Chapter 47

Name:Assassins Guild Author:Jing Ke
It's unthinkable to be a dragon, especially a dragon soldier, without knowing the name of the assassin guild. It's just like every Dragon child is taught from birth how great their elders are. Every dragon soldier will also know your enemy in their eyes. No soldier will not understand the meaning of the four words "Assassin guild".

Silence, all people can only be silent.

It's a kind of silent and invisible pressure, which comes from the bottom of every Dragon people's heart. They can't breathe. Hua Yi's face was smiling. Now in their eyes, it was like a demon.

Although it has been more than a hundred years, the appearance of Huayi awakened their long-standing fear.

"Report to the captain that the two suspects in the captured spaceship have escaped. Please direct, please direct..." The sound of the light brain broke the dead silence.

Malroth's lax pupils finally recovered a little clear, he took a deep breath, as if he had just escaped from the arms of death, sweating all over.

"Copy that. Give me orders. Four frigates will go all out to pursue the escaped criminals and try to survive!" After all, it's the head of a ship. When you calm down, your thinking becomes clear immediately.

"Suo Fan said before that this guy took the initiative to ask to get on the ship, which shows that among the three men, his strength is the most outstanding, so he dares to take risks alone. He must also be using the strange magnetic field to attract our attention and give his other two companions a chance to escape. So, as long as we trap him and try our best to capture the other two, walgaron will be at our feet. Once the spaceship lands, they will have no chance to escape. " A series of speculation and coping strategies flashed through malrose's mind, and his face once again appeared a confident smile.

A group of soldiers around also gradually woke up from the shock just now. They saw the captain's inherent self-confidence smile, and their hearts suddenly had confidence. Although the assassin guild is famous, it was a hundred years ago. How many assassins are left now? What's more, the man in front of us is so young, no more than 20 years old at most.

"What assassin guild, who are you scaring?" Gradually, some soldiers strengthened their courage and began to swear.

The conformity psychology of human beings is also revealed in detail in the Daolong people. Contrary to the decline just now, the soldiers seemed to break away from the shadow of their hearts and rub their hands one by one.

Hua Yi turned a blind eye to the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, but just stood with her hands down. Her loose sleeves were even windless and made a slight sound.

His heart at this time is very calm, calm even he was a little surprised.

Save Oka's father? Just relying on him and Ming, there is a corpse who doesn't know how strong he is. It's too hard. Why don't Huayi know?

Looking for the Aries assassin? Even if there is a royal edict, but the vast sea of people to find a name and appearance do not even know the person, is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although the guild's intelligence network is built in Beijing, most of them are already paralyzed. Although OGA and leizhi will start to build a new intelligence network, it will take some time to use it to find people.

Hua Yi's state of mind is clear. He is very clear about the difficult task he is taking, but he still smiles faintly.

"If the mountain is too high to cross, then try to level it." Hua Yi's idea is extremely simple, that is to change the active into the passive.

"If we let everyone know that the assassin guild has come to volgaron, then maybe someone who knows the inside information will come to us, and the people who are bullied by the dragon people will come from all directions, and the Aries assassin may come to us by himself." The smile on Hua Yi's face is even better. Since the assassin guild is already famous, let it become more eye-catching.

"No!" Malrose suddenly felt a strong mental pressure, as if his head was hit by a heavy hammer, and his spirit was in a trance. All the soldiers around him vomited blood, and the five internal organs were in great pain.

"Sister Jianrou, master jueying, Hua'er, I'm going to smash the field in Daolong's territory this time. I'd like to ask my two sisters to help me." Hua Yi said to himself, but her figure had already floated off the ground.

"Well, do as you like." Jianrou's voice rang out of thin air. Malrose held back his blood and looked around in horror. Is there anyone else dormant in the dark?

"Go and show them what I have taught you these days." As soon as the voice of jueying came out, it was followed by the extremely domineering sword Qi.

The dagger dragon's warship suddenly made a piercing sound like a metal fracture. High in the air, the warship was torn apart.

The cold air whirred in her ears with the rapid wind. Hua Yi was breathing heartily, and her body fell down rapidly with the wind.

"Daolong clan, right? Come and see the assassin Hua Yi's hearty laughter scattered with the strong wind, reverberating in the 10000 meter high air above walgaron.


The changes in the sky have attracted the attention of many people on the ground, including the search for Camus who failed in the white night. Of course, he would not know the daily trajectory of the white night, nor would he think that the wolf cat could gallop on the top of the blade tower. After cutting off Momo in the white night, he disappeared. Camus looked around for a long time, but he didn't find half a shadow."Why? Heidaojiu came back three days earlier than usual ~... " Camus looked at the shadow of the ship in the air and was surprised.

"Hiss? ~"Camus gasped. He widened his eyes and clearly saw a small rescue capsule pop up from the alien spaceship entangled by the towing lock.

It was from the roaring spaceship that the rescue capsule blasted out. After a beautiful arc, it fell into the narrow street where street fighting had just happened.

At this time, the battle between the porters and the city management team had already ended. Except for two city management team members who were slightly injured, all the porters who fell to the ground were fragmented. Different from the battle between human beings, porters don't scream horribly. Their death is often pitiful and silent.

There's no one to collect the remains of this place.

The remaining 11 porters have already lost the courage to resist, lying on one side dejectedly, leaving the mark of humiliation on them with the feet of the city management team members. They can't resist, they're silent, they're powerless.

However, the huge sound of the spacecraft into the earth finally broke the helpless silence. Porter people looked up in horror, looking at the smoke rolling road in the distance, and the dimly recognizable rescue capsule.

"Yes, it must be the spy who was caught by the patrols and wanted to escape. Hum ~!" Camus murmured in his heart that he was full of resentment for not finding the White Wolf cat. Now a hapless alien rescue capsule flew in front of him. How could he let it go?

With a gloomy face, Camus walked up to the white smoke and made a whirring sound.

The hatch cover of the rescue capsule creaked open, and two figures came out slowly. One was high and the other was low. It looked like a man and a woman.

"Yes, does this rescue capsule have a landing system?"?! Almost killed by it The man scolded.

The woman did not speak, just stopped.

As the smoke cleared away, Camus could see who was coming. One is a young man in a strong black suit, with wheat skin and black eyes. You can see that he is a human. Next to the woman petite, a blue skirt, long bangs covered his eyes.

"Hum ~!" Camus snorted scornfully, but his eyes locked on the man, or rather the knife behind him.

The two meter long knife is a bit exaggerated, but Camus didn't show a trace of ridicule. He instinctively realized that the long knife was different, because since the man appeared, the burning in his hand kept shaking.

The corpse stops and looks ahead. Ming also raises his head. His eyes pass through the diluted smoke and fall on Camus without accident.

"Murderous Ming clearly felt that from not far away from the opposite side, there was no cover up of a strong murderous atmosphere.

"The one opposite seems to be the Dragon Knight of Daolong clan..." The heart of the corpse came.

"Oh, so that's the dragon knight." Ming is not as heartless as Huayi. He has done a lot of research on the Dragon nationality, although it is purely theoretical research.

Camus raised his left hand and waved his knife, a little distracted.

"Do it, do it! The broken knife chirps awkwardly Shaking his strong body, Camus swears as he rushes toward Ming and the corpse.

The corpse does not move, nor does it sing.

"Well, you two, I said, whether you're a little lover running away from home or a couple of thieves in disguise. When you get to Laozi's site, you can't leave without paying the landing fee. Also, the repair cost of road damage... " As he spoke and walked, Camus came to Minghe corpse in a moment.

"Little lover? "The thief couple?" He murmured, with an embarrassed expression.

The corpse remained silent, as if he had not heard what Camus said.

Cold, Camus left hand horizontal out of a knife, Yan walk mixed with the whirring wind, rushed to the right face.

The pupil contracts suddenly, the eyes of Ming are one report. Without any hesitation, the left hand of Ming hits out.

"Ha, fool!" Camus saw the man in front of him, and thought that he must be an idiot.

As the palm of the sword touched, Camus' face flashed with joy.

"Die City management team leader's mood is very comfortable, just stuffy in the chest of the bird gas finally released.

With a bang, the expected scream was replaced by a dull crossfire. The scene in Camus' imagination did not happen. His burning walk, together with his left hand, was forcibly shaken away by the sound of the meat palm.