Chapter 103

Name:Assassins Guild Author:Jing Ke
The brightness of the star has completely disappeared, and the thick darkness has covered the whole tree sea. Although the night of rd219 is not long, it is undoubtedly very dangerous.

The flickering light of fire in the dense darkness is particularly small and fragile, as if a little inattention will be swallowed by the darkness.

"Are you sure this bonfire can drive away wild animals?" A middle-aged woman with light yellow hair asked uneasily that although it was very quiet and there was no noise around, she always had a creepy feeling, like being targeted by something.

"Come on, that's common sense, right? Thank you for being a biologist. " A bearded middle-aged man replied with some disdain. As he threw the dry branches he picked up into the fire, he arranged his marching bag.

"For the last time, I'm a microbiologist, not a Bushman!" Some of the middle-aged women blushed and said.

“oK! oK!” The middle-aged man with a face full of scum shakes a lot of tools out of his marching bag while he seems to be making a gesture of OK helplessly.

"Hum!" Middle aged woman don't turn her head, no longer pay attention to Uncle Hu slag, just like a angry child.

"Ha ha, aunt asana, don't be angry with Uncle Pitt!" A clear and pleasant voice rang out behind the middle-aged woman. After hearing the voice, asana, who was not happy just now, immediately spread her eyebrows and turned around with a smile.

"Xiao'an, why did you go so long?" The middle-aged woman stood up and welcomed her.

"It's not my cousin. He has to install those warning devices. It took a lot of time, hee hee." Like a breeze, the girl came to the middle-aged woman's arms and said, "we didn't see any animals all the way. It's really quiet in the woods."

Heard the girl's words, Hu slag man can't help but raise his head, his face flashed a trace of concern.

"Yes, I was worried that there would be some wild animals, but I didn't even see a beetle. I guess my trap mechanism is in vain again." Behind the girl was a tall, thin boy. He sat down on the open space beside the campfire, picked up the kettle and poured it.

"Xiuma, don't take it lightly. Night is the time for wild animals." At this time, a man came out of the tent behind the campfire. The man was wearing an old-fashioned camouflage suit, his short gray hair was full of energy, his nose was high, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

"Mr. Qiu," the husha man stood up and said respectfully, "have you got in touch with the company?"

"Well, the nearest carrier will arrive in three days." The man named Mr. Qiu smiles and nods. A robot behind him is carefully putting the communication brain into his bag.

"Great, you can go home!" Xiao'an cheered and jumped up, her long golden hair waving with waves. The girl's eyes are blue, like a pure gem, crystal clear and shining soul.

"Hoo ~!" The thin boy sitting on the ground also breathed a sigh. They have been walking in the woods for nearly a month. If they don't leave here, I'm afraid his last pair of trousers will be worn out and discarded.

This is a fairly spacious forest open space. Compared with the trend of the whole tree sea, it is a relatively high place. Behind the tent is a natural depression, and then there are steep mountains, where the green sea of trees stops.

It's a standard five person expedition, three men and two women, and two robot attendants. In addition to the bearded uncle wearing a grass green vest, the other two men are all in camouflage clothes. And on their tents and backpacks, there is the logo of the roobeck chick.

"I wish the company's spaceship would come soon." Xiuma sat by the campfire, drooping eyelids, said listlessly.

"Don't worry, chick three is on its way." Mr. Qiu sat opposite xiuma, the flickering fire reflected his vigorous and powerful face.

"However, the samples we collected this time should be able to satisfy the old folks of those companies." Pitt said with a smile.

"Why? What about Arthur? Why didn't you see Arthur? " Xiao an suddenly widened his eyes and looked around strangely.

"Yes, isn't that robot always sharp? Why are you so dallying today? " Xiuma sat opposite xiao'an and said impatiently.

"Yes, it's time to come back. It shouldn't take so long to explore the water source..." Mr. Qiu's expression immediately fell into meditation, he subconsciously groped for the portable optical brain on his left wrist.

"Should be able to track its location?" The obvious worry began to appear on assanna's face.

"Well, I'm trying..." Mr. Qiu is adjusting the light brain on his wrist, but his expression is more and more serious.

Pete suddenly seems to be aware of something like, "Shua" to stand up, eyes stare to slip round, nervously looking around."What's the matter?" Xiuma also vigilantly got up from the ground, with a laser pistol in her hand.

"Ladies, please go to the tent first. Don't come out without my orders." Mr. Qiu finally raised his head, but this time his face is no longer a faint smile, and his eyes and eyebrows are too serious to say.

Without waiting for little Ando to ask, asana dragged her into the tent.

"Are you sure your traps work?" Pete leaned down and reached into the marching bag behind him, groping for something.

"Of course, what I learned in Xifeng youth military service class is engineer!" Xiuma said while taking out an electronic dial from her arms, but I knelt down on one knee and put the dial on the ground.

"Lancelot!" Mr. Qiu also stood up, and with his shout, a robot nearly two meters high jumped out from behind the tent.

"Sir." The neutral voice of the robot rings, and a red electronic eye is flashing in its eyebrow.

"First level alert mode, protect the ladies in the tent." Mr. Qiu also stood up at the moment and gave orders to the robot meticulously.

"Yes, sir." The voice of the robot doesn't sound emotional. It turns to the curtain in front of the tent and stands with its back to the door. The robot's raised shoulders then split, and two laser guns with automatic locking devices protruded their heads. The slowly rotating infrared locking device projected two straight and fine beams into the endless darkness ahead.

The three men began to retreat slowly and quietly. Xiuma and Pete, with their laser guns in their hands, retreated to the left side of the tent. And Mr. Qiu seems to have no weapons in his hand, just standing quietly on the right side of the tent.

The night is still quiet, only the crackling sound of bonfire and the long breath from the sea of trees make people feel their environment at the moment.

On the surface of this uncivilized planet, the night in the virgin forest, the dangerous smell has become too thick to melt.

The sound of breathing is getting heavier and heavier, but it can't cover up the tiny steps coming from the darkness in the distance, and the extremely depressed low roar.

In the tent, xiao'an and assanna are holding each other tightly, but no matter how hard they try, they can't offset the shivering from their bodies, the instinctive fear.

Pete felt sticky in his gun hand and wet in his clothes. He has been working as a bounty hunter for several years. At the beginning, it was because he chose this career that she broke up with him. However, Pete does not feel regret. He likes this job from the bottom of his heart and the life full of danger and excitement of hunters.

However, this time, he did not have any exciting feeling in the past. Instead, he had unprecedented fear.

Xiuma stared nervously at the deep jungle ahead, where the campfire could not reach. Even the red light of the laser gun's lock was hidden there, as if it had been shot into an endless abyss.

Gradually, the darkness is no longer simple darkness, a pair of green eyes from the dark abyss floating out, they are like demons from hell, grinning slowly.

Mr. Qiu's eyes suddenly lit up, just like two light bulbs shining in the night. He seemed to be aware of something. He quickly lowered his body and almost knelt on the ground.

Just as he stood upright, a dark shadow suddenly passed by his head. As the speed was too fast, the shadow had no time to brake, and hit the bonfire in front of him, and the black skin was lit in a moment.

Mr. Qiu felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat. His eyes locked tightly on the black beast rolling on the ground in front of him. His body was more than one meter long, and his whole body was swarthy. On his head like a wild dog, there were two eyes radiating green light.

"Beep!" The blue light column with the thickness of the thumb pierced the first exposed beast. Its body suddenly stiffened, then convulsed for a moment and then stopped moving, and the green light in its eyes disappeared completely.

Pete's hand was steady with the laser gun, his eyes were still on the body, and the sweat on his forehead was still wet. And behind him, xiuma was facing him with her back, raised her head, and gazed at the dark shadows above the depression in amazement.

"We're in big trouble..." Xiuma's voice was a little hoarse, and the laser gun in her hand was raised and put down hesitantly.

Mr. Qiu looked back and looked at the shadows on the top of the mountain. Suddenly, he felt a stabbing pain in the middle of his brow, as if a steel needle had been inserted straight into the skull.

Mr. Qiu's pupil then ignited again, and in his field of vision, a scarlet shadow was swimming among the shadows.

"No! This is not an ordinary herd In his heart, Mr. Qiu suddenly realized that his outstanding mental strength enabled him to find the hidden clues and summarize the rules in the complicated environment with the fastest speed.

At the moment, every movement of the scarlet shadow, every low sound, is like a stone into the water, which makes the action of the herd produce subtle changes.

"Hell! It's directing! " Mr. Qiu's pupils contracted."I'm afraid we're being hunted this time." Although Peter didn't look at the top of the mountain behind him, Qiu's eyes had conveyed all the information clearly. We're surrounded.