This day of Zifu Huadian can be called the unprecedented prosperity of Qixia world.

What the world knows is that sixteen purple house practitioners were born on this day at the same time;

What people don't know is that the moon washing sect really completed their most important transformation on this day and became a big sect with great potential.

And these two things are the same person, Tang Jie.

Use the same way!

This is the way of destiny, this is the infinite power of the way of destiny!

Although it can't kill people with one finger, its influence startles the world and weeps ghosts and gods. Even ordinary immortal Dharma and Taoism are difficult to do.

After all this, Tang Jie began to prepare his third wish.

He's like a naughty boy. He doesn't have the idea of leaving some surplus goods at all.

The third wish is to find the open flag among the eight flags.

Yes, he didn't expect anyone to find it from the beginning.

The open door flag has been lost for many years and has long been difficult to find. Although it is said that Tang Jie has got seven, and it is not possible to find the eighth side in the future, this kind of thing is too ethereal. Tang Jie is unwilling to wait. After all, it has been six or seven hundred years since he got together these seven sides, so he holds the idea of finding the best and making a big wish if he can't find it.

This is probably also an application that consumes the least Taoist power of fate. Almost as soon as the Taoist power is injected, the page is filled with energy. So that for a moment, Tang Jie almost wanted to give up using it. It's so easy to find it. Won't it be under his ass? Fortunately, he finally restrained this impulse and was easy to find. It had nothing to do with distance. The way of fate ignored distance and only looked at the possibility of success or failure.

If the opening flag is not there, it will be useless to inject much power, or if it is still there, it will be enough.

At this moment, Tang Jie had a faint feeling in his mind, as if something was guiding him and telling him in a certain direction.

So Tang Jie followed the guidance of his heart and flew all the way.

The open door flag was far beyond Tang Jie's expectation. It flew for more than ten days.

At that time, Tang Jie had reached the South China Sea, the four fields were vast, no one was seen, and the guidance in his heart was still ahead, but the feeling was already strong. Tang Jie knew that it meant that he was not far from the goal.

Tang Jie continued to fly and finally saw an island in the distance. The guide in his heart told him that the open door flag was on the island.

There was a mountain on the island. Tang robbed the island and flew around. He felt that the flag was in the mountain, so he made a retreat and went straight to the mountain.

All the way down, the hotter it gets.

When he sank thousands of meters underground, Tang Jie suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had come to a broad underground space.

In this underground space, the heat wave is raging, and below it is an underground river of magma rolling. There are jagged rocks all around, and some strange red crystal stones are displayed on the ground.

"Fire rock crystal? Dark burning river?" Tang Jie's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, I made a fortune inadvertently in the process of looking for the open door flag.

This fire rock crystal is a kind of fire system ore, which can be used to smelt a kind of fire crystal. It is excellent for cultivating, refining utensils and arranging fire system arrays. The dark burning River doesn't have much effect, but it's an underground river full of fire. But it is useless to others, but it is of great use to Tang Jie, who is proficient in the way of the five elements.

The five line, the best thing is to gather the essence of the world, and turn it into five elements.

When you are on the surface of the earth, you should worry about the whole world of Qixia. Resources are not his own. You should always pay attention to all things. In this underground, Tang Jie has no more these concerns. Now there is a dark burning River in front of him. How can Tang Jie miss it and catch it? That dark burning river has flown towards the palm of his hand. When the lava River fell into his hands, he saw the flow of Taoist patterns in the palm of Tang robber's hand. Under the power of fire, the huge dark burning River continued to shrink into a little original flame and melted into Tang robber's hands.

The fire that condenses the origin can not be achieved by any flame. The ordinary flame may not condense a spark when it is full of fire in the mountain. For example, the dark burning River condenses a red fire, which changes and takes shape. It is the size of a Phoenix, and it can change itself.

Tang Jie was so satisfied that he threw him into the open channel in the picture of mountains and rivers. So in the Huangting world, red clouds appeared, and a fire wave fell from the sky.

This kind of falling fire and rain may be a great disaster in other world, but it is different in Huangting world. Under the operation of heaven, the five seasons change and directly enter the fire season. The spirits retreated, the fire spirits appeared, and there was a red tide between heaven and earth.

The fire of the origin falls from the sky and is immediately absorbed by the heaven and earth. It turns into the fire power of the fire family, fills with the energy of the creatures in each fire season and causes a cheer.

Then the robe sleeves of the Tang Dynasty were rolled up again. Countless fire rock crystals had been rolled up and sent to the Huangting world one after another. There was another rain of rock crystals in the sky.

It takes a lot of effort to break the skin and remove the impurities. Even if you want to peel off the impurities with the Tongtian cultivation of Tang Jie, it will take a lot of trouble. Therefore, you will be thrown into the Huangting world. The five elements clan will peel them off for him, but you directly ordered them to give them to him.

The Lord of the world has orders, and the people of the world follow them.

Tang Jie went all the way, searched all the way, and gathered all the fire rock crystals he saw along the way. With the disappearance of the dark Yanhe River and the fire rock crystal, the heat of the underground space is also greatly reduced.

As the upsurge subsided, Tang robber faintly felt that there was a dark wind blowing and roaring.

"Eh?" Tang Jieda dared to be surprised. He quickened his pace and flew forward quickly.

At this time, the feeling in his heart has reached the extreme. Tang Jie knows that the open door flag is ahead.

At this moment, I finally saw that there was a bottomless abyss in front of me, and the thick Yin Qi came out of the abyss.

At the other end of the abyss is a brazier. The dark burning river flows out of the brazier, and a treasure flag is hung above the brazier.

Open the door flag!

At the moment of seeing the opening flag, Tang robber was happy and then stunned.

The scene in front of us is clearly an array, and the brazier is the energy core of the array. Open the door to the main array source center, that is, the energy supply, and this dark burning river is the energy supply of this array in front of you. Only in this way can the energy be inexhaustible. As for the existence of the opening flag, it further strengthens the effect of this position.

Tang robber thought that the open door flag was accidentally lost here during the incident more than 10000 years ago. Now it seems that it is obviously not. It is deliberately placed here to improve the power of opening the door. In this case, it should be used to seal the abyss.

However, the array is so common that it has almost no defense ability and the array pattern is not obvious that Tang robber didn't see that it was an array at the beginning. As a result of taking away the dark Yan River, he broke the array directly.

The abyss lost its seal and began to breathe cold.

After careful feeling, I found that the Yin cold Qi was clearly dead in the underworld, and I could hear the cry of fierce ghosts.

Tang Jiawei was stunned. When he looked at it, he found a crack under the abyss.

The cold air of the underworld comes from this crack.

When Tang Jieli understood, it turned out that this place was the same as the mica abyss in the Qingyun world. There was also an entrance to the underworld.

The difference is that the entrance here was sealed with an array.

However, what Tang Jie couldn't figure out was here, because the seal of this array was really too crude and had no defense at all, otherwise it would not be easily destroyed by Tang Jie.

But on the other hand, the power of this array is not small. It's not small because this array has existed for at least ten thousand years. After all, the Eight Banners disappeared ten thousand years ago. And the power to suppress an entrance to the underworld for ten thousand years can't be small anyway.

Being able to arrange a large array that has existed for thousands of years to suppress the entrance to the underworld without any defense means means means that it is not the lack of strength of the person who arranges the array, but the intention of the other party.

Tang Jie has only one explanation after thinking about it, that is, most of the people who arranged the array went in along the entrance of the underworld. Now that he has entered, he will come out. In order not to block his way back, the array setter arranged this seal array very easily. As long as you find the entrance, you can come out easily. As for those ghosts, they don't know their reason, but they can't get out anyway.

It's easy to prove that.

Tang Jie has summoned Xiao San: "Xiao San, enter here and see if there are signs of cultivation nearby."

Since the man is coming back, he will certainly leave a token. Although the mark may not still exist after ten thousand years, the underworld is different from the human world. As long as there is a mark, even if it is destroyed, it will probably leave traces.

Xiao San jumped in and came back a moment later, but he found a sign at the entrance, but it was a magic weapon of the immortal yuan spirit lamp. This object only needs to leave a little divine consciousness in the lamp, and it can feel its location no matter how far away it is. It's useless for a ghost to take this thing, so it's a waste in the underworld. When Xiao San found it, he buried it in half of the earth. The ghost floated around on it, but no ghost paid attention to it.

"It's a smart way to arrive. Unfortunately, I still can't come back after all." Tang Jie sighed.

The man who arranged the array planned to lay a way back, but he didn't return for ten thousand years. I think he is dead.

Tang Jie didn't want to know who this person was. He just shot a wisp of divine consciousness through the entrance of the underworld, put it on the souvenir lamp under the leadership of Xiao San, and withdrew.

He did this just to be prepared. If he accidentally entered the underworld in the future, there would be at least a way out.

After finishing this, Tang Jie rearranged an array to seal the entrance. Like the previous man, he did not set up defense, but his power was much worse than that of the previous man.

After such a comparison, Tang Jie found that the array road he was proud of was not the strongest. He felt very depressed.

Fortunately, in any case, these eight flags are finally together.

Another Taoist soldier took shape.