Lin Feng was sweating in an instant. What he was afraid of was what he wanted.

He wanted to say that he didn't bully his daughter, but in fact, he did take advantage of Liu Qingying, and he did it more than once.

"It's a misunderstanding, fauber."

Lin Feng is not a person who likes to lie. He says everything he has, so even in this case, he doesn't want to lie.

Hearing Lin Feng say this, Liu Qingying's face is suddenly changed.

She knows her father too well. If Liu Laifu really knows what Lin Feng saw about her body, he will force Lin Feng to marry her.

Liu Laifu's thought is very traditional. He is a traditional warrior.

Liu Qingying doesn't like Lin Feng, but she has only moved here for a few days. Lin Feng doesn't know how much trouble she has caused. First of all, she has seen her body, and then she has got rid of her luggage.

If Liu Laifu really forces Lin Feng to marry Liu Qingying, not to mention that Lin Feng does not agree, even Liu Qingying herself will not agree.

"Dad, there's nothing wrong. Don't think about it. We just have a little misunderstanding."

Liu Qingying talks to Lin Feng while on the other side, her eyes stare directly at Lin Feng. That means obviously that if Lin Feng dares to tell her how to bully her, she will definitely let Lin Feng look good.

Lin Feng is not a liar, but now he has a cold shiver after contacting Liu Qingying's eyes.

"Fubo, this is really a misunderstanding. That day when I ate noodles, I grabbed half of the noodles Qingying ate because I was too hungry."

At this time, Lin Feng had to harden his head and tell a lie.

Then Liu Laifu's eyes looked at Liu Qingying. Liu Qingying's eyes looked very clear and sincere: "Dad, it's really this thing. You know that he is a foodie. It's a normal thing to do this kind of thing."

"Well, it's OK for you young people to make noise, but don't go too far. The master is sleeping here too. I'll clean up my room and get ready to sleep. You should go to bed earlier."

Liu Laifu gave a sound and went straight to the second floor.

There are many rooms on the second floor. Lin Feng only lives in Room C, while Liu Laifu lives in room D. they are neighbors. Room e is Liu Qingying's room.

At the beginning, when Su Xi arranged the room for Liu Qingying, she was going to let Liu Qingying sleep in room D directly, but the relationship between Liu Qingying and Lin Feng was not as harmonious as she thought.

So at last, Su Xi agreed that Liu Qingying should sleep in room E.

"Lin Feng, come here with me."

Just when Lin Feng is ready to go back to his room to sleep, he is stopped by Su Xi.

"Sister Xi, what are you going to say?"

Liu Qingying is the kind of lively girl, and a girl will have curiosity. Seeing Su Xi's mysterious appearance, she immediately became interested.

"Sister Qingying, can you listen to me?"

Su Xi pushes Liu Qingying directly. Although Liu Qingying is stronger than Su Xi, and she also has martial arts skills, now she is here. She is a guest and Su Xi is the host, so she is not good to be brave with Su Xi. Seeing that Su Xi won't let her listen, she hesitates and walks to her room on the second floor.

"You two have a story."

When walking to the stairway on the second floor, Liu Qingying suddenly turns back, which scares Su Xi almost to a stagger.

"Dead girl, I'll teach you a lesson later."

Su Xi glared at Liu Qingying, and Liu Qingying mixed a face with Su Xi.

"Sister Xi, what can I do for you?"

Lin Feng found that Su Xi's face was a little dignified.

Now there is no one on the first floor, so Su Xi doesn't have to avoid other people. At this time, she signals Lin Feng to sit on the sofa, and then she says, "Lin Feng almost scared me to death today, you know?"

Lin Feng nodded quietly, for this matter, he still knew. Lin Feng has long felt the importance of Sunan sky to Su Xi.

Don't say Su Xi was almost scared to death. Even Lin Feng was scared to death.

If it wasn't for the snake that bit Sunan Tian, and it was a young snake, Sunan Tian would have died long ago, even if Lin Feng wanted to save it.

Because Sunan Tian's body is too weak, if it is an adult of this kind of green snake, its toxicity is more than ten times stronger than that of the young snake. At that time, Lin Feng has no time to save Sunan Tian, and Sunan Tian will be poisoned to death.

"Lin Feng, there's a saying that the trees are big enough to attract wind. I'm afraid the wealth of our Su family has already attracted the envy of other families. In this case, it's natural for them to give us ideas. However, our Su family can't wait to die. I'd like to start training my own security forces to defend the property safety of my su family. What do you think? "

Su Xi doesn't like fighting all the time, because she thinks that with her wisdom, she can do things that most people can't do. And she believes that money makes the world go round. However, after today's event, she figured out that the sky is endless and the manpower is sometimes exhausted. No matter how much wisdom or money you have, it won't help when you face the power that you can't compete with. If their su family had real elite power today, his father, Su Nantian, might not be so passive. When this little snake got into the outside of their perilla manor, it might have been found“ It's good that you have such an idea. You want to cultivate your own strength. Of course, I will give you my full support. " Lin Feng is not joking. He can't be beside Su Xi all the time. When he's away, if Su Xi has the power to protect herself, Lin Feng is more at ease“ Do you really think so? " Su Xi's beautiful eyes are almost full of green waves. She looks at Lin Feng's eyes, full of surprise. Then she sees Lin Feng nodding, and she says again, "Lin Feng, can you help me train such a strength?" For Lin Feng's strength, Su Xi is still very admire, these people who are trained by Lin Feng, can have Lin Feng's strength, Su Xi is satisfied“ Xi elder sister, no problem, I am your personal bodyguard originally, serve for you, that is a matter of course Lin fengxiao looks at Su Xi and whispers.