With the rising of the bright moon, the silver radiance sprinkled on the four sides, and the glow lit up from the horizon.

The silver glow and the red glow reflect each other, showing a unique beauty, but also bringing endless killing opportunities.

The radiance and geniality were like lovers' hands, shining on the people. I didn't feel any problem. It fell on a group of blood guards, but it was like boiling oil falling into the snow. Zilla produced countless white smoke. The light was everywhere, the plasma melted, and the blood guards' bodies collapsed one after another, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"Magic sea wave array, pure heart and light!" the Lord of Blood River shouted wildly: "you are the disciple of Shuiyue Tianzun!"

"It's the founder of the despicable sect." Tang Jie smiled.

The array he just used was the magic sea and bright moon array of the moon washing sect, and it was also one of the housekeeping arrays of the moon washing sect. It was passed down by the water and moon god in those years to suppress evil and eliminate evil spirit. Blood guard is an evil skill. This array is the most suitable for it.

Once this moment was used, almost all the blood guards were killed. Only the blood River war would rush back and jump into the sea of blood before the moonlight killed himself. However, the plasma on his body was eroded by the moonlight.

Seeing this scene, the generation walkers were also very happy.

Black eye cried, "don't use it early!"

Tang Jie smiled bitterly: "because I only have this one, and the blood guard... Hasn't finished yet."

With his words, a large number of blood guards came out in the sea of blood and continued to roar towards the outside.

According to Tang Jie's original idea, he wanted to wait until all the blood guards appeared and then kill them in a large array, but Xuehe was very cautious in dispatching troops. He didn't release all of them, but attacked them in batches.

As a result, Tang Jie has endured it until now. Seeing that the people can't hold on any longer, they can only take action.

The magic sea bright moon array won everyone a chance to breathe, but with the continuous flow of blood guards, it was not easy to get back, which soon tilted towards the Lord of Blood River again.

At this time, the blood River war that had previously turned into the sea of blood will appear again.

The magic sea bright moon array failed to kill him, but it corroded his external flesh and blood, revealing the black bones inside.

Seeing the black skeleton, Tang Jie was shocked.

He finally knew where his sense of familiarity came from.

Ghost guard!

Looking at the ghost guard who jumped out of the sea of blood and now turned into the blood river general, Tang Jie's eyes were excited: "I thought I had lost you. I didn't... it's good if I didn't, it's good if I didn't!"

He laughed with laughter.

It happened that the ghost guard had rushed to Tang Jie again. He ran towards Tang Jie, and the plasma on his body was still gurgling. He recovered the injury caused by the magic sea moon array. He ran over the moon block and gradually turned into a red sharp arrow and rushed straight to Tang Jie. There was a sad ghost fire in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't know his master at all.

Tang Jie shouted angrily, "Oh, evil, don't come back soon!"

This cry used the power of 49 truths, such as a blow to the head, and directly exploded at the bottom of the ghost guard's heart.

The running figure suddenly stopped, and a trace of confusion flashed in the ghost guard's eyes, which seemed to confuse and recall.

But the next moment, the red pass flashed in the ghost fire, and the ghost Wei Xuan returned to its original state and continued to rush to Tang robbery.

Tang Jie knew that this was the reason why the ghost guard was controlled by the Lord of the blood river.

He didn't know what method the Lord of the blood river used, but it didn't work. The ghost guard was his own and had to be taken back.

At this moment, looking at the rushing ghost guard, Tang Jieyi gritted his teeth and whispered, "you are mine, before and after!"

Then he suddenly looked up and howled.

The howl was as shrill and sharp as a ghost's cry.

What Tang Jie is using at the moment is the technique of summoning ghosts recorded in the ghost Sutra, and it is also the most powerful method to control ghosts.

Ghost guard is still a ghost in essence. No matter how it is refined by the Lord of the blood River, as long as this essence remains unchanged, it will be controlled by the ghost control method of the ghost classic. In addition, the howling at the moment also brings the power of 49 truths, which is more majestic and powerful.

Sure enough, with a howl, the ghost guard shook again, the ghost fire in his eyes suddenly flickered, and a crackling sound broke out, as if something had exploded in the ghost guard.

"No!" howled the Lord of the blood river.

At that moment, he had felt that the prohibitions he had placed in the blood river general were being cracked one by one, and the ghost guard had shown a tendency to get out of trouble.

Xuehe knew it was not good. At the moment when the ghost fire of the ghost guard jumped, the wolf roared and slapped. This slap did not hit Tang Jie, but hit the ghost guard. At the same time, Tang Jie felt that something had suddenly cut into his connection with the ghost guard and gave a hard blow to his spirit.

I don't know. The Lord of the blood river is really worthy of the great power of Sendai. He took the opportunity to subdue the ghost guard, put a wisp of spirit into the ghost guard, and then took the opportunity to attack Tang Jie. He actually wanted to take this opportunity to kill him.

This is an attack from the soul level, an attack at the divine level. In order to kill Tang robbery, the Lord of the blood River also paid blood.

This is also the most dangerous attack Tang Jie encountered. Although Tang Jie used drugs to resist divine attack, because it was launched through the connection of ghost guard, even Tang Jie dare not say he can resist it. Just then, a clear long cry suddenly sounded.

Tang Jie suddenly saw a huge Firebird image behind his head.

The image of this Firebird is the Firebird of the change of cangyun holy fire, but the flame released is not cangyun holy fire at all, but another magical flame.

"Nanming leaves the flame of the God of fire?" the Lord of the blood river burst out and looked at Tang Jie's back in disbelief: "how is this possible?"

As soon as the flame on the Firebird closed, a purple flame burst out, and then a female voice rang out: "unfortunately, I just met this kind of thing when I came out to play. Tang Jie, you owe me this time. You see how much blood essence should be deducted. I'll go first!"

Said the voice had disappeared.

Tang Jie knew that it was the rosefinch who inspired Nanming to leave the flame of the God of fire by taking the shape of the Firebird in his body just now that he saved his life. Nanming's departure from fire is the fire of burning God. Naturally, it can also stop the God's thought of the blood river. However, the price of stopping this attack was that the rosefinch was forced to burn the wisp of thought left in Tang Jie's body. At this time, the thought had completely disappeared.

For the same reason, the prohibition in the ghost guard was completely cracked. He suddenly rushed out of the blood guard crowd with a long roar, came to Tang Jie and knelt down on his knees.

"I've seen my master!"

"Very good." Tang Jie said with a satisfied smile, "I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to come back. You look stronger than before."

The scene shocked everyone.

Just now, he killed wantonly, and the fierce bloody River war suddenly became Tang Jie's men, which surprised and delighted everyone.

Nashan had shouted, "see if you can let him command the blood guard and counter attack the blood river!"

Hearing this, the Lord of the blood River laughed: "counter attack? Ridiculous! The army is mine. Do you think that a mere general's defection can control my army? Nonsense! Without a general, I'll create ten more! Divide my soul, enter your body, get up!"

With his roar, he saw a blood river divided into ten, turned into ten lights and shadows, and threw them into ten blood guards.

At the next moment, the ten blood guards shouted at the same time, and plasma surged all over their body, which had turned into blood colored robes, armor, helmets, boots, plus the original spear, which was just like the ghost guards before.

Each of the ten new blood River generals is the cultivation of the spirit ring period. Their combat effectiveness may be slightly inferior to that of the ghost guard, but they are also fierce, powerful and fearless of death.

At this moment, the Lord of the blood River pointed to the people: "kill them!"

The blood River Army, led by ten generals, has rushed one after another.

Seeing this situation, we can only lament that the strength of the Lord of the blood river is too terrible, the separation and combination is changeable, and various means emerge one after another.

Even Tang Jie's array can't turn the situation around. We can only watch everything collapse under the enemy's stormy attack.

One giant was pierced by a spear like a forest and stabbed into stones;

Eighteen copper pillars were pulled down by the soldiers of the blood guard, and 72 purple glazed mirrors were knocked to pieces;

The lightning cloud in the sky is faced with the crossbows and spears shot by countless blood Guard soldiers below. These crossbows and spears are attached with strong blood and gas power. When they pierce into the sky at high speed, the power is like an explosion, blowing a sharp howl in the clouds, and then you can see the shuttle barge after barge in the cloud. With the passage of countless crossbows and spears, they finally disappeared.

They run over thorns, they step through blood, they step in neat steps, holding a forest like spear, advancing and killing against the storm of magic.

They are silent, they are cold-blooded, they are fierce, they are cruel.

They gathered into a vast ocean and formed a red tide of swallowing. Even spells such as jiuzhong Tianjie Dao fell in this huge military array and became sparse like sporadic light rain.

Faced with such an offensive, the generation walkers finally paid a terrible price.

Zheng Yuanjie, a descendant of the Zheng family of Hong Wu, is the best at the divine fist of the son of heaven. He looks at the world with the posture of King's landing. His fist is open and closed, and he is invincible in all directions. Every fist is an amazing wave. He was like a diligent farmer harvesting the ears of wheat in autumn. Every time he waved an iron fist, he would take away at least dozens of blood guards' lives. The blood guards who died under him were at least more than 2000. He didn't harvest until the 127th blood colored spear pierced into his body.

In ancient autumn, a young expert from the demon sect in the western regions always had a black evil spirit on his body, which made people unable to see his true face. It is similar to the flesh and blood millstone of Tang Jie. This evil Qi is his biggest weapon. He constantly strangles his opponent and even absorbs his opponent's strength for his own use, as if he would never be tired. But the evil spirit that never seemed to disappear finally had an end. It gradually faded in the killing, revealing its young face. He lay on the ground, let the blood guard step by, and the master's teaching flashed in his mind: the day when the magic Qi was eliminated was the time of your death. "Master, you're right." he smiled and looked at the sky, then closed his eyes forever.

Xia houqian, a strong animal puppet from the extremely frozen area, controls 13 kinds of wolf and animal war puppets, such as Jiuyuan Youlang and frozen snow wolf. Each war puppet is equivalent to an ordinary strong person in the spiritual cycle. Its comprehensive combat power is also the top spear among the generation. However, the huge blood guard army drowned his war puppets like an ocean. A wolf beast struggled and hissed in the blood guard army, bringing out blood and water, but also kept crying bitterly. They finally fall, like waves, turn up and disappear. Watching all the puppets disappear, Xia houqian fell into deep despair. He rushed into the blood guard group and ended his battle with a crazy Tianxin self explosion. At the same time, he also took the lives of 300 blood guards at one time.

Yuntian, the charming son of heaven whose door has been opened eight times, is fascinated by the wind system technique. He has a wonderful footwork similar to the random wind step. He can shuttle freely among the thousands of troops and kill freely. Wherever he goes, the blood guards can't even touch his clothes. He didn't die because his aura was exhausted. At his most proud opportunity, a blood river appeared behind him very insidiously and slapped him gently behind his back. It was this palm that made Yuntian temporarily lose the ability to move and transform. Instead, countless blood guards swarmed up and drowned them in the tide.

Pang ziruo, Cao Fei, Zhou Xingchen, one generation after another fell down.

These people used to be the charming children of their own schools. They can be called the first-class strong ones among their peers. They came because of the call of the four heavenly kings. They thought they could make achievements, but they died early because they met the murderous God of the Lord of the blood river.