Regardless of each other's feelings, Tang Jie broke into the battlefield with an unreasonable attitude, and then directly tore a demon God with the most ferocious means.

Although the demon God was reunited and reborn at the next moment, the pain of life being torn at that moment and the strong posture of Tang Jie brought great pressure to the spirit of the demon God, so that at the moment of looking at Tang Jie, the trembling feeling in his heart suddenly enlarged, and even the power of attack was weakened.

Facing this "weak" attack, Tang Jie showed disdain on his face: "use some strength, cockroaches."

Under the fire, this giant with immortal flame has once again waved his huge hands to the four demon gods.

Even demon gods dare not take the attack with eternal inflammation, otherwise it will be unlucky for a person to accidentally ignite his upper body and be attached by eternal inflammation. The reason why the demon God was so easy to be killed by Tang is that it used all its power to guard against the eternal heat. In order not to be possessed by the eternal inflammation, the demon God is willing to be killed once, all bodies return to the origin, and then reunite easily, so as to avoid the eternal inflammation. Otherwise, once attached by the eternal inflammation, the flame perched on the soul level is enough to make all demon gods want to be immortal and die.

Seeing the big hand of the flame giant clap, the four demon gods fight back together.

"Cross the sea and destroy the sun!"

"Qianlang Zhenyue!"

"Five rivers pick stars!"

"Four Seas Tongtian fist!"

The demon gods of the sea clan are mostly related to water, so they often turn over rivers and seas and ride the wind and waves.

The four demon gods attacked at the same time, and their power raised the whole sea level by kilometers out of thin air. From a distance, you can see the sky and the sea churning, as if the ocean is the sky.

However, the raging waves can not extinguish the eternal flame.

The flaming giant waved his huge palm. The flame collided with the sea and stirred up the transpiration white fog. With the help of this immortal flame, Tang Jie naturally weakened the attack of the four demon gods.

Of course, this alone is not enough for him to stop the cooperation of the four demon gods. Anyway, it is also a demon God, but Tang Jie is not fighting alone.

The river overturning array is still playing a role, and the Gu shooting fairy also blows out a howling wind. These wind rolls seem gentle, but what they contain is the terrible power of space, which can crush everything.

With the help of Gu shooting fairy and array, Tang Jie wantonly encouraged his own strength, and saw the wild laughter of flame giants everywhere in the sky.

Suddenly, a demon God was caught by Tang Jie.

Although the demon God's attack also hit Tang robber, Tang robber received it as if nothing had happened and looked at the other party with a grim smile: "die!"

When you pinch it hard, you will crush the demon God.

The demon God gave birth to a huge dark figure behind his brain, but it was a huge whale shark. He roared and bit Tang Jie: "damn you! Heaven and sea bite!"

Tang Jie threw a backhand punch. The fist shadow collided with the shark shadow, and a strong shock wave surged.

The demon God took the opportunity to get rid of Tang Jie's palm and retreated back.

"Where to go!" Tang Jie roared and punched the demon God again.

Broken star fist!

This comes from the war emperor's Atlas, not to mention that the ruler is a pseudo Taoist soldier, ignoring space is only its Taoist soldier characteristics, and its noumenon, as a divine treasure, also has its own role.

This treasure body was originally a split cloud ruler. The cloud is a misty thing, which means that this ruler has the energy of hole emptiness, so it can have a certain impact on the gods and souls.

Therefore, when this treasure falls on the eight claw demon God, not only the physical body is affected by the magic power of the emperor's limitless magic power, but also the spirit is whipped. Finally, the power of whipping of God treasure level can be borne by its demon God.

But if you can bear it, you can bear it. The problem is that even the attack as small as mosquitoes and flies can finally break it down.

The demon God roared and tried to run away. Huang Wuji snorted, "the thick soil is boundless!"

The eight claw demon God felt that the air was suddenly heavy, and his flight in the air was like in the soil. He suffered countless obstacles, and even his speed became extremely slow.

Huang Wuji doesn't have the speed of shooting fairies, but he is very good at limiting the speed of others.

He is always good at pulling his opponent's speed to the same level as himself, and then using his rich experience to defeat his opponent.

On the other side, the last demon God is still running.

This is a turtle demon God.

Although the turtle becomes a demon, its speed is not slow at all. The four claws waved in the clouds, and the whole world was thrown behind by it.

Crawling so fast in the sky, when it thought it was going to be difficult to get rid of, a figure in the distant sky came slowly towards him.

The tortoise demon first felt a chill in his heart. When he saw it clearly, he turned back and sneered: "I thought who would stop me, but it turned out to be a puppet."

At the moment, it was a puppet.

The puppet was glittering with dark gold, and stars flickered everywhere from time to time. There was no expression on the stone carving's face, so he stepped into the air and met the turtle demon.

The tortoise demon knew its extraordinary things, but he didn't care. Instead, there was a trace of greed in his eyes: "mica refined gold, Tianxuan stone, Lei wenmu..."

The old turtle is also a knowledgeable man. At a glance, he can see that several materials used by the puppet have been grabbed by the puppet with a grim smile: "take you, these treasures will be mine!"

The mica war puppet didn't move either. Seeing the old turtle's claw handed over, it raised its right palm to the turtle's claw, and saw that a hole had been circled in the palm.

A white light gushed out of the cave. It was as hot as fire, as violent as thunder, as turbulent as the sea. It was as fast as a galloping horse in nine days. It was shot out like this and was exploding on the turtle's claw.

Just listen to a sad cry, half of the old turtle's arms have been blown into powder, and the afterwaves continue to fly to the ground, bursting out a terrible crack on the ground for hundreds of miles.

With one blow, a grand canyon was created on the earth.

"Ow!!! What's this means? What's this means?" the old turtle looked at the mica war puppet in disbelief.

"Created by our Lord, the cross star annihilation gun." the mica war puppet made a cold voice.

"Cross Star Destroyer? What is this?" the old turtle couldn't understand.

Of course, he didn't know that it was entirely caused by the evil taste of Tang robbery. In the past world, there were many inventions that impressed Tang Jie so far. Most of them could not be reproduced, but some could be displayed in another way with the help of the rules of the world.

In that case, Tang Jie certainly doesn't mind trying.

As his only work, mica war puppet reposes the existence of all his old memories and dreams. In the past, Tang robbery did not have many resources to realize, but with his adventures and rich harvest, those former ideals gradually became a reality.

In this case, the mica war puppet is doomed to have many things that subvert the cognition of the star world, and the cross star annihilation gun is just one of them. As the first war after improvement, the mica war puppet is about to test his strength with the help of his opponent.

At the next moment, one eye of the mica war puppet emitted a strange light and murmured: "the battle recording function is being turned on for the first time..."