After sending a message, Tang Jie strode to the seventh floor of the sky fire tower.

When he came to the seventh floor hall, Tang Jie didn't stop, but continued along a corridor. After a long detour, he went straight to a small door.

There are two guards standing in front of the door. They are immortal Linghuan.

Seeing Tang robbed, the two said at the same time, "the warehouse is an important place. No admittance!"

This is the treasure house of the four heavenly kings. The sky fire tower has accumulated for thousands of years, and countless wealth is hidden here. Tang Jie had a natural understanding of the sky fire tower these days. At this moment, he strode forward and said in a long voice, "I'm the next left full name. I came to take the treasure under the order of the East heavenly king."

"Hand over the heavenly king's decree!"

"That's nature." Tang Jie strode forward and put his hand into the bag to make a gesture of taking a metaphor order. In three or two steps, he approached the guard, turned his wrist, and the emperor blade was in his hand. Tang Jie made a stroke, and the emperor blade had cut through the neck of a guard. Another guard was terrified and was about to take action. Tang Jie's left hand had pointed out that it was right in front of the guard's chest. Under one finger, the blood spring splashed. Before the guard shouted, a large amount of blood mist swept the guard, entered along the blood hole, and smashed the guard in an instant. These two guards are real people. Tang Jie had to do his best to avoid disturbing others.

The flesh and blood grinding plate swept through and digested the corpse. Tang Jie recreated two blood replicas, which turned into the same appearance as the previous guards.

Being able to transform other human forms is the biggest improvement of Tang robbery replication, but it has not been used until today.

Two fake guards continued to guard the door. Tang Jie pushed the door in.

In front of us is a vast space, even larger than the Skyfire tower itself. The heavenly fire tower itself is a treasure. It is extremely large with mustard inside. This treasure hiding place is no exception.

At this moment, Tang Jie stood in the center of the treasure house, surrounded by a large iron frame, which was filled with all kinds of treasures.

These are just inferior magic weapons. The treasure house of Tianhuo tower is divided into three layers. The more you go inside, the higher the value.

Tang Jie didn't get the magic weapon immediately. He knew that each of these treasures in the treasure house had been banned. Once touched, it would trigger the prohibition. At that time, all the treasures would be fixed and could not be taken away. It would disturb the four heavenly kings. Only the king of heaven can lift the ban, but the number is limited. Once the quantity or level permitted by the decree is exceeded, the prohibition will still be started.

As a good array player, Tang Jie naturally has a way to break these prohibitions. The problem is that each prohibition is different. Even if Tang Jie wants to break them one by one, it will take a long time. There are thousands of treasures here. If you crack them through formal channels, a hundred days may not be enough.

Fortunately, Tang Jie didn't intend to do so.

He slashed his arm directly with the emperor's blade.

The blood flowed out and turned into replicates. Hundreds of replicates crowded the wide space.

They just stood in front of rows of shelves without moving. Tang Jie himself continued to walk in and entered the second small door.

If the outer rooms are mostly middle and low-level magic weapons, then the middle-level treasures are all top-grade or top-grade. In addition, there are a large number of rare materials. Compared with magic weapons, Tang Jie paid more attention to materials. At this moment, looking at all kinds of rare materials, Tang Jie was stunned.

"Anshen wood, three heart stone, glow jade, colorful ice Begonia... It's really a lot of good things." Tang Jie couldn't help shouting.

Many of these materials are hard to find in both Qixia and Xuehe. They are also spiritual materials for array arrangement and divine medicine of heaven and earth. For example, the three heart stone is the top material for refining the pill in the period of Chong Xin devil, and an Shenmu is the treasure for cultivating the soul. I didn't expect to see such scarce materials just in the middle-level treasure house. I really don't know what will happen later.

Following the same pattern, Tang Jie continued to walk inward after making another batch of copies.

Open the third door and enter the inner warehouse.

There is much less here than in the front.

There are mainly treasures of divine treasure level, but there is no Taoist soldier. It is estimated that even if there are babies like this, they will not be moldy in the treasure house, but will play a role with them.

There are only twelve treasures this time, which is much less than expected by the Tang robbery. It is estimated that Tianhuo tower is also constantly selling the treasures they have obtained in exchange for various rare resources. After all, the purpose of resources is still for use.

Most of these treasures are treasures for battle. Tang Jie doesn't pay attention to them, but two of them aroused Tang Jie's interest.

One is Tianxiang Baolian lamp. This item is a treasure of cultivation type. Every time you cultivate, just light this lamp and hang it in the air. The bursts of fragrance have the effect of calming the mind and clearing the heart, making the Reiki run faster. With this material to assist cultivation, its efficiency can be 20% in a lifetime.

I don't know why the four heavenly kings don't use it, but they empty it here.

If you think about Tang Jie again, you will understand that treasures also have their limits, just like Muyang beads can't bear the weight. Although the Baolian lamp is good, it may have little effect on Zifu, which is far from the 20% effect. Others need to exchange it for meritorious contributions. Even if they are disciples of the heavenly king, they can't take it away. Therefore, they will always put it here, but it's cheaper for themselves.

Another one is Yuxian Pavilion.

This is a palace treasure. Once it is sacrificed, it will turn into a small palace and fly automatically. People in the palace will not be hurt until the treasure is destroyed. This object has strong defense ability and spacious internal settings. You can practice as usual even in flight. It looks like a model on the shelf at this moment. Although it looks small, there are all kinds of pavilions and pavilions, which look lifelike.

The most rare thing about these two treasures is that there is no boundary limit when they are used. Like those God treasures used in combat, if you want to use them in the realm of real people, it often costs a lot. Even if the strength of Tang robbery does not use the return elixir, you can only use the power of several strikes.

In addition to these treasures, there are some materials. The materials in the inner warehouse are much more precious than those outside. For example, Huanglong holy water, like cangyun holy fire, is a different water in the world and has extraordinary magical effect. It can be used not only as a material, but also as a magic weapon. It can be used as a precious sacrifice to hurt the enemy. At the moment of seeing this object, Tang Jie automatically appeared in his mind, such as "Jiuqu Yellow River array", "biluohuangquan array", "tianshengshui array", "seven seas Tenglong array" and so on.

In addition, there is the essence of thick soil. These small black stones were not recognized by Tang robber at first, but later he found out what they were. The essence of thick earth is a very rare earth material. With it, Tang robbers can create large arrays such as "Liuhuo yellow sand array", "Baiyue town prison array", "Qianli depression array" and "red dust green yarn array".

In addition to a large number of array materials, the last is some precious pills.

Tang Jie was delighted to find that there were treasures such as Yun Shen Liu Yuan Dan and Shen Xing Fu in the treasure house of Tianhuo tower.

Yunshen Liuyuan pill is a kind of cultivation pill. Its preparation method has been lost in Qixia world. In fact, the greatest function of this object is to improve the realm like Tianxiang Baolian lamp. However, the improvement range is great, which can greatly shorten the cultivator's cultivation time without any adverse consequences.

As for the divine talisman, as the name suggests, it is naturally a treasure to improve flight speed. But since it can be put into the inner library by the four heavenly kings, it must not be ordinary. Tang Jie only glanced at it and found that the three Shenxing runes were unusual. On the surface, it only seems to speed up, but it actually gives users the ability to break obstacles and escape. In other words, after using this symbol, it's easy to walk through the wall and fly to the sky. Although it doesn't seem great to say that an immortal can break through a wall without casting a spell, it's much more meaningful if it's an insurmountable solid barrier.

After seeing all the treasures at this moment, Tang robbed, left another batch of copies, turned and walked outside the treasure house.

When he got out of the door, Tang Jie walked all the way to the hall.

He was not in a hurry, but counted the time slowly.

It was not until I felt that the time was almost up that I gave the instructions.

Hundreds of replicas left in the treasure house shot together and grabbed the treasure on the shelf.

Just once, hundreds of treasures were robbed and taken away by the Tang Dynasty. The next moment, there was a big alarm in the treasure house, and all prohibitions were opened at the same time.

The countless copies of Tang robbery were ignored, continued to fight, forcibly broke the prohibition and continued to seize the treasure.

Hundreds of copies, in terms of strength, can't compare with Tang robbery. But in breaking the ban and taking treasure, it is better than Tang robbery. I don't know how much. At this moment, under the continuous grasp of thousands of hands, the prohibition aura was broken and magic weapons were taken away. Just for a moment, the three treasures in the Tianhuo tower were empty.

Then one of the replicates made a move, and all the treasures had been put into the mustard bag beside him, so they were put away.

At the next moment, all copies have rushed towards the door at the same time.

When a guard of the sky fire tower heard the alarm, he saw countless people rush out of the treasure house. It was all silly for a moment.

When did your own treasure house become a vegetable market and squeeze so many people all at once?

A large number of replicates ignored them and continued to rush out.

"Stop them!" shouted a guard.

However, hundreds of copies ran away together, which he said could be stopped.

The replica with the mustard bag rushed to the hall under the cover of other replicas and threw the mustard bag into Tang Jie's hand.

Tang Jie took it and strode downstairs. At the same time, the copies also scattered and rushed elsewhere. Instead of running away, they continue to wreak havoc and plunder in the sky fire tower - there are no treasures in other places, but they are not as concentrated as the treasure house.

"Stop them!" a guard shouted and rushed.

Tang robbed the negative hand and passed by. Just as he passed the guard, the guard suddenly stagnated and fell down with his throat covered.

Before the chaos upstairs spread downstairs, Tang Jie had come to the bottom of Tianhuo tower.

Standing in front of the statue of Huo Tianzun and looking at the two raging flames on the statue, Tang Jie smiled: "I said how did he enter the Wanbao heaven? His feelings are burial God flame. Since you sold me to bury God flame, I would take it impolitely."

With one move, he had grabbed the cloud flame.

If it was stolen before, it is now open robbery.