The book is dead.

The pierced heart drained his last life.

Looking at the corpse on the rocks, Tang Jie felt a trace of sadness inexplicably.

In fact, he has no hatred for the fame of the book. If he can, he even wants to turn enemies into friends.

However, he failed to do it after all.

The helplessness of the world is that when you do everything in the direction of maximizing interests, you must erase all the factors about feelings, and then bear it silently.

At that moment, looking at the famous book, Tang Jie's heart seemed to be gradually cold.

He sighed, but he could only shake his head and leave.

When I came to the depths of the mountain forest, I saw a little girl in white playing in the forest. It was Yi.

She's in charge of ventilation.

Seeing Tang Jie, Yi Yi jumped into Tang Jie's arms with joy and said excitedly, "all right?"


"What shall we do next?"

"Next..." Tang Jie thought for a while and replied, "of course, it's a break. Now you don't need two Tang robbers to appear together."

He said and came to a vacant lot. Hit a punch and shake a pit on the ground.

Tang Jie jumped into the pit, took out the stone clothes and spread them on his body.

A large amount of soil automatically covered Tang Jie, gradually covering the whole of Tang Jie, leaving only a little hole for Tang Jie to breathe.

Stone clothes can block the divine mind, and sand can block the spiritual consciousness and naked eye. In this way, Tang Jie temporarily disappeared in this world. Even Zifu Da Neng is difficult to find him.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yi smiled and changed into a little white flower, which was inserted in front of the "grave" of Tang robbery and swayed with the wind. Only the little tiger had nothing to do. The tiger roared and ran away to the forest.

If you stand at the highest peak of Hongmei ridge, you can see a large area of mountains rising and falling in the clouds, looming in the deep clouds. From a distance, it looks like a yellow dragon spitting beads, winding and difficult to hide.

There is the famous Shifang valley.

Shifang Valley is one of the Qixia Jedi handed down from ancient times, known as the land of no return killing. It is said that under the purple mansion, there is no entry or exit, which is the great power of Sendai. It can only protect itself. If you want to break it, you can't.

Countless lives have confirmed the authenticity of this legend. For thousands of years, no one has been able to crack its secret.

Until today!

It was not a big man who discovered the secret of Shifang Valley, but an insignificant little character in the heavenly god palace. In an adventure, he mistakenly entered Shifang valley. He thought he was dead, but he miraculously came out.

Soon after he came out, he reported the matter to the god palace.

After learning about this, Tianshen palace didn't care at first. It just thought that the man was talking nonsense. It's difficult for Sendai Da Neng to get out of Shifang valley. Why do you get out of the world?

But at the insistence of the disciple, he sent someone to watch with him after all.

In order to prove his discovery, the discoverer entered Shifang Valley again regardless of his life.

This is an extremely dangerous thing. Just because he can come out once doesn't mean he can come out a second time. However, this man is really good at it. He even remembers the route he took at the beginning. He walked again according to the route he took last time, and he really came back.

The follower who thought he would never see this person again was surprised when he saw that the other person really came out of Shifang Valley and hurriedly wrote back to the temple of God.

This time, it finally attracted the attention of Tianshen palace.

It turned out that the original discoverer was really an excellent life.

Because in the next second and third wave of exploration, the heavenly god palace sent two waves of seven people to enter. As a result, they all fell into the valley and never returned!

In desperation, the heavenly god palace let the discoverer lead the way again, but this time, the discoverer didn't have such a good life.

After entering Shifang Valley for the third time, he only walked half the way, and then fell into the valley and disappeared.

In this way, the first discoverer of the soldier Lord's secret place finally failed to enjoy its benefits, so he paid the price of his life first.

But before he died, he left his general route.

At this time, the heavenly god palace also roughly judged one thing: there was a large array in the Shifang valley. In ten thousand years, the large array was damaged.

The Heavenly God disciples who came back alive from the Shifang valley were able to survive by walking on the gap of the big array inadvertently.

If the former Shifang valley was a place where there was no return, then the current Shifang Valley finally has a glimmer of vitality.

It is this thread of vitality that gives the Tianshen palace a chance to crack.

Since then, Tianshen palace has invested a lot of manpower and material resources to solve the mystery of Shifang Valley array. After repeatedly studying the remaining routes, a large number of low-level disciples were sent to test. After paying more than 20 human lives, the Tianshen Palace first got a safe route to and from Shifang valley.

The periphery of Shifang Valley is originally a magic array. If people enter it, they will be lost and will never get out. Finding a safe route is equivalent to cracking the peripheral magic array.

After the magic array is broken, the soldier is born.

In front of the wall of the first array of jiujue immortal killing array, the people of Tianshen Palace found Bingjian. That is, from then on, they realized that this is likely to be the place where the soldiers return to the ruins, and what they face is the jiujue immortal killing array that is said to be able to kill even Da Luo Zhenxian.

The first array of jiujue immortal killing array is illusory. Because the large array is damaged, it will automatically fail. Only the array wall is left. After breaking, you can enter the second array.

However, it was the first wave of walls that didn't have any danger that made the heavenly god palace helpless. Finally, Xu Muyang was invited to break open.

The second array of the nine Jue Zhu Xian array is the weak water array. After paying heavy casualties, Tianshen palace passed through the array and found the hidden elephant Sutra in front of the array wall.

Unfortunately, Xu Muyang left before the second array wall was broken. From then on, the broken array of Tianshen palace stayed in front of the second array wall, and there was no further inch in.

Footsteps walked through the woods, making a rustling sound.

Tang Zhai walked forward step by step, carefully.

Twenty miles away from Shifang Valley, he stopped the purple lightning jump method, but moved at an ordinary speed to avoid the surge of spirit tide and being noticed.

There is a pillar of spiritual light in the valley of the heavenly god palace. This is an exploratory technique. It can detect the surrounding by observing the fluctuation of spiritual Qi. Even if there are stealth spells, it is useless. Even the top-level techniques such as phantom thousand changes can be solved, but it needs close and careful observation.

Before Xu Muyang died, he recorded all the arrangements of the heavenly god palace in the Shifang Valley in the true solution of the array and handed it to Tang Jie. Therefore, Tang Jie still knows the preventive measures here very well.

As for whether there has been any change here after Xu Muyang's death, Tang Jie can't tell.

However, in Tang Jie's view, this may not be possible.

This is also caused by the limitations of this era.

For the ancients, people often have two extreme understandings. One thought that the ancients were destined to be played by the walkers because of their limited knowledge. One kind thinks that as long as he is a big man, he must have a high IQ and good means. It is not easy for modern otaku men to deal with.

In fact, both views are biased.

The great man of ancient times is certainly not stupid, but he has his own limitations. He has many limitations in thought, understanding and insight. Therefore, in terms of brains, they are smart. If they play with them in their circle, they really don't know how they play. But if they jump out of this circle and use ways and ideas they have never seen before, these people will be blind, which can be said to be worse than modern middle school students. Moreover, as an adult, his thoughts are solidified, and he can hardly accept any new ideas, especially those contrary to the existing system. In their eyes, all kinds of common sense in modern society are heresy. Let alone learning, even listening will pollute their ears.

Therefore, if you want to fight these people, you must jump out of their rule circle and compete with them, not within the rules.

Social reality tells us that even the smartest person, if he enters an area he doesn't understand, will be fooled by an opponent with a much lower IQ than himself.

Zhuge Liang may be brilliant, but he never wants to play finance with any finance graduate. In this circle, he is, and can only be... An idiot!

The same is true of Qixia world. Although the people here also have systems and rules, their application in this regard is not as good as that of the Tang Dynasty. Looking at Qixia world from a modern perspective is actually unrealistic and unreliable.

For example, although there is a dark son in the temple of God, which is similar to the meaning of modern spies, it is far from good in the management and training of dark sons. They hardly have any so-called professional training in this regard. What they do is to find a person who is willing to serve themselves, send him inside the enemy, and then send messages.

As for special passwords, code words, confidentiality means and consciousness... What are these?

In fact, they don't have them all.

What can be done is only individual, which has nothing to do with systematic training.

Although Book Mingyang is the most valuable dark son, this value is only related to his talent, his future and his "professional course achievements". In fact, there is no so-called specialty in the eagle Hall of the heavenly god palace.

This is also the reason why the book is famous and unprofessional... There is no profession!

As for the arrangement of Shifang Valley, the same is true.

It is extremely troublesome and inconceivable for Tianshen palace to change the deployment measures greatly because of the possible leakage arrangement.

Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, the heavenly god palace needs Tang to rob it and take the lead for them. So don't say they can't think of it. Even if they think of it, they won't change it. Even what has changed will change back.

Although you intend to indulge the tiger, you can't indulge it too obviously. Tianshen palace disciples who are not responsible for guarding Shifang valley will give way automatically when they see Tang robbery.

In short, even if you play a trick, you need the efforts of both sides to sing the trick well.

At this moment, go all the way and carefully avoid all kinds of traps and mechanisms that may exist. After coming to a big tree, Tang Jie stops.

In front of us is the mouth of Shifang valley.

The area of the valley mouth is small, only about 50 meters. White clouds and fog billow in the valley like waves, but they just don't go out of the valley. Only a little fog occasionally spills out of the valley, like clouds and fog. After flying out for more than ten meters, it gradually disperses and disappears, only covering the circumference of the valley mouth with a thin white yarn.

Tang Jie knew that this was the phenomenon caused by the damage of the large array. The original absolute isolation has now become a blend of each other.

It is with this point that the heavenly god palace can enter the valley to study and break the array. Otherwise, they can't get through the most peripheral psychedelic array alone.

I don't know how many practitioners gathered in the valley, but in the end no one could break it, and countless great powers fell into it.

The so-called Jedi are written with the lives of strong people and most people.

Nowadays, few people in Shifang valley are interested in coming here. That's why Tianshen palace is given the opportunity to study and crack it carefully.

But no matter how remote it is, someone will inevitably come.

Tianshen palace can control for a while, but it can't control for a lifetime, especially this is not their territory.

It is for this reason that the heavenly god palace is very anxious to find the military manual. Each day it delays, it increases the risk of being found.

Even now, in a few years, some people have noticed that the situation in this area is not quite right.

At this moment, Tang's eyes were full of misfortune. Unfortunately, his eyes were not mainly empty. The psychedelic array of the nine Jue immortal killing array was no small matter. Therefore, he stared at the pain in his eyes and only saw the faint red light in the fog.

Tang Jie knew that it was the dark red wolf.

The nether red wolf is not the original thing in the valley, but the beast refining gate is rich. The Youming red wolf is born with quiet eyes and empty holes. It is the monster that is best at breaking the maze. In order to break the array, the heavenly god palace bought a batch of Youming red wolves from the beast refining gate and put them into the valley. Unfortunately, the puzzle of jiujue immortal killing array is not easy to break. Even the dark red wolf is difficult to crack. On the contrary, it has lost a lot of them.

The dark red wolf is different from people. It feeds on spirits. Therefore, although it is lost in the array, it does not die. On the contrary, it has become a kind of magic array life, which adds a few killing opportunities to the magic array. However, no matter what kind of abilities they have, they will eventually be the same as other lives in the lost array. In the valley of old age, they will turn their Demon power into aura and return to heaven and earth.

There are dark red wolves around. Tang Jie knows that gukou will not be guarded for the time being.

Now I think it should be that after you Shaofeng "disappeared", the Tianshen palace was prepared to transfer all the guarding disciples to give Tang a chance to rob into the valley. Of course, in order to avoid being too out of line and too conspicuous, they also used methods to attract some dark red wolves to patrol nearby. It seems that they are lazy in the temple of God, blocking outsiders from entering with the help of relevant passes in the valley.

Tang Jie also thought about how to break the guard of the heavenly god palace and enter the valley countless times.

I didn't expect that when this day really came, all my worries were in vain.

In this regard, Tang Jie is also deeply helpless.

He smiled and tightened his tight clothes. Then he came out and walked towards the valley.