According to the regulations in the amusement park, sightseeing buses are not allowed to enter.

They had no choice but to stop at the gate of the amusement park.

Yuntian took a large amount of money from his pants pocket and handed it to Tang Beibei, asking him to buy tickets for his classmates.

You know, the reason why he has so much cash now is that he asked Wang Tao to exchange it when he went out of the casino.

A few minutes later, Tang Beibei came back with a large number of tickets.

According to Yuntian's request, each of the students was given one.

With tickets, the next step is to go in and play.

Mr. Cui originally intended to let the students get together, but there are too many of them.

If all of them are really gathered together, it will be quite inefficient to play games like that.

For example, the swing pirate ship at the gate, the class of more than 40 students, if all line up to play this, I'm afraid it will waste an hour.

After entering the door, Mr. Cui listened to everyone's opinions.

Let the students in the class free activities, until around 4 pm, and then in the park gate assembly is.

Anyway, all the project costs of the amusement park have been included in the tickets.

In other words, as long as they have tickets in hand, all the items in the amusement park can be played for free.

Yuntian naturally wants to be with Tang Baobao and his sister and brother.

After saying hello to teacher Cui, Yuntian left with Tang Baobao's sister and brother.

This amusement park is actually different from other amusement parks in Mordor.

After all, this amusement park has its own characteristics, that is, water theme.

That is to say, many recreational activities are related to water, which is also quite exciting.

Roller coaster, the whole process of continuous climbing and turning, like climbing over mountains, is one of the must play items for many people to go to the amusement park.

The big pendulum is a very exciting project. People sit on it and swing around. Even Yuntian has never tried it.

There are all kinds of amusement parks.

If Yuntian really wants to try one by one, time is obviously not enough.

After all, they are not the only tourists here. There are long queues in front of many projects.

Yuntian accompanied Tang Baobao for a while, and then took them to the water theme project, water park.

There are indoor and outdoor water parks. Indoor water parks can be played all year round.

The outdoor water park is more suitable for summer.

If you really want to compare the height, Yuntian still thinks that outdoor water park is relatively more fun.

Although it's November now, the weather in Mordor is still sunny these days.

Therefore, the outdoor water park of this amusement park has gathered a lot of tourists.

When Yuntian came here, there was no accident. They still lined up for almost two or three minutes before they entered the water park.

"Brother in law, I went surfing, you and my sister slowly play."

As soon as he entered the park, Tang Beibei said hello to Yuntian and left.

He is not stupid. He follows them all the time. It's no different from the light bulb. It's better to give them the chance to get along alone.

As for Tang Baobao, after hearing Tang Beibei's words, he just wanted to say something, but he was swallowed by her.

Next, all that's left is blushing.

"Baby, let him play alone, you see what you want to play, I'll accompany you!"

There are many activities in the water park, such as slides, surfing and so on.

Only when you play, you need to pay attention to safety.

"Well... Let's go play with the slide. What do you think?"

After hearing Yuntian's words, Tang Baobao asked weakly.

You know, there are two passageways on the side of the slide. One is a single passageway, that is, one person slides alone.

The other channel is the double channel, which is the so-called lovers channel. Two people can slide together.

Since Tang Baobao put forward to play with the slide, he naturally hopes to slide with Yuntian.

"Well, yes."

Yuntian didn't think so much. After nodding, he agreed directly.

Ten minutes later, Yuntian finally climbed to the top of the slide.

In addition to the bottom part of the slide, which is open, all other parts of the slide are closed.

In other words, the structure of the whole slide is similar to that of a large pipe.

There is no doubt that Yuntian and Yuntian naturally chose the channel for lovers.

In fact, the couple channel is just a gimmick of the garden. It's just that the channel is a little bigger than the single channel.

Yuntian two people in accordance with the requirements of the staff, hold each other, then lying on the top of the pipe.

The next second, it was ruthlessly pushed down from above by the staff.

Fortunately, the angle of the whole pipeline is not big, so the speed of sliding is not fast.

However, Tang Baobao's scream still made Yuntian's ears tingle.

If it goes on like this, Yuntian will be deaf.

Just as he was about to go to the bottom, he could not resist any more. He let go of Tang Baobao's hand.

Anyway, it's all at the bottom, and the water below is not deep. At most, it just submerges to the abdomen.

Even if they were falling from the sky, there would be no danger.

With a cry, Tang Baobao fell into the water from the channel.

As soon as she came down, a staff member immediately pulled her out of the water.

You know, for the safety of tourists, even if there is only one in ten thousand danger, they also try to avoid the occurrence of danger.

Therefore, the park also specially arranged two or three staff members at the bottom of the slide.

Their work is also quite simple. It's nothing more than pulling the fallen tourists out of the water.

Just one second after Tang Baobao fell into the water, Yuntian also slipped out of the passage.

However, just as he fell into the water, a staff member reached out and grabbed him.

At the beginning, Yuntian didn't take it seriously, but when his remaining light caught a glimpse of the cold light in the hands of the staff member.

I didn't think about it, so I took advantage of a carp to straighten out. Just after falling into the water, I immediately grabbed the staff member.

Although the speed of the clouds is very fast, it is in the water after all.

When he really caught the staff member, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"I wipe it, it feels..."

Soft, soft, it seems that he had experienced this feeling.

But for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had experienced it?