Lin Qiang suddenly has an idea that he suddenly wants to take out his mobile phone for live broadcasting. It will be wonderful for them to play poker together.

So he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened his live studio, and then faced the card game of four people.

Fans in the studio were shocked to see that Lin Qiang suddenly opened the live broadcast. After all, Lin Qiang fixed the time for live broadcast only in the morning and evening. Although there had been a constant time before, it was only once and twice. This time, Lin Qiang actually opened the live broadcast room. Many fans looked over excitedly and found that they couldn't see their little brother at all, You can only see four hands on a mahjong table. One hand occupies a position, and the hand is full of playing cards. However, the most eye-catching thing is that both hands are boys' hands. They are very slender, with distinct bony joints and extremely good-looking. They simply control the party's welfare!!!!

: grass, look at these four hands, let me want to see people!!!

: one of the hands belongs to our broadcaster brother, which is the pair in front of us!!! Good white, good slender, have a good look!!!

I'm xiaocute: No, the entertainment on the first day of the new year is playing cards. Shouldn't it be new year's greetings?

Youth is stimulation: ouch, there are too many people at home, so we have to play cards. The north is different from the south. You southerners play mahjong, and we northerners play cards. Let me see what these four people play. Oh, it should be upgraded.

There are southerners and northerners in the live broadcasting room. Southerners don't know what upgrade is, and even northerners don't necessarily know all about the poker game of upgrade. Therefore, young people just stimulated them to explain the rules in the live broadcasting room. People understand that, oh, it's such a game.

Seeing fat bloggers suddenly start broadcasting poker games they haven't seen before, fans are also very proud to start watching, and then watching, fans don't calm down, because these four TMDs are talents, no, maybe not talents, but ghosts!!

Upgrade the game. Four people play two sets of playing cards. The number of playing cards is fixed.

Spades, hearts, plum blossom and diamonds. Each number has two sets of cards. There are four big ghosts and little ghosts in total, that is, two pairs of big ghosts and two pairs of little ghosts.

The upgraded game rules are also different from ordinary game rules. It is more like a game rule evolved from ancient bridge.

It's not even right, and there are no three generations and bombs. Its playing method is just bigger than its size.

6 is bigger than 7, 10 is bigger than 9, K is bigger than Q, and so on. In addition, the upgrade is also divided into main card and sub card. The main card is 235 ghost, and the rest are sub cards. The main card is bigger than all resumption cards, and the main card is also divided into resident main platoon and flexible main card.

The resident master card is 235 ghosts, while the flexible master card starts from a to old K. The first round a is the master card, the second round is changed to 2, the third round is changed to 3, and so on. Finally, it depends on who can play from a to K fastest, and who is the winner.

People who haven't played are those who join the fun and have really played an upgrade. They know that playing such cards needs to be counted. It's very mental.

Two poker 108 cards are fixed. For the things given by the family, the things followed by others, plus the cards in your hand, it is easy to calculate what cards are not given or what cards have been given. Then you can calculate whether the card you are going to give is the largest or meaningless.