The first is to expose the fact that she had a plastic surgery, that is to say, she might have been ugly, but now she has become even uglier.

Moreover, Qin Yue also points out the standard of recruiting people, that is, not to have plastic surgery.

Therefore, even if this girl really graduated from Mordor film University, it is impossible to enter Tianyi.

Moreover, it is also a disguised reminder to the headmasters and teachers of Mordor film academy that they should not enroll some plastic surgery faces into the school in the future, because they will not enroll them in heaven's will.

You know, plastic surgery is very easy to see the face, nothing more than a high nose, sharp chin, chin can be stabbed to death.

After hearing Qin Yue's words, the girl ran out of the room crying.

Seeing this, Yuntian secretly gives Qin Yue a thumbs up.

Seeing Yuntian's action, Qin Yue is also very proud.

Soon, several groups of girls came in, but the girls behind were still more able to accept the reality. They didn't choose and didn't cry like the previous girl.

After the girls finish the election, it's their turn to choose the boys. The standard of choosing boys is the same as that of girls.

So the speed of selection is just as fast.

Of course, the most important thing for Yuntian now is to correct the current phenomenon in the entertainment industry. Yuntian plans not to have any small fresh meat.

The people he selected are basically very masculine.

Of course, during this period, some people also said that they were not satisfied with how good-looking they were. Why didn't Yuntian choose themselves.

To tell you the truth, for this kind of person, Yun naively wants to slap and fan up.

I thought to myself, no matter how good you look, can you look as good as me?

Of course, the main reason why Yuntian didn't choose him is that he looks too much, and his actions are too disgusting.

In the end, Yuntian rejected what he said on the ground that he needed an actor.

This kind of interview speed is very fast. Originally, the school expected that it would take almost an afternoon to complete.

However, it only took Yuntian less than two hours to finish the whole interview.

This time, Yuntian selected more than 200 group performers from this group of students.

Because they haven't decided what drama to shoot in Yuntian, they have to leave their contact information for them to wait for the notice.

Three days later, Tianyi held another meeting.

This meeting is to decide the script. As for the director and the purchase of Hengdian, it has already been done.

Qin Yue directly transferred four veteran directors from Hong Kong City. They all have considerable directing experience.

Qin Yue also made the most experienced director as the chief director among them, and then found two promising new generation directors from Tianyi to study with them.

Yuntian felt that Qin Yue's arrangement was very appropriate, so he didn't say anything.

What needs to be solved next is the problem of script.

Originally, Yuntian thought that it had given the website three days, and Tianyi now has more than 20 we media websites, with almost a million books.

However, at today's meeting, the website directors did not have a decent script. Even if there were one or two scripts provided by Yuntian, they knew it was perfunctory.

Because, as soon as you read a book, you know it's rubbish. Where's the father of science fiction, the widow of the king of doomsday and my daughters in law of the city.

To tell you the truth, when Yuntian saw the titles of these books at that time, he really wanted to smoke them directly.

Although Yuntian had already guessed that this would be the result, he really didn't expect that these two types of books would be so incomplete that he didn't even have a big IP.

In the end, Yuntian had no choice but to write a play in front of all the senior management.

Of course, the top management of the company is just joking. They still decide to go back and let their subordinates look for it. Otherwise, they may lose their jobs.

Then, just a week after the meeting, Yuntian called them all together again.

This time is different from last time, because Yuntian gave them another seven days, so most of the website leaders came here with their manuscripts.

Since everyone brought the manuscript, Yuntian also worried that he would miss some good works, so he let everyone pass it on to each other directly.

After everyone's consistent comparison, from almost 178 novels, we finally selected three.

Of course, these three novels are of relatively high quality and look very good.

Just as they were struggling with which book to choose, Yuntian said, "ladies and gentlemen, I have also written a play. How about a simple look?"

Yes, what Yuntian wrote is not the same as the novels they read before. What Yuntian wrote is a script.

After all, it took only seven days for Yuntian to write a manuscript with more than 100000 words.

He printed dozens of copies, with a pile of high, Qin Yue also directly sent all these scripts to each high-level hands.

At the end of the meeting a few days ago, they heard Yuntian say that he would write the script himself. They thought Yuntian was joking.

But now it seems that's not the case.

After all, they each have a thick script in their hands, which looks like that.

What's more, Yuntian is also very strict in his work, first the cover, title and introduction, and then the content.

When the senior management of Tianyi company saw the title of the book, they thought it was quite good, not as boastful as the books they had seen before.

You know, the three books they selected earlier are "I am the villain of doomsday", "the ups and downs of my Lord in the city" and "escape from the universe of science fiction".

To tell you the truth, if Tianyi really uses this kind of book title as the title of a movie or TV series, I'm afraid the black pot of this rotten film will be doomed.

However, when they see the title of Yuntian's book, they don't say what the content of the book is. It's proper to use the title of the book as the title of the movie.

The title of Yuntian's book is biochemical crisis. He takes the foreign blockbuster biochemical crisis that he saw in his previous life into his mind and deducts the plot.