At this time, in the body of the sword, the power loomed, and the light became more and more bright. When all the Xuanqi had been guided, Bai Feiyue felt that Yingling sword became heavy.

Originally Bai Feiyue could lift Yingling sword with one hand, but now she had to hold it with two hands, otherwise it would fall to the ground.

Looking sideways, Bai Feiyue finds that nianchenxi has gathered her own attack at this time. It is a ball of purple and white light. The power has a sense of transcendence. When she gets closer, she feels so sacred.

"Is this your strength? It's really powerful..." Bai Feiyue can't help praising her. Although she has seen nianchenxi use her strength many times before, she is still shocked by this power.

Most of the power Bai Feiyue uses now comes from Yingling sword. Unlike nianchenxi, she can gather this powerful and profound Xuanqi with her own strength.

At this time, Qi Yanting, 30 meters away, also gathered his own attack, that is "star biting attack". His hands were only holding an energy light body, which was the energy with the breath of death. The dark fog was swirling, and the sound of crying and Howling was coming from Qi Yanting's hands.

Although Qi Yanting hasn't used this kind of power yet, it has made Bai Feiyue feel scared from a distance. The most frightening thing is Qi Yanting's dignity. His eyes are deeply sunken, his facial features are twisted because of the angry jealousy in the past, and his arm muscles are tightly stretched together, just like a stone.

"Lin Junkai, nianjunchen, go to hell for me!" When Qi Yanting pushed his hands, the light that lingered in his hands was immediately shot out, breaking the air and shattering the space. The black force turned into a beam of light, and hit Bai Feiyue and Nian Chenxi with one or two strokes.

At this time, nianchenxi also called out: "cast attack!"

Xuanqi emerges, and nianchenxi's energy light ball with purple and white light is immediately hit by him. At the same time, Bai Feiyue, holding Yingling sword, is also heavily split. When the two attacks are shot together, they are cleverly fused in mid air.

The light blade of Bai Feiyue is intertwined with the purple and white light ball of nianchenxi. The energy does not repel each other. It is as if it belongs to one body and forms a purple and white light ball. However, the purple and white light ball emits a frightening dark air, and on the surface, there are blue light arcs beating like lightning.

"Bang" is in the middle of the sky. Qi Yanting's "star eating strike" collides with Bai Feiyue's and Nian Chenxi's light balls. Suddenly, a powerful force comes. It's like a tsunami rushing to the mainland, destroying everything. The whole cave shakes violently, big stones fall one after another, and the air wave rises. It takes nearly ten seconds for the shock to stop.

As the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, Bai Feiyue and Nian Chenxi all squatted on the ground because of their severe physical loss. At this time, the most concern is Qi Yanting's situation. If he can still act after this attack, it is that Bai Feiyue and Nian Chenxi are finished!

Bai Feiyue's eyes are carefully looking at the past, and she finds that she doesn't see a human figure standing 30 meters away, but she still doesn't give up and is looking forward to it. She is staring at it firmly. Finally, when she sees Qi Yanting's figure falling, she is completely relieved.

"He finally fell down..."

Bai Feiyue sees that Qi Yanting's clothes are broken and his whole body is full of blood. He has completely lost his fighting ability. Now he can't take action any more. Taking advantage of his weakest moment, Bai Feiyue must kill him immediately, because she saw that Qi Yanting's body was still slightly undulating, indicating that he was still breathing and did not die.

Holding Yingling sword, Bai Feiyue walks over carefully. But when he knows what Qi Yanting looks like, Bai Feiyue is still shocked. Now Qi Yanting looks like a mummy, dry and dehydrated. It seems that the "star eating strike" just now has devoured all his strength. There is no Xuanqi, and even the original shape of his body can't be maintained.

"Qi Yanting, originally I had no grudge against you, but you always wanted to kill me, so I had to start first." Bai Feiyue still has some guilt in her heart. She only thinks that Qi Yanting has hurt dongfangshen, Yufeng and Longji so much, and even makes Bai Feiyue desperate several times. If Qi Yanting is not killed, I'm afraid that she will still be in great danger.

Yingling sword stabs Qi Yanting's body with one stroke. When Bai Feiyue takes back the sword, she breathes a big breath. The terrible Qi Yanting is dead, and the next thing is the perfect end.

But what shocked Bai Feiyue was that Qi Yanting's heart, which had stopped beating, was beating again. He was not dead! Bai Feiyue didn't believe in the result and made up for it. But the same scene happened. The damaged heart was restored again.

"How could it be..." Bai Feiyue's lips opened lightly, which seemed unbelievable. If ordinary human beings would never have such power, would he be a ghost? Or Qi Yanting was cast some strange magic, so no matter how to destroy his heart, it's useless.

Bai Feiyue didn't believe in evil. This time, he cut Qi Yanting's head in two with Yingling sword. But the same strange result came out. The cut heads were glued together, and Qi Yanting came back to life again.

Bai Feiyue stepped back and felt as if he had hit a ghost. At the right time, Qi Yanting laughed: "Lin Junkai, you can't kill me. My body has been transformed by forbidden techniques. I'm immortal."

"Don't die, don't die..." Bai Feiyue felt frightened, originally thought that a sword will kill Qi Yanting, all things will come to an end, but didn't expect that Qi Yanting is really immortal!

At this time, nianchenxi came over step by step. He looked very tired, handsome and pale, and his body trembled slightly. When he saw this scene, Bai Feiyue immediately stepped forward to help him: "Chenxi, you just used all the Xuanqi in your body, now you can't move any more."

When Bai Feiyue uses the most powerful attack, he relies on the inherent strength of Yingling sword. Nianchenxi is different. He relies on Xuanqi belonging to his own body. Therefore, after using Xuanqi, he and Qi Yanting fall into extreme weakness.

But nianchenxi still stood up, because only he had a way to kill Qi Yanting.

"Qi Yanting has the ability of immortality. If you want to stop him, you can't kill him, but seal him!"

When nianchenxi said the word "seal", Qi Yanting was obviously afraid. His face was frightened, and his eyes twinkled with a look of fear: "no, don't... don't, you can't do that."

"Qi Yanting, now is not the time for you to make a choice." Nianchenxi had already appeared in front of Qi Yanting. He sat on the ground and made a seal with his hands. A triangle halo appeared in front of his palm. The triangle halo was shining like a firefly, soft and crystal clear, and there were blue handwriting around the light, like a boundary rune.

When Qi Yanting saw nianchenxi perform the seal technique, he cried out in horror. His voice was desolate, like the voice of those poor ghosts from Jiuyou hell.

"No, don't. I finally used Yingling sword to seal this layer. You can't confine my power any more."

It's a pity that no matter how Qi Yanting shouts, it's useless. He is a man of many evils. If he has power, it will be the misfortune of the whole continent. In order to restrain Qi Yanting and make him an ordinary person, it's absolutely necessary to seal him.

It's just that the Xuanqi in nianchenxi's body has already been exhausted. If you want to seal with Xuanqi, you need to force out the last bit of Xuanqi left in the muscles of the body. Only by using this little bit of Xuanqi can you drive the seal array.

Once the residual strength is used up, nianchenxi will fall into a severe coma. Now this time can't make him think too much. If nianchenxi recovers his strength before sealing, I'm afraid Qi Yanting's strength will also recover at that time.

"Sun and moon seal, seal, seal!" Nianchenxi put his hands together and threw a light at Qi Yanting. The three color halo on his hand immediately shot into Qi Yanting's forehead, as if it was a blue iron in his head. With this seal, Qi Yanting immediately fainted to the ground, and the mysterious Qi that had been left on him also disappeared. Now Qi Yanting has returned to the appearance of an ordinary man.

After the seal, Nian Chenxi's body was crumbling. He wanted to stand up, but he didn't have the strength. Bai Feiyue reluctantly helped him up: "Chenxi, how are you now?"

"I'm ok, don't worry..." nianchenxi's voice was very fragile. When he talked about the broken string, his eyes closed and immediately fell to the ground.

"Morning and evening, morning and evening..." Bai Feiyue cried slightly, but found that he had no movement. He put his fingertips under his nose and found that he still had breath. He just fainted. Bai Feiyue felt relieved.

But behind Bai Feiyue, there were bursts of screams. When she looked back, she found that there were students and teachers in star red uniforms in the depths outside the cave.

Bai Feiyue did not expect that this time, in addition to a few of them, there were other students who also appeared here by using the customs clearance.

One of the students seemed to know Bai Feiyue and immediately called out: "elder martial sister Bai, I didn't get it wrong just now. Why did he stand up when he was studying as a teacher?"

When the first student put forward, several other students also yelled: "yes, the teacher just stood up. Are we wrong?"