"What's wrong with reading?" the ghosts looked at Tang Jie and didn't understand the meaning of his words.

"Yes, we might as well try reading backwards." Tang Jie said, "you can start from the last."

As he looked at the ghosts with his fingers, they fell on the last part of the mural, and Tang Jie's vivid words came to his ears:

"In the 18th picture, a woman standing in a group of corpses looks like killing countless people. But if you look at the picture carefully, you will find that in fact, all the people in the picture died of cold and hunger. You see, how desolate and haggard they died, skinny and ragged. In fact, such people don't look like officials The eunuch's house is more like a refugee in the wilderness. As for this woman, perhaps... She is just one of the refugees. She seems to be free from the dust among the refugees because of various techniques. She faces the sky, maybe not crying out in grief and anger, but more likely calling out in despair. "

"In the seventeenth picture, a couple is holding a wedding in a country. It is agreed that both parties should love each other and stay together for life."

"In the 16th picture, the young girl was walking in the vast wilderness with hunger and cold. She was tired and hungry. She gradually lost her strength and finally fell to the ground. Fortunately, a fairy passed by here, rescued her and took her back to the mountain to teach her Dharma and art... However, although reading in reverse order, this picture happened after the previous picture, it doesn't mean that This picture must have happened later than the last one. On the contrary, it may have happened hundreds of years earlier than the last one, but because it is a mural, it can't be said so carefully. "

"The fifteenth picture shows that after being taught by the immortal, the woman's accomplishments have been continuously improved. She is worthy of being a genius. She soon broke through the spiritual awareness period and is only one step away from the heart of heaven. Unfortunately, she was still unable to make a successful breakthrough. She can only look at the sky silently and feel sad and angry... It's no wonder how I saw it. I didn't see a spirit in the picture No ring? So at that time, she was at most the opening period. "

"After a certain degree of cultivation, practitioners will enter the people to experience the hardships of the world of mortals, the warmth and coldness of the world, feel life and understand the road. This is also a common thing. So the girl finally decided to go down the mountain to experience and improve herself."

Tang Jie's finger fell on the fourteenth painting: "I was young and inexperienced. I ran into a terrible monster soon after I went down the mountain. After a hard fight, I couldn't see it. At this time, I suddenly killed a white robed general to help me. Of course, it may also be the other way around. When the white robed general met the monster, she found it and saved it. Think about it carefully, or The latter is more likely. "

As he spoke, he looked back at the woman on the seat. He saw the woman's face was gloomy, but she didn't speak.

"It's interesting. I can still interpret it like this." Other Ghost kings finally saw some clues. Because it's a mural, in fact, many things need your own brain. When Tang Jie told you that you can see from the back to the front, many things immediately became different.

Standing on the top of the mountain, what you miss is not your dead husband, but thinking about the way forward. Fighting together does not mean that you are a husband and wife, but more likely a stranger you encounter

"Go on!" the unintentional ghost king was interested.

Tang Jie pointed to the following pictures: "After that battle, the general in white robe left. The woman continued her original path, upholding justice and eliminating evil and good. Of course, since she wanted to kill corrupt officials and bullies, she would inevitably provoke some big people. No, before long, she offended a big official. She might have killed one of the big official's favorites or his illegitimate son In a word, the senior official personally ordered to hunt down this girl. Although she has good cultivation skills, she can't resist the country after all. Moreover, the senior official has great hands and eyes, and there are countless capable people under her. Even Xianmen practitioners can invite some. The result is that after many hard battles, the girl finally didn't lose. "

His finger fell on the ninth mural and Tang robbed: "On a cliff, the girl fought with the soldiers sent by the king. In that battle, the girl finally killed the pursuer and was seriously injured, but at that time, the general gave up killing her and saved her... Isn't it interesting? When we are looking at these paintings, we will feel that the couple are being pursued and killed. In fact, the general is leading the fight Soldiers deal with her. Why am I so sure? Because you see, the armor of those dead soldiers is clearly of the same system as that of the white robed general, which means that it is his direct army! Only the picture deliberately shows the general holding up a woman and yelling at the soldiers, so that their husband and wife fight side by side. In fact, the content of his real roar may be heartache that he died Comrades in arms. "

"But anyway, he didn't kill the girl in the end. Maybe he remembered that they had fought with monsters together, or they had feelings, or for some other reason, I don't know, but the next thing is..."

He pointed to the eighth mural.

On the mural, in the humble hut, the woman was lying in bed and was being taken care of by a man.

Tang Jieyou said, "if you are reading, you can't explain why she was injured. Of course, the painting is very clever. It deliberately covers up the injury and makes people feel more like illness. But for ordinary diseases, drugs such as Shengji powder can't be used..."

Tang Jie's finger fell in the lowest corner of the mural, where you can see a small bag of medicine. There is no word, but those who often use Shengji powder can definitely see that it is Shengji powder.

All the information is inside, but it is cleverly hidden.

"So the next picture can be understood." the unintentional ghost King pointed to the seventh picture and said, "that's not their meeting, but their difference. After taking care of the woman, the general left."

"Yes, he did what he wanted to do and left. Perhaps in his opinion, this is to make up for the grace she saved her life by killing monsters that day." Tang Jie said with a smile: "In a word, he left after doing it. But he obviously didn't expect that the care during this period had planted feelings in the girl's heart. It's not surprising that a girl who has been training hard all day in the mountain has not opened her feelings. Suddenly, there is such a handsome man serving tea and water for himself. How can he not send it into his heart."

He sighed and looked down: "so after she recovered, she finally decided to find the man she liked. Confess to him. She found it, but she didn't expect to see such a scene..."

In the sixth mural, the white robed general is being supported by soldiers with his beautiful wife around him.

Then Tang Jie pointed to the fifth picture and sighed: "She went crazy at once. She walked alone in the fields and didn't know what to do. At that time, she must be very confused and hesitant. Of course, in addition, it also serves to go back and forth. When we look from front to back, this painting naturally shows a woman going out to find her husband. In fact, it is just a sad woman in the wilderness It's just a stroll. If the painter doesn't have ulterior motives, he doesn't have to draw like this at all. "

Speaking of this, Tang Jie again refers to the fourth picture: "Shortly after that, the war broke out. It was not sure whether it was a coincidence or a conspiracy. Anyway, the neighboring countries began to invade. At that time, the woman suddenly realized that if the man was defeated, he would be punished. At that time, he might no longer be a general, and no woman would follow him. At that time, wouldn't the man belong to herself?"

Tang Jieyou sighed: "this is a terrible idea, because she knows that once she does this, it means that many innocent people will die. But she can't help doing it for her own man."

He pointed to the third picture: "so she really did that. After the war began, his beloved man went to the battlefield again and fought with blood. But no matter how brave he was, he was finally defeated. Of course, because of the woman's secret protection, he was defeated but did not die. Nevertheless, he was punished."

Tang Jie turns his eyes to the second picture: "Look at this painting, it's so beautiful and misleading. It looks like a recruitment order, but in fact it's not a recruitment order, but a dismissal order. It's used to remove him from his official position and punish him. That's why he uses yellow silk cloth. How can he use this kind of thing? The flying horse riding is dressed in the clothes of the yellow gate waiter. Hum, this painting is a disadvantage in all paintings Most of all, after all, there are still many difficulties in replacing the conscription order with a dismissal order, but it still makes her find a way to confuse the past. "

Talking about the last and first mural of Tang Jieyi, he laughed and said: "However, all the disguises in this painting are the most incisive and funny. Yes, this pastoral picture is not fan Yunhai's life before he was a general, but his life after he was demoted from a general to a common people. The only unexpected thing is that the once official daughter, a rich family and noble, did not leave her husband, but retired to the countryside with her husband!"


There was a noise when the lobby was neutral.

The ghosts pointed to the mural and said, "you mean... The woman in the painting..."

Tang said with a smile: "Yes, the woman in the first painting is not her at all, but the noble woman around the general in the sixth painting. However, the painter skillfully confused it by means of clothing and hair accessories. Finally, with a little painting skills, we mistakenly thought that the first woman in this painting was the main woman in the subsequent paintings. However It's because we can't blatantly cheat, so this painting only draws the side with the help of the posture of looking at each other against the fence. But if you look carefully, you will find that this side is actually very similar to the general's wife. Now think about it, the person who painted this painting must be very unwilling. "

He said, looking back at the woman on the seat: "I don't know if there are mistakes in my interpretation?"