
Winter is coming. The north wind, which has ravaged the wasteland for hundreds of years, is sweeping from the far north with cold frost.

Every winter, the cold wind that sweeps away the soil fertility is regarded as the anger of the goddess of spring by people on the wasteland. Because they have a grudge against ASAS, the God of harvest, they always disgust him several times a year, causing the weak people at the bottom to suffer.

"Yo Yo!"

A wide field slaughterhouse, the desert plain is covered with a layer of white frost, and the hired workers hold hunting knives and their faces are full of vitality.

Under the cold wind, they vomited hot air, strong and strong, and applied poison to the shivering snow fox in the cage!

"Yo Yo!"

A forced snow kept awake, but it attracted the dissatisfaction of the workers.

At the next moment, the iron rod fell, and the snow fox's fragile skull was broken and his brain sputtered, but he did not die at the first time, which made the workers more angry. One record after another of the iron rod fell. The snow fox, who tried to resist, was beaten into sauce and blurred in flesh and blood.

With each blow of the iron rod, the snow fox kept making a shrill cry until the sound gradually weakened and there was no movement. Despair and fear filled the eyes of the same kind in the cage like a tide.


When the workers were dissatisfied, they cleaned the fur, and then used the knife equipped at the edge of the knife board to cut the fox's legs with a sharp knife while the fox's body temperature was still alive to help separate the fur.

Every winter is the best stage for the centralized slaughter of snow foxes. Bloody slaughter can be seen everywhere in this newly opened slaughterhouse.

Moreover, before killing the fox and taking the skin, we should have a psychological contest with the snow fox.

The workers first used several lucky snow foxes as examples to break down the psychological defense line of the snow foxes by abusive means, so that they could not resist. They lay honestly on the board and were skilfully peeled off by the workers.

It's like taking off a dress.

In terms of skinning, the workers themselves are hunters and experienced veterans. If they peel off a complete snow fox skin, they will be rewarded with three copper eagles, which is much easier than hunting.

While the fox's temperature is still warm, hang them on the iron hook and peel them. With the cooperation of a sharp knife, a fox skin is completely peeled off in a few minutes.

Three copper Eagles arrived in a few minutes. With such huge profits, how can the workers not be ecstatic and greatly mobilize their enthusiasm.

With this money, we can make a few rich meals for our wife and children before the winter, put on warm cotton clothes, and get a batch of fox meat for free.

Even though winter is coming, people's hearts are still warm.

As everyone knows, the fox skin that has been stripped off its whole skin is hung on an iron hook, and a little tears show in the corners of its eyes. Sadness and despair are real.

The bloody fox was randomly thrown on the garbage can by the workers. It was dripping with blood and gave off a disgusting smell.

Due to the poor operation of funds and the arrival of elite knights in the Earl's territory, the new slaughterhouse did not open up special infrastructure. Earl Sapp ordered the workers to skin the snow fox farm, even next to the cage.

"Yo Yo..."

The howling of the snow fox before its death made the fox still in the cage fight. Watching the same kind one by one caught by the cruel workers, knocked their heads with sticks and died miserably in front of them, took skin and threw meat. They hid in the cage and trembled and dared not resist.

Moreover, the meat thrown in the trash can will be recycled, stirred into meat paste, and then frozen by frost magic.

In order to save costs, count Shapu no longer buys meat feed in winter. Instead, he mints the fur peeled fox meat and feeds it to the fox cubs.

As the saying goes, although you are dead, under the mercy of the count, your family's relatives are with you, forged and connected by blood.

Snow fox, after being skinned, even the dead body can't retain its dignity.

"Have you heard that there are a group of rampant thieves in the wasteland, who haunt at any time. Several lords have been badly hurt."

"I know that. However, the count transferred the main force of the Knights the day before yesterday and went to destroy it. Maybe he is winning a big victory at the moment."

"Yes, but it's just a gang of robbers. The Knights of the count are not in vain."

While peeling, several workers exchanged news of the recent unrest.


Just as the workers were chatting, a worker was opening a cage and curled up into a ball of Petite snow fox, which burst out like a tight spring!

But the worker was not a vegetarian. He grabbed the snow fox with his left hand and waved it with an iron bar in his right hand, but the soles of his feet stepped on the animal trap. The sharp serrations ran through his ankles and bit off a large piece of flesh and blood!

Then, without waiting for his surprise and anger, while pretending to be turf, an old fox suddenly rushed out and bit on the worker's trouser leg on the other side. The latter gave a painful sound and let the young snow fox float past like a snow floc, followed the hole dug by the old fox and ran away!

He cursed loudly, opened his hand and dug into the hole under the turf, cursed the old fox for not dying well, and the attracted workers around helped him untie the trap and treat his injury.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if a few foxes run away. If you want to blame, blame the old fox for being too cunning."

Several workers comforted that there was no precedent for the fox to escape in desperation under great psychological pressure.

But the price paid was very heavy.


Just as everyone lowered their heads and peeled, a divine fire fell from the sky and bombed the count's territory. With the roar of blasting, it splashed more than ten meters high!


A noble clothing store with elegant decoration.


In the dark corner, the board was torn open, and two embarrassed figures stained with earth ash rushed out.

A small snow fox was lying on the back of an old fox, licking its tongue intimately.

The old fox used the smell to lock the child's position, disguise and set a trap. Taking advantage of the tragic howl of the snow fox being slaughtered, the old fox communicated secretly, so that the plan succeeded step by step and successfully rescued the little snow fox.

Feeling the little snow fox playing coquettish on its back, the old fox's mouth tilted slightly, revealing a faint smile.

But at the bottom of my eyes, it shows a complex of sadness, sadness, anger and comfort humanized.

"Good, good familiar taste..."

The tip of the snow fox's nose moved, as if she smelled something.

It raised its feet and subconsciously went to the window, but the old fox didn't stop it. It silently looked at the fur coat in the window and showed a color of remembrance on its face.

Fur fashion pieces are displayed in the window. Bear skin, deer skin and cowhide, and gorgeous and noble snow fox fur stand out among the listed commodities.

"Dad, look, mom is smiling at me."

The little snow fox sniffed the smell and looked at a gentle and beautiful snow fox in the window in surprise.