Wei Tianchong finally came.

Under the pressure of Yi.


"Help! Help!"

Wei Tian shouted as he ran.

Unfortunately, nobody paid attention.

No, there are others.

Yi Yi is sitting on Wei Tianchong's puppet. He runs with Wei Tianchong and looks at Wei Tianchong with a smile. No matter how Wei Tianchong commands, the puppet just doesn't leave Yi Yi. The puppet was made by Tang robber for him at the beginning. It's unreasonable if he doesn't leave some behind in his habit.

Seeing that Yi couldn't be dumped and the wolves were chasing after him, Wei Tianchong could only scold angrily: "dead goblins, smelly goblins, I'll never spare you when I get out of danger, young master!"

Yi Yi was not angry either. She tilted her head and said with a smile, "I am a goblin. Don't worry, as long as I enter Huxiao peak, those wolves won't dare to chase."

"Bah, I won't do it. It's a big deal. I'll send it back with a jade card." Wei Tian shouted.

At this time, he had completely given up his mind to rush into Huxiao peak. If it weren't for the heartache of 200 Lingqian, he would have run away at this time.

"Do you mean this?" Yiyi's small hand raised, and a jade card appeared in his hand.

Wei Tian looked at him and touched him. Sure enough, his jade card had disappeared. He was stunned: "when did you steal my jade card?"

"Cut!" Yi Yi glanced: "you'd better run. The wolves are catching up."

Wei Tian looked back. Sure enough, the wolves chased closer and scared him to shout. Yan Luobu played to the extreme and ran with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jie couldn't help laughing.

"Is that your friend?" the king asked when he saw Yi on the puppet.

"My young master," replied Tang Jie, "I asked him to come to Huxiao peak and steal your collection."

Wang broke the barrier and understood: "do you want to cultivate him?"

Tang Jie said faintly, "I can have today. I can't erase the merit of the guard house. On the day I left the house, I swore that the young master will not take off his fan, the young master will not take off his servant, the young master will not take off his heart, and the young master will not take off his nationality."

"I see. But I think this son is too weak. It's difficult to cultivate him!" Wang shook his head when he broke the pass.

Tang Jie smiled: "if things are easy, what fun is there? Don't you think it's interesting to learn how to teach young master?"

Wang was stunned when he broke the pass, then he looked up and laughed: "it's really interesting, it's really interesting!"

Tiger laugh is tiger roar. At the next moment, the sound of tiger roar spread all over the field, and Wei Tian trembled.

He is not an ignorant person. Just listening to the powerful tiger roar, we can hear the strength of the tiger at the top of the mountain. I'm afraid it's more terrible than all the wolves behind him.

He was afraid, and his steps slowed down. He had to face calmly and say, "good sister, let me go this time..."

"Don't even think about it! If you don't go to Huxiao peak, you'll die here."

Wei Tian rushed: "you're asking me to die. Why don't you go if you have the ability?"

Unexpectedly, when Yi Yi heard this, he flashed and jumped up from the puppet: "you said, if I dare to go, you will go too? Then look!"

He jumped off the puppet and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Seeing Yi Yi rush towards the top of the peak, Wei Tian suddenly trembled in his heart, as if something had stuffed into his chest and shocked him.

At that moment, looking at Yi Yi's running back, Wei Tianchong murmured, "she really went... Am I not even as good as a little girl?"

Anyway, he is a man.

At this moment, the flame in his heart suddenly burned under the stimulation of Yi Yi. He shouted: "shit, what's the big deal? If you dare to go up, I dare to go up!"

Said unexpectedly also ran toward the peak.

Different from the embarrassment when he was forced to flee by the wolves, Wei Tianchong was very aggressive at this time. He was quite angry and swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger. He saw that the king of the top of the mountain was stunned: "eh? Your little young master seems to be different?"

"Probably stimulated. Even the most cowardly people often have a beast buried in their heart." Tang Jie said with a smile.

"Even the most cowardly people often bury a beast in the bottom of their heart..." Wang broke through the customs and chewed the meaning of this, and the tiger's eyes gradually brightened: "it seems that your little young master is not nothing to cultivate."

"Is brother Wang interested in trying his hand?"

"If so, how about playing with him." Wang broke the pass and laughed.

The wolves retreated before they reached the mountainside.

However, Wei Tianchong had no way back.

It is no longer to avoid the wolves chasing and killing themselves, but just for the dignity of a man.

Standing in front of the boundary pillar of Huxiao peak, Wei Tianchong shivered slightly.

Yi Yi's small figure flashed in front. Wei Tianchong looked at her figure, bit his teeth, and finally stepped across the life and death line and stood on the bloody stone slab.

He ventured forward step by step.

But I didn't hear anything.

Is Tang Jie right that the tiger really fell asleep at this time?

You can sneak in and make a big profit?

Wei Tianchong's mood jumped with joy.

Yi Yi appeared in front of him. He hissed at Wei Tianchong, then waved his hand. That means follow me.

Wei Tianchong hurriedly followed Yi, followed her all the way, and soon came to a cave.

I saw a large number of fur stacked in the cave. It was clear that they were all the fur of demon animals left by demon tigers.

Moreover, these fur are well preserved, and some of them even retain complete bones and horns. These are top-grade products used for medicine. Now they are stacked neatly on the ground and can be found by hand. Even Wei Tianchong can't help getting excited. When his eyes swept over an object, Wei Tianchong's heart tightened fiercely and almost stopped breathing.

He then restrained himself and shouted, "demon Dan!"

On the skin of a huge grass python, there is still a red bead with blood color and evil spirit. What else can it be?

Demon Dan is the essence of the beast, and in some eyes of the advanced monsters, only the monster that owns the demon Dan can be regarded as a real monster.

However, the devil is the object of this life, the essence of which is gathered, and the monster of the devil is no matter what rank it is, most of its strength is strong, and it is easy to kill by the strength of the students.

Unexpectedly, a demon pill appeared on Huxiao peak. Wei Tianchong was not excited.

At this moment, he couldn't help rushing over, opened the mustard bag prepared for him by Tang Jie, tried his best to fill it, and shouted from time to time: "I'm rich... I'm rich... I'm rich now... Ha ha ha!"

There was a crazy smile on his face.

Yi Yi saw that she could hide her face with her hands: "this idiot..."

With the laughter he just made, even the pigs were awakened.

Fortunately, Wei Tianchong woke up in time, covered his mouth and looked around. He saw that there was no danger, so he continued to collect benefits in a hurry.

Until all the benefits in the cave were collected, Wei Tianchong reluctantly inquired about the surroundings, and then reluctantly planned to leave.

Just a few steps away, I heard a tiger roar.

Wei Tianchong was startled. Looking back, he saw a tiger suddenly appear in the distance, standing on the rock and looking at himself.

The tiger's mouth was open, and a low angry tiger roared.

"My God!" Wei Tian shouted at him and ran away.


In the roar of the tiger, the giant tiger swooped down and brought an evil wind. The giant tiger claws had rushed down towards Wei Tian.

Wei Tian looked at him and couldn't hide any more. A voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Yanluo step, move left."

Wei Tianchong instinctively flashed to the left. The tiger's claws brushed past and fell to the ground, smashing a towering tide of stones.

With one blow, Wei Tianchong heard his voice and shouted, "Tang Jie, Tang Jie, where are you! Come and save me!"

"Block it with an axe!" the voice said again.

Wei Tianchong instinctively waved his axe across the room. He saw that the tiger's tail had brushed over and was drawing on the axe. The bone penetrating axe hit him back, which made Wei Tianchong show his teeth in pain.

Tang Jie said quickly, "stop it with a puppet!"

Wei Tianchong quickly released the puppet to stop him and cried, "come and save me."

As soon as the voice fell, he heard a bang. Wei Tianchong's puppet had been slapped by the demon tiger.

Wei Tian shouted with fright and ran away.

"Continue to block it with puppets and block its speed with evil Yin soldiers!"

"No, I can't!" Wei Tian shouted desperately.

At this moment, the magic that is handy in ordinary times can't condense anyway.

"Don't panic in the face of war, hold your breath and believe in yourself!"

"Believe in yourself... Believe in yourself..." Wei Tian murmured.

But in the great panic, no matter how comforted he was, his mind was still empty, his hands and feet were soft, and he could hardly stand up.

Just as the demon tiger patted the flying puppet again and was about to rush over, a human shadow appeared. It was Yi. Yi Yi's little hand was raised, and a bush of thorns and flowers had entangled the demon tiger.

The demon tiger struggled desperately in the flowers, but he couldn't earn any money. He could only roar angrily.

Seeing this scene, Wei Tianchong was also stunned.

Suddenly in my mind, the little fox looked dismissive of himself. I remembered the scene of the little guy moving forward bravely. For a moment, I was a little confused.

It's completely instinctive. The aura in Wei Tianchong's body has automatically run, the brilliance of the technique is gradually released, and the traces of Yin soldiers are gradually revealed.

The highest level of skill is that you don't need to remember. All spells are instinctive.

Although Wei Tianchong has not yet reached this step, he has only practiced Yin soldier Yanluo step and few spells for more than a year. His body has long been familiar with the process of spell operation. At this moment, once he starts, everything will follow naturally.

Soon, the first Yin soldier appeared and jumped at the demon tiger.

Then there is the second and third

The blank brain finally appeared a little sober. Wei Tianchong seemed to open his mouth and shouted, "Yi, come back quickly. This is a top-grade demon tiger. Your flower array won't be trapped for long!"

Yi Yi seemed not to understand. She glanced at Wei Tian and tilted her head curiously.

Wei Tian rushed to catch Yi and ran away.

At this time, the demon tiger struggled hard, only listening to the sound of Pa Pa, and the flowers were broken.

Wei Tian rushed to his feet and ran forward. At the same time, he pointed to the puppet and said, "rush!"

The puppet flew forward and was grasping the demon tiger's legs.

Wei Tian raised his hand and said, "hold it!"

The puppet has lifted the demon tiger high.

"Throw!" Wei Tianchong made a gesture of throwing out with all his strength, and the puppet had thrown the demon tiger out with all his strength.

When the demon tiger was suddenly attacked, it seemed that it was completely unexpected. It rolled in the air and roared angrily. It was thrown tens of meters away by the puppet, opening the distance from Wei Tianchong.

As soon as he landed, the demon tiger jumped up again, jumped more than ten meters, and rushed towards Wei Tian in the air.

"Block!" at the critical moment, Wei Tianchong pointed to the demon tiger again. The puppet jumped up and slammed a fist at the demon tiger, blocking its route.

At the same time, Wei Tian rushed down the mountain with Yifei in his arms. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the boundary pillar, the demon tiger suddenly roared and waved its claws at the front.


A large number of ground spikes emerged from the ground, and several ground spikes directly pierced Wei Tianchong's foot board.

The attack came suddenly, which made Wei Tianchong wail again and again.

At this time, he had no time to use fearlessness, so he had to limp forward, grab a few bright fruits from the mustard bag and throw them back: "here you are!"

This is Fuyu fruit, which is the treasure of monsters.

At this moment, Wei Tian rushed out to attract the demon tiger's attention.

As expected, the demon tiger ran to a dogwood. Wei Tianchong took advantage of the situation and rolled directly down the mountain.

He hurt the soles of his feet. At this moment, he rolled faster than he ran.

At the same time, I don't forget my puppet. When I was about to leave the boundary, I stretched out my hand and summoned my puppet to my side.

Just as the puppet flew in, the demon tiger suddenly lifted its claws and hit the puppet.

With a bang, the puppet drama shook, and the sharp tip of its claws swept over. There was a little damage on its body.

Nevertheless, the puppet returned to Wei Tianchong.

Wei Tianchong grabbed the puppet, rolled out of the world and shouted, "Yi!"

Yi Yi hands over the jade plate. Wei Tianchong has launched the jade plate and disappears without a trace.