feeling. Although he didn't reach the figure level where Uncle Biao's finger could distinguish between the true and the false, he could also contain the enemy for half a second.

Half a second is enough to change a lot of battle situations. However, the more highly cultivated people are, the weaker their influence will be. They have to be supplemented by specially made weapons. This skill is chicken ribs.

But it is very helpful for him to apply the great nine you Sutra.

Entering the Wu Bao Department, a strong fragrance came from Uncle Biao's room.

It's the warehouse.

The guard who is waiting in the Wu Bao Department also greedily takes a breath of the fragrance, and then smiles shyly at Lin Feng.

The taste is quite tempting. It feels like the most delicious food. As long as it's human, it's hard to escape the temptation of delicious food. However, Lin Feng is different. His cultivation is already very high, far beyond the guard at the beginning of the spiritual realm. I don't know how much. However, it is only when you reach the realm of transformation that you can get rid of the relationship with ordinary people. If you do not enter the realm of transformation, you are just a strong person at most. This fragrance, I'm afraid it's uncle Biao's newly refined pill. The effect of Huaqi powder is already amazing. If he refined a more powerful medicine again... Lin Feng's heart jumped wildly and went to the warehouse in a hurry. Pushing the door open, uncle Biao sat on the clay sintering seat, his eyes staring at the six red furnaces lined up in front of him. The light orange flame below the furnace made the hemispherical furnace bottom hot and red. The faint white mist came out from the small hole poked in the top of the Dan stove, and the fragrance became more rich“ Who do I think it is? It's Mr. Lin. you're here. " Uncle Biao said, grinning at Lin Feng and pointing to the Dan stove, he said with a smile, "come on, have a look at my newly refined Dan medicine. After this batch of Dan medicine is finished, all the medicines of our Su group will be used up. You have to prepare to find a way to collect and replenish the herbs." Lin Feng nodded and frowned: "is the herb channel of our Su family broken?"“ No, but I didn't expect the Huaqi powder to sell so well in your Su family. At present, although there are herbs every month, they are just like a drop in the bucket and can't make ends meet. "“ I know. I'll talk to Mr. Su. " Lin Feng nodded and said quickly, "actually, I'm here to ask you for the secret move of the netherworld Wuding Dao that I said last time. I've learned something recently."