The second year he came to the grassland, tiger head died.

It was accidentally injured in a hunt. The injury dragged it down and made it follow in the footsteps of its mother. Finally, it starved to death. It became the first loser among the countless adopted sons of Tang robbery.

Six months later, an orangutan adopted by Tang Jie became food for a monster.

In contrast, spirit teeth are much better. As an adult, it found a partner and gave birth to two litters of leopard cubs, most of which survived. Except for one -- a little guy ran away late one night and never came back.

The three little lions adopted by Tang Jie also began to grow up.

They soon separated and established their own families.

In the fifth year when Tang Jie came to the grassland, sharp claw died.

It died in an internal fight, lost and injured in the process of competing for mating rights with another male lion, and finally died in the wilderness and was eaten by a group of wolves.

Two other wolf cubs robbed by Tang also died in the same year. Shortly thereafter, in the next three years, Tang Jie adopted 12 kinds of animals and lost 11 of them at the same time.

In the tenth year of coming to the grassland, Tianyu, the earliest adopted eagle, died.

Its death was very dramatic. In a hunt, it accidentally hit a branch and fell to the ground. It was not badly hurt. It only needed a break to fly again, but God didn't give it a chance - it met a lion.


Scar ate it mercilessly.

One adopted son of Tang Jie killed the other.

At that time, Tang Jie watched at a distance of 3000 meters. He didn't move. Although he could change all this with his fingers, he didn't do anything in the end.

In the twelfth year of the grassland, Banmao also died.

He died in the mouth of a monster and was also the second adopted son of Tang Jie who died in the mouth of a monster.

At this time, scar's Lion Group is already one of the largest lion groups on the grassland, but scar is also old. The life span of lions is not short. Wild lions usually live to the age of 17, but in fact, few lions can live so long. For scar, the good days are not long.

Soon, it was challenged by another young lion and died in the challenge.

Since that day, Tang Jie has never adopted any animals by himself.

Lingya is still alive.

This little leopard, the earliest one Tang Jie knew, is still running around on the prairie, hunting and mating. Even when he is old, he is still as powerful as before. It hunts fast and fights bravely. It has fought with wolves and lions to defend food.

It is smart, brave, stubborn and strong.

Tang Jie appeared to visit him once. Lingya remembered him and ran to him excitedly. He snuggled up in his arms and played music. He even introduced his wife to himself, a beautiful female leopard.

Three days later, Tang Jie left, and Lingya was reluctant to part.

In the 15th year of coming to the grassland, Lingya entered the stage.

It has become a demon, a leopard demon with low psychic quality. It has transcended the limitations of wild animals and moved towards intelligent creatures. Age is no longer an obstacle to bind it. It has become young and powerful again.

This is the adopted son of Tang Jie's first demon.

On Lingya, Tang Jie began to understand how demons were generated.

They are naturally raised and do not know how to practice. But they strive to survive and struggle between heaven and earth, and respond to this heaven and earth in their own way.

And this is cultivation!

For countless beasts, struggling in this world is a kind of practice, just as life is for practitioners.

In the process of struggle, their breath merged with the breath of the world, and their strength began to grow. One day, when the breath reaches a top level and the power rushes to the bottleneck, it is the moment when they turn into demons.

The scene at that moment was very beautiful.

Tang Jie watched Lingya become a demon in the Jin Dynasty with his own eyes. With the help of insight, he could even see every change in his body and know why they were born and why.

Few people observe the birth of a monster so carefully.

But Tang Jie did so. At the moment when Lingya turned into a demon, Tang Jie's heart seemed to sublimate.

He felt as if he had realized something, but he couldn't say it clearly.

Until in a later call with Xu miaoran, he found that his dialogue with Xu miaoran had been significantly prolonged.

Inadvertently, perhaps this is the real understanding and application of fate.

From that day on, Tang Jie began to change his previous way of doing things.

He began to consciously fiddle with the threads of fate.

A little fox was helpless after his parents died.

Tang Jie didn't choose to adopt it, but waited quietly. A group of lions came here and saw the little fox. According to the normal development process, they should eat it. But after Tang Jie gently touched the string of fate, the lions changed their mind. They adopted the little fox and took the responsibility of righteous parents instead of Tang Jie.

Shortly after that, Tang Jie encountered some other similar things.

He let zebras adopt antelopes, orangutans adopt moles, and even hippos adopt a crocodile.

Of course, most of the results of this random matching have no good results. Most parents do not know how to feed their new children. They only feed them in their own way, and eventually make their children die young for a variety of reasons.

The gorilla was arrogant and restless because the little mole always didn't eat the food it gave, but the mole didn't starve to death, but fell to death because the gorilla accidentally fell from a tree.

The little crocodile was trampled to death by a hippo. When the heavy guy stepped on his child with one foot, he didn't even feel its existence.

The baby antelope died most innocently. The zebra herd ignored its height when crossing the river and drowned it directly.

Only the little fox survived to adulthood, and then successfully died in a hunt for large herbivores - it was kicked by a zebra and died an hour later.

So Tang Jie's adoption plan failed.

But he was not discouraged.

Since cross species adoption cannot be established, can cross species marriage always be possible?

As a result, a cross species love wind soon blew up on the Hulun grassland.

Wolves and hyenas, vultures and golden eagles, leopards and lions, and even hippos and rhinoceros, yellow deer and giraffes.

A jackal fell in love with a female elephant. It tried to climb on the elephant's back and put its Dick into the female elephant's body. But the difficulty of this action was so great that it failed to complete the arduous mission. Instead, it was trampled to death by the mother elephant.

Most cross species marriages still have no good results. Even if they are successfully combined, they will not have offspring.

But there is always success.

In the 18th year after Tang Jie came to the prairie, Hulun grassland has become a world full of curiosity.

The net of destiny is twisted into a mess here. There are extraordinary relationships between almost every species, and all kinds of strange friendship and love have been developed, giving birth to countless unimaginable crystals.

All kinds of unimaginable creatures ran and hunted on the grassland, which dazzled the world. Even Tang Jie, who was the perpetrator, sometimes couldn't tell what was what.

During this time, Yi Yi came to see Tang Jie twice. She was also stupid in the face of Tang Jie's works on the prairie.

This kind of reckless red line can actually give people unexpected pleasure to some extent, so she caught a lion headed wolf as her pet and brought a leopard fox to Lin Xin. Unfortunately, they died soon after leaving the prairie.

Yi Yi came and took a few more, but none of them could feed.

This made Tang Jie realize that these creatures living on the prairie may not be suitable for the outside world.

This maladjustment is not the change of environment, but another thing - the net of destiny.

The twisted web of fate shrouds Hulun grassland, making everything here different.

This net was woven by Tang Jie in 20 years.

It represents the will of Tang Jie and is the direct embodiment of his will on this grassland.

When the net is completed, Tang Jie wants to do anything. Just dial the net of destiny, and it must happen.

No action is required.

At that moment, Tang Jie understood.

This is fate!

Once the enlightenment, just let him see the fate in the world.

But the lines of fate can not be changed. They can be stirred, used, cut, twisted, or even reset.

After 20 years of traveling in hulent grassland and dancing with wolves, Tang Jie inadvertently weaves his first web of destiny.

Here, his will is everything.

As long as he wants, he can even use magic like Zifu, gently dial fate, and the magic will be established, just like reading Dharma.

It can be said that this is his home. If he fights here, he is not afraid of Zifu.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's invincible.

The web of destiny on Hulun grassland has been eroded by the web of destiny of the wider world since it was woven.

It can exist because Tang Jie has been weaving for 20 years.

But if one day Tangjie stops or leaves, it will dissipate gradually.

The twisted fate will be gradually corrected and assimilated by the original fate of the world.

Fate always drives in the same direction. Either you assimilate it or it assimilates you.

If Tang Jie can weave the net of his destiny all over the green cloud world, maybe he is the king of the world.

But it's too big and too difficult. Even so, beyond the green cloud world, there is still a greater net of destiny shrouded and eroding. It's the whole astral world.

When the first web of destiny of Hulun grassland was woven, a Taoist pattern appeared quietly in the heart of Tang robbery.

Not one, but one.

It was the display of the materialization of the props of fate. Tang robbed the Tao not with the help of the existing Tao principles, but with his own understanding.

But Tang Jie didn't care about it.

The significance of detachment is not to pursue the result, but to enjoy the process quietly. As for the result, it only appears with the process - Tang Jie didn't even count the number of Tao patterns.

He is still walking on the prairie.

No longer try to weave fate, but watch it disappear bit by bit, eroded by the fate net of Qingyun world, and gradually restore Datong.

Once prosperous no longer, Hulun grassland has restored its former calm.

There are ups and downs, gains and losses.

Tang Jie weaves his first web of fate and watches it die.

The 23rd year of coming to the prairie.

Tang Jie's last friend on the prairie, a mutant little badger bear, died of illness.

After burying it, Tang Jie left this land, left Hulun grassland and went to other places.