
The flames burned and swept the rice fields with undulating wheat waves.

The dry and cold wind blew on my face, and the air was slightly burnt. The once green fertile soil has been turned into waste soil after the war.

The soldiers who fell into madness fought with broken limbs and arms and human bones all over most of the rice fields.

Dressed in a broken God robe and looking old, Fei LAN overlooks the hell on earth.

He landed and walked.

In the field of vision, it spreads out into the distance. Broken villages, Carnival ruins, charred trees, bodies and debris submerged in the fire continue to retreat. During the long journey, similar scenery continues to appear and repeat over and over again.

Until a town at the turning point of fate appeared, Ferrand stopped and showed a complex color on his face.

It is close to lakes and lush in water and grass. With the diligence of generations, more windmills have been built for flour milling, which often attracts businessmen from other cities to process raw materials. As a commercial transit station, it promotes the local prosperity.

But at this time, small towns, which had always been peaceful and prosperous, were captured by the army. The war engulfed most of the houses and burned. Even the landmark building of the town, the windmill, was demolished and used as materials for military equipment.

"Kill them! All the wealth is ours!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

"Men kill women directly... Hey hey, drag them out and hold them together!"

The robber who invaded the town roared with blood in his eyes.

A large number of men were killed and fell into a pool of blood. A small number of women and girls were dragged out, crying and struggling.

"Have fun at night! Remember not to kill them."

"Leave some virgins and send them to the Marquis's house after..."

"Shit! That young girl is just right for the Marquis's appetite. Dare you touch it? Do you want to die!"

"No, the divine court is coming. Hurry up!"

"Is it the shenting that pretends to be benevolent and hypocritical and interferes everywhere? Forget it, let them go and pick some beautiful ones. Let's go."

After some looting, the robbers returned with a full load of goods and returned to the knights on the way.

In Fei Lan's calm eyes, they put on the dress of knights, wore long swords and light armor, and dragged carriages holding slaves on their way home.

Soon, a group of divine officials of the divine court, under the guard of the guardian knights, came to this ravaged town for comfort and pension.

The harvest shrine is a neutral force that seeks survival among the three principalities.

Even if it declines, it still has far-reaching influence. The principality does not want to try how many cards are hidden in the divine court. Sometimes, there are some good cooperative relations.

"My Lord, my Lord, we beg for forgiveness and atonement."

The trembling civilians knelt down. They were cowardly, foolish, and did not dare to stand up when their wives and daughters were bullied face to face. They did not dare to take revenge on the robbers. They could only expect the forgiveness of the divine court to give themselves psychological comfort.

After all, the real men who fought hard and fought hard were killed by the robbers.

"Foolish people, your ancestors betrayed the gods and were sinners, which led to the outbreak of this disaster."

"But my Lord is kind and kind, and would like to give you a chance to believe again..."

The old God official opened his mouth and brainwashed these people to collect the power of faith.

He was kind and brought them some comfort and hope to live.

In other words, with the help of divine officials, they can reduce their guilt and make excuses for escapism.

When it comes to your own life, you don't even want to take care of your wife and daughter who have become slaves.

Fei LAN watched quietly. He paced slowly, penetrated the bodies of a group of people, and unknowingly came to a poor kiln.

The arrival of the divine court, such as extending a helping hand, some children are crying.


Short haired teenagers gnash their teeth, fundus, tears swirling.

He hid and witnessed his cowardly father kneeling down in front of the robbers, stabbing his heart with a dagger and throwing his body into the stable.

Fei Lan's eyes were dull and recovered a little Qingming.

As if he had expected something, he turned around, looked up slightly and looked at the end of the street.

A group of magistrates came over, and some nuns, with the consent of the man, were willing to give their children to the divine court, pay a fee every other period of time, obtain the right to pray and atone for God.

"Lost little lamb, I am a nun sent by Arthas. May the glory of God guide you to the right way."

Facing the confused eyes of the young man, the nun showed a pure smile: "of course, if you are so young, call my sister."

The boy was silent, lowered his head and immersed in the pain of losing his parents.

Nuns are young, but they are concerned with the mind of others.

"I'll take care of you later."

The nun held him in her arms and said softly, "my name is Curtis. In the future, I will be your sister."

The young man looked up and looked at the nun in ignorance, with a glimmer of brilliance.


"Good guy, at the God given ceremony, he resonated so strongly with my Lord!"

"Son of God! If there is divine power in central earth, he must be the son of God!"

"Well, there is another mainstay in the future of my divine court!"

On the main seat, the magistrates looked at the young man on the altar, a dark heart, emitting colorful halos, and felt excited.

The matter alerted the old bishop in seclusion.

The value of attracting the attention of the God of harvest is no less than an oracle.

"Good boy, what's your name?"

The old bishop, dressed in a white robe, fell beside the boy and excitedly took his hand.

"I... I..."

The boy was ignorant and nervous. His eyes were under him. He seemed to be looking for something.

A gentle woman fell into his eyes. The former waved a small fist and showed an encouraging smile, which warmed the young man's heart.

"Monseigneur, my name is Fei... Fei LAN."

"Well, Ferran, in the future, you will be my successor."

The old bishop brushed his gray beard, greeted the stunned look of the priests, smiled happily and said, "little fellow, the revival of the divine court is entrusted to you."


"I don't know. What will be the gift given by our Lord to his highness Ferran?"

"Don't you know? It has been confirmed a few days ago. It's a chicken rib talent for cultivating plants..."

"Ah, this..."

"What's the difference between those lower gods and farmers?"

"Well... Alas, the bishop wasted a lot of rare materials for that boy. More than 30% of the resources we receive every week are exploited for him!"

"Damn! I thought it was great, but it turned out to be a waste."

"I can't say so. He improved rice and increased production, but he gave relief to some refugees... Alas..."