If you want to know what Tang Jie found, you must first understand what Sendai is.

Each level has its specific meaning. It doesn't mean that I have increased my strength by one level. If you live longer, it's over.

It should have its own structure and its own unique significance and root.

For example, opening the jade gate allows you to have the ability to absorb Reiki. Opening the Reiki eye allows you to store Reiki. The Lingquan, Linghu and Linghai store Reiki. After entering the refining period, you can wash yourself with aura and enhance your physique. The nine turn period is the refining of the Zang Fu organs by Reiki, which prolongs the life span. At the level of life, it is first higher than ordinary people, but there is no essential change. In the Enlightenment period, cultivating spiritual consciousness is the first step to strengthen the soul. After the third dry period, it is the achievement of the spirit body. The heavenly state of mind is the upper feeling of the heavenly heart, which is the first step to sense heaven and earth, further strengthen the soul, the spiritual ring expands its own mana, the mind devil is the real materialization of the soul, and the soul is further. These will not be repeated one by one.

Each step has different practical significance, which is called Jin rank!

So is Sendai.

The promotion of practitioners to Sendai is essentially a fundamental change from spiritual cultivation to immortal cultivation. Only when they reach this step can they be called immortals in the real sense.

This is the same as the three dry periods of escaping from the world. The practitioners before the three dry periods are not spiritual practitioners, but mortals who can point spells. Only after the third dry period, when the body dies and the spirit regenerates, can the mana and longevity be greatly improved, which is the real spiritual cultivation.

That kind of essential transformation is separated from the mortal category in the flesh, so it is called the realm of detachment.

So is Sendai. Climbing Sendai is the transformation from spiritual cultivation to immortal. Therefore, many people regard the spiritual stage as the transitional stage of seeking immortality, and climbing the Sendai and becoming an immortal is the ultimate dream.

It is obviously much more difficult to enter the immortal from the spirit than to enter the spirit.

The reason is that there is no immortality in this world. To be exact, there is no ready-made immortality.

Immortal Qi is not produced between heaven and earth like spirit Qi, but is refined, compressed, changed and sublimated by practitioners, just like the relationship between iron and steel. The former is naturally generated and can be refined from ore, but the latter needs to be refined artificially. From this aspect, we can understand why huangtianyin can make immortal Qi. In essence, it is an extractor of immortal Qi, and the material needed is aura.

If mortals want to cultivate a spiritual body, they need a place rich in spiritual Qi to create a spiritual body. How can they shape an immortal body without ready-made immortal Qi?

Practitioners eager to become immortals have tried their best to do so.

In that day when no one had realized this dream, countless amazing talents fell on the road of immortal road exploration until the birth of the first immortal.

The way he found to become an immortal is to become a God first!

God is the ultimate soul. What is a soul? That is, human consciousness exists as an entity, and thinking is no longer the result of brain operation, but controlled by the soul.

The whole heaven state of mind and Zifu state are all souls. When it is cultivated to a certain extent, it can sense heaven and earth, so as to use more powerful spells. When it reaches Zifu, it reaches the point where the heart melts into heaven and earth, that is to say, this heaven and earth is like a body controlled by the soul. The spirit of heaven and earth is mastered like the palm of the hand, so it can read Dharma.

But this integration is only temporary, and no one's soul can integrate for a long time. Why is Zifu called Zifu? It's the house built outside the soul. The armor is used to protect the soul. The essence of the soul is still weak and can't exist alone. It's not much better until the out of body period. The so-called out of body means that you can finally get rid of the protection of Zifu.

The real ones that do not rely on the protection of Zifu are called God and Yang God, and the spirits before that are also called Yin God.

No matter what the name is, if you achieve the Yang God, the cultivator yuan God can escape thousands of miles, kill the flesh and manipulate the regeneration of the immortal yuan. This is the secret of immortal immortality.

On the contrary, we can understand how practitioners create immortal bodies.

To achieve the Yang God first, then refine the immortal Qi with the Yang God, reshape the immortal body and achieve the immortal is essentially the same thing as rebirth. The difference is that rebirth is a mechanical repetition, a copy, a painting on white paper, and a big girl's first time on the sedan chair; Rebirth is to create with the accumulated immortal Qi. Shaping immortal body is to create while creating immortal Qi;

Therefore, the difficulty of the two is a hundred times different.

Finally, the achievement of Yang God itself is also a big threshold. Many people stop for life before even this level has passed.

The unity of heaven and man is the first step to achieve Yang God. It is like the three dry periods of practitioners. Only after this stage can the soul be transformed into God.

In fact, the unity of heaven and man is the Jin level expression of the soul of Zifu melting into heaven and earth, which can not only clearly control the aura. You can also feel the joys and sorrows in heaven and earth, so the previous things will happen.

It was in this process that Tang made an unexpected discovery.